Author Topic: HITech, Please give us a new tank  (Read 4482 times)

Offline JMFJ

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HITech, Please give us a new tank
« on: April 07, 2006, 04:43:32 PM »
Hate to sound like a broken record but out of sight is out of mind.

The drastic gap in the game between the tigers and panzers is too much of a spread.  We need a mid range tank that reloads in an appropriate amount of time.

An American Tank or change the reloading time on the T-34 and make it cost 5 perk points, this would really help create diversity in the tank side of the game.


Offline Brenjen

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HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2006, 06:38:57 PM »

Offline Furball

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Re: HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2006, 06:47:07 PM »
Originally posted by JMFJ
An American Tank  

7 of the 11 vehicles in game are American, is that not enough?
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Offline Pooface

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Re: Re: HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2006, 06:49:26 PM »
Originally posted by Furball
7 of the 11 vehicles in game are American, is that not enough?

and you just got a jeep! that's the first entirely new vehicle/plane in over a year!!!!!!

quit complaining lol

Offline Wannab

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new tank
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2006, 08:13:46 PM »
you have a wish???
you have a solution to what the topic???
this isnt the general forum where you guys trolling is welcome
as for the tank situation t34 is good tank just way to long to reload i like the idea of reducing reload time but in historical intrest i think the reload time should be accurate
Any tank that is once again historically correct that my brigde the gap between tigers and panzers would be excellent

Hitech you and your boys are awsome
thanx for your time


Offline moneyguy

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HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2006, 08:25:47 PM »
Sherman....huhuh....huhuh...t hat'd be cool...huhuh

Offline E25280

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Re: HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2006, 10:24:30 PM »
Originally posted by JMFJ
An American Tank or change the reloading time on the T-34 and make it cost 5 perk points, this would really help create diversity in the tank side of the game.

IMO, keep the T-34/76 the way it is.  Historically, it had a very cramped turret, which is reflected by the slow reload time in the game.  A better "solve" would be to introduce the T-34/85.  It had a redesigned, larger turret (and I believe a better rate of fire as a result) and more powerful gun to boot.  I can see it being mildly perked as a result.

Lots of good suggestions for additional armor since I have been looking at the boards, so I won't rehash them.  But I agree totally with your initial statement:

Originally posted by JMFJ
Hate to sound like a broken record but out of sight is out of mind.
Keep posting, I (and many others) will keep backing you up.:aok
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Offline SAS_KID

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HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2006, 11:10:20 PM »
*Hint Crusader Tank *Hint its sexy cuz its english *Hint *Hint:aok
Quote from: hitech on Today at 09:27:26 AM
What utter and compete BS, quite frankly I should kick you off this bbs for this post.

The real truth is you do not like the answer.


Offline straffo

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HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2006, 02:30:25 AM »

Offline Furball

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Re: new tank
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2006, 04:34:38 AM »
Originally posted by Wannab
you have a wish???
you have a solution to what the topic???
this isnt the general forum where you guys trolling is welcome


I was just making an observation about the number of American vehicles in game after an American tank was requested.

I just stated that i do not belive we need another American ground vehicle just yet.  I also believe that is a very relevant, related point to this post

The British do not have a single vehicle despite being in the war from 1939 - 1945 and being in ground combat for every one of those years except 1939.  the Russians have only a single tank, despite being on the eastern front where mass tank on tank combat was very common, and the Germans have 3 ground vehicles.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2006, 04:43:58 AM by Furball »
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.

-- The Blue Knights --

Offline Pooface

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HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2006, 06:42:16 AM »
hey furby, dont bash teh american grownd vehiclz!!!!

i'd like to go for a piknick in my jeep!


kidding. no, we dont need another american tank at all. we need to fill in the gaps. some british tanks, and some more russian ones would be great. maybe a firefly as an american/british tank, but i think with a new jeep added so recently, you need to be more grateful. keep in mind that tanks are only here as an added dimension, the main focus is on planes, and it will only grow more intense with combat tour.

if you guys want a new tank, you're going to be waiting a long time i reckon. in the mean time, i notice most of you are fairly new, and i usually find that that's the reason the GV guys dont fly much, because they find it too hard to compete with the rest of the arena. pop by the TA some time and i'll teach you:aok

Offline Hornet33

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HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2006, 07:30:11 AM »
I was thinking about this myself. Although a new tank would be nice it would be easier to re-make the T-34. Upgrade that thing to the T-34-85. I hit a Panzer with a T-34 yesterday 5 times from medium to point blank range and the shells were bouncing off the Panzer every time. It only took 2 hits from the Panzer to kill me. What's the use having a tank that has no hope of killing anouther tank? I like the T-34 because it's fast but that gun has got to go.
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Offline Kermit de frog

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Re: Re: new tank
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2006, 07:54:21 AM »
Originally posted by Furball
I was just making an observation about the number of American vehicles in game after an American tank was requested.

I just stated that i do not belive we need another American ground vehicle just yet.  I also believe that is a very relevant, related point to this post

The British do not have a single vehicle despite being in the war from 1939 - 1945 and being in ground combat for every one of those years except 1939.  the Russians have only a single tank, despite being on the eastern front where mass tank on tank combat was very common, and the Germans have 3 ground vehicles.

Furball, you know damn well that we are talking about adding an american tank.  Not an american ground vehicle.  There is a difference between the two.

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Offline Brenjen

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HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2006, 09:33:57 AM »
My all time wish has been & still is the Panther, it has good speed and maneuverability - decent armor - & a good enough gun for it to be a mid perk contender to hang with the tiger. That being said by me ( more than a few times ) I don't care if it's german or if it's british or long as it has the mix above, it doesn't have to be the best tank of the war or even better than the tiger....just better competition than the t-34 & the panzie. Is it Germanys fault they made the best tanks of the war?....bring on the Leopard II!:rolleyes: ...kidding

 Here are some general specs on the Panther

 Production for the Panther G: 2,953 units built between 3/44 to 4/45


 weight:about 45 metric tons

 top speed:about 35 mph
 Engine:Maybach HL 230 P30 , gasoline powered (same as the tiger)

 main gun:Kwk 42 - high velocity 75mm, that was said to out perform the  KwK 36 88mm of the Tiger at close ranges only losing out to the bigger round at greater distances because of the lighter mass of the round being affected more by the wind. This weapon also had an automatic breech which ejected spent casings & closed automatically when the next shell was rammed home which sped the loading process. It was  also electronically fired ( no firing pin )

 mg's: 1 x MG34 /hull - 1 x MG34 -/coaxial - 1 x MG42 -/cupola
 That's enough to give a glimpse of the capabilities. I would support any tank or even tank destroyer ( but I wouldn't like/use them as much - I like a traversing turret ) that would cost less perks & give the Tiger a run for it's money.


Offline mentalguy

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Re: Re: HITech, Please give us a new tank
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2006, 10:02:06 AM »
Originally posted by Furball
7 of the 11 vehicles in game are American, is that not enough?

But, none of the are actual tanks though, yeah we got the M-8 & LVT.
But those suck. Im all in for the Sherman & the M10.

I dont like crap, give me a tank.

PFC. Corey "Mentalguy" Gibson