Author Topic: 'Day Without Immigrants' under way  (Read 6553 times)

Offline bkbandit

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #165 on: May 06, 2006, 01:11:59 AM »
See Rule #7  (one more time and you are gone, read the rules)
« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 08:38:19 AM by Skuzzy »

Offline bj229r

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #166 on: May 06, 2006, 08:11:13 AM »
Originally posted by Nash
It doesn't surprise me, actually.

The homeless in NYC that bkbandit was talking about are way beyond gone. It's sad, but it's a constant, in that every society in every century has a set of people that just aren't equipped to deal. They were there 2,000 years ago, and they will be amongst us 2,000 years from now. It's less about motivation and will than it is about mentality and circumstance. It really doesn't add anything to the immigration debate to make mention of them.

Wow. I agree with Nash about somethin:O
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #167 on: May 06, 2006, 09:39:19 AM »
sheesh... are you guys just thick?

xmarine... who care about the police?  who said anything about em... we all know they are only good for writing tickets and rounding up people that get snitched off.....

What is your solution?

As for the rest who feel that you will need to round up the illegals (the frigging millions of em BTW and every one a citizen of a foreign country)

Again.... are you just thick?  


you can solve the problem or you can let the government sell you a handfull of majic beans for your tax money.   or... you can just get all pumped up with hate and maybe punish a few high profile illegals for your tax dollar and not even slow the flow.

you all want to be little dutch boys with your finger in the dike while the dike is gone half a block away.


Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #168 on: May 06, 2006, 11:05:43 AM »
While I agree with whomping the employer, I also beleive we are in bad need to tighten up our borders In a BIG way. Not so much for the illegals from Mexico coming in , but for a much more seroius issue. Slowing down or stopping some illegals from entry will just be an added benefit.
We have left ourself wide open for too long.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #169 on: May 06, 2006, 11:27:35 AM »
impossible to control immigration without first securing the border. we've got adequite laws on the books for dealing with illegals, for dealing with employers.

the current laws are just ignored, or there was no funding appropiated to enforce them. new laws are ludicrious.. if we don't enforce the current ones, including those in place to fine and prosecute employers of illegals, just what do you think will be accomplished by 'new' laws?


Then, ENFORCE the laws on the books now.

NO AMNESTY. If you are an illegal; home you must go, apply you must do, return you may, after the proper proceedures are in place. Sounds cruel, but rewarding tresspassers while the legitimate immigrants continue to stand in line is wrong.
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #170 on: May 06, 2006, 12:13:02 PM »
Ok... go ahead and "secure the borders"  whatever that means.... seems it means.... build 12' walls in order to drive up the cost of 13' ladders tho to me but...

go ahead... hire about a thousand or more extra cops to try to plug what is essentialy a sieve to the land of milk and honey...   Like trying to capture water in your spread hands.

or... throw your hard earned money at the politicians and let em give you a handful of magic beans and a few months of tough talk and sound bites.


you could just hire a couple of four eyed dweeb accountants to review the employers books and then arrest em and watch the flow of illegals slow to a trickle as demand goes away.


Offline Bronk

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #171 on: May 06, 2006, 12:44:23 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2

you could just hire a couple of four eyed dweeb accountants to review the employers books and then arrest em and watch the flow of illegals slow to a trickle as demand goes away.


Yup to simple.. Translation: Government will never go for it.
Besides even if they did go for it .. They would have to have years of study at tax payers expense to see if it would work.

See Rule #4

Offline x0847Marine

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #172 on: May 06, 2006, 02:24:40 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
sheesh... are you guys just thick?

xmarine... who care about the police?  who said anything about em... we all know they are only good for writing tickets and rounding up people that get snitched off.....


You are suggesting an agressive law enforcment solution, and I'm telling you that the quirky politically correct rules that are in place exclude state sworn police and local courts from being involved....  The local law enforcment guys who patrol the streets and are in perfect posisition to make a difference, are not allowd to.

While the Feds are chasing them down, LAPD would be kicking back handing out hotel vouchers to the ones that get away... that system, they way it is, will FAIL.

The massively bloated Federal Government police dont have the manpower, local knowledge, or enough courts to do anything but make examples of a select few, to make headlines, before moving on. I dont see the FBI driving marked cars down Burbank Blvd rousting illegals every day.

And as soon as the Feds move on, the illegals will be right back out on the corner flipping the bird at the local gendarme... they know damm well a Federal cop can arrest em, but the local cops cant.

Ever been to Federal court?, it's slow, inefficient, bloated, and already choking.. plus its not set up for mass bookings or dealing with volumes of people. Who will transport the illegals to court?, where will they be jailed?.. it wont be the local Sheriffs Dept, nor can they be held in local jails on Federal immigration charges. We'll need new Federal jails, an entire infrastructure of buses, guards and a revamping of the Fed court system to aggressively go after and process illegals.

My solution is screw what the activists want and let the local cop on the beat enforce the law, its just stupid to exclude State law enforcement resources. I put more admitted illegals in jail than you can imagine, not 1 was ever kicked out, even after being through the local court system numerous times. A clear sign the system in place is broken.

Maybe it will cause illegals to not report crimes, fear the police, become perfect victims for criminals and all that.... and thats ok, send the message to all hopeful illegals that just because you made it here, its not an "illegal friendly" place and you will be hunted down and kicked out.

Offline Ack-Ack

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #173 on: May 06, 2006, 05:09:14 PM »
Originally posted by bkbandit

Ack-Ack pay my bills and college tution and i will gladly go.  I dont collect no dam public assitance.  Theres a whole bunch of guys here that cant get back in to school not because they are dumb but becuase they aint got the money.

Why not get financial aid to pay for your school?  Quit making up excuses and blaming others for your own short comings.

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Offline bkbandit

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« Reply #174 on: May 06, 2006, 07:20:29 PM »
That money aint free. U have to pay it back.  I noe a guy that cant finish until he starts sendin payments.  Im not sure how much but i noe it aint cheap.  Why else would girls strip to pay for college.  Its to bad im not sexy in a thong.  Regardless the goverment flips the bill i need money in my pocket for books,etc.  If i could just go to college completely free like if it was high school i would go. The goverment wont give me along with my aid money to eat and to take the train.  I took a placement test and was goin to go this past sept but the fact that i had no money in my pocket and cant ask my mother to take loans and dig herself in debt i didnt go.  Im all for a competitive work place, competition breeds excellence.  But im supposed to compete against somebody with my skill not by takin peanuts for pay.   Just like football, 1 linebacker got strenght one linebacker has speed, now which when doesnt miss tackles.  This is a competitive playin field.  If when player is payin the coach to play doesnt matter how fast or strong the other guy is, he wont get the spot.

U have to attack employers but it would be easier to just grab them when there in bunchs waitin for work.  Goin to each and every employer checkin his books doin backround checks on the workers would take awhile.  And im pretty sure they will figure out somethin to get around it.  All of a sudden all of the guys nephews are workin at his place when the inspector comes.

I understand that with the local police on there tail that they might be targeted by thieves and the like.  Its bad but its another reason for them to go back.  Lets say employers are being fined, local cops r on the look out, and then u got a bunch a guys with box cutters tryin to rob them for everything they got.  Thats one ugly picture, and im pretty sure they wont want to hang around.  Ull have illegals robin other illegals not just ur average street guy lookin to make a score.  Putin the local lawenforcement after them doesnt mean i want them to be victims of crimes, the local law will just speed up the process of deportin them back.

Offline Sixpence

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« Reply #175 on: May 06, 2006, 09:26:01 PM »
Originally posted by bkbandit
U have to attack employers but it would be easier to just grab them when there in bunchs waitin for work.  Goin to each and every employer checkin his books doin backround checks on the workers would take awhile.  

huh? How about just asking them to submit a w4? They pay them cash, no reporting to the IRS, and that would make for another law the business is breaking
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline bkbandit

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« Reply #176 on: May 07, 2006, 12:15:50 AM »
I havent evn sat down and watched the news in the last couple of days.  Are they even tryin to get anything done?

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #177 on: May 07, 2006, 07:39:24 AM »
Originally posted by bkbandit
I havent evn sat down and watched the news in the last couple of days.  Are they even tryin to get anything done?

Oh yea..........Rebecca Miller at channel 5 out of Dallas has gotten a new hairdo. Looks like she lost a few pounds and is really looking good.

About the best I could come up with concerning the news. :D
We`re talking da gubment here, which moves at the pace of frozen molasses.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2006, 07:42:13 AM by Jackal1 »
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #178 on: May 07, 2006, 08:50:45 AM »
xmarine... local cops handle it???  the only thing that local cops can do "agressively" with their fat female 5'2" force is to go on an "agressive" (read PMS) "campaign" to enforce seatbelt and helmet laws.

I am not asking for any more police force.  I am asking for accountants and immigration officials for stakeout... the local police can hang out with em during the arrest... they like to do that sort of thing in any case.

If this solution were implemented... you can bet the feds would be under pressure to get some results (throw some particularly abhorent employers in prison) and.... quickly....

The results are the fear.   It doesn't matter how many you throw in jail... it matters not at all that most will get away... it only matters that they stop hiring out of gutless fear of prison.

If they know we are serious they will stop.... when they stop, the illegals will stop coming over... when that all happens the ones that are here will be fired (out of fear) and they will go home..


Offline moot

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« Reply #179 on: May 07, 2006, 09:14:26 AM »
:lol  Operation "Do your ****ing job"
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running very fast
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