Author Topic: 'Day Without Immigrants' under way  (Read 6545 times)

Offline lukster

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #135 on: May 04, 2006, 09:08:50 AM »
There's plenty of outrage mars01. It was even recently expressed in the house. Our senate squashed their bill flat with people like Hillary Clinton calling tougher laws on those helping illegals unamerican. The democrats are making a huge mistake by siding with these illegal aliens. While the republicans aren't a lot better they have at least made an attempt to reform the situation. We really need someone like Tom Tancredo of Colorado in the White House.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2006, 09:12:09 AM by lukster »

Offline Kaw1000

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Great column Mars!!
« Reply #136 on: May 04, 2006, 09:10:42 AM »
Mars!!!!    :aok

Its all I said many times before...Illegals are getting paid less=more profits=high stock prices=the rich get richer and the poor poorer
  I watched T.V. last night about Our big mighty military...Bless them all.. but while we are pumping billions of dollars in the military our country crumbles from within...kinda like what happened to the Romans
   Our goverment does'nt care about us they care about lining thier pockets
 I listen to alot of political programs, just once I'd like to here solutions instead of what the problems are!!!
    Its too late to do anything about Illegals...there are too many here now and our goverment wanted it that way, they are in our goverment offices the are voters and of all things my own religious faith backs them
      There are too many people that are making lots of money and these issues dont concern them...they are making big money..send thier kids to private schools....they dont care....but watch what happens when this effects thier will be a whole different ball game...but by then it will be too late!!!
See Rule# 5 on just about every thread!

Offline Mr Big

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #137 on: May 04, 2006, 08:15:16 PM »
The small businesses are the ones hiring the illegals not the big, rich companies. It's not about "the rich getting richer" for the small comapanies who hire the illegals.......mostly for labor.

Laz, I have always said that we need to both punish employers AND punish/deport anyone caught here illegally. Both.

I still say that the small businesses ( one's requiring low-skill labor) are just as much victims as the illegals, and it's ALL because the laws are not being enforced.

The small business trying to stay alive is screwed by the government allowing illegals to flood in, take jobs and LOWER wage prices to the point that certain businesses are just screwed out of the market unless they play the same game as their competition. In most cases, I'd say that the people hiring the illegals are very small and just trying put food on their families tables as well.

The real problem is our government ignoring the problem, as usual.

Offline bkbandit

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« Reply #138 on: May 04, 2006, 11:36:58 PM »
Its true i struggle to pay rent but these project guys have jordans.  If america keeps goin like this it wont last long.  Were roitin from inside.  I had a conversation today and came to the same conclusion.  Everybody is quick to complain but dont want to do a thing.  I ran the idea about protestin these illegals and ill i got was a bunch of i dont noes and a bunch of what abouts.  I see it in my generation that this lazy s**T is runing wild.  They ***** but dont want to lift a finger. Somethin got to give, why is my tax dollars goin into the pocket of some lazy bastard that dont do anythin for this society and then has the nerve to complain.  I would either cut welfare and all other types of public assistance or regulate it in a way that doesnt let u live on it for ur entire life.  Give public assistance for a max of 5 years and make u find a job.  I rather the goverment use tax dollars to send people to college(i would love some of that) then to let them hang out all day.  

Nobody in the media is takin a stand and pushin towards a solution with this illegal problem.  I understand why, im pretty sure the first person that says straight out "america is for us citizens, send them back"  will be labeled a racist.  I think that is very sad.  I cant speak my mind about things of this nature cause u will have 50 different organizations lookin to make u out to be a villian.  

Jail the employers, search for and arrest illegals(there not hard to find here, if u paid me 20 bucks a illegal i would be driveing a new zo6 next week).  And when i say arrest i dont mean lock them up and use tax dollars i mean finger print them and ship them back, ban them from the US for good or at least 5 years.  PLus mexico is tryin to reestablish there economy and could use the labor.  I noe guys that run land scapin companys and use illegals when there are a bunch of healthy young teenage americans that could use a job.  No wonder the US as a country is so fat, y do anything when u could pay an illegal to do it.

The poor get poorer the rich get richer.  In 1998 i was middle class now its a struggle.  And im not the only one.  At this rate by 2020 we will be livein in clans in huge slums.

Offline eddiek

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Everyone is missing one important thing....
« Reply #139 on: May 05, 2006, 01:54:05 AM »
I agree with lazs and others......jail, fine, confiscate the whatever it takes to make the employers aware that the type to stop hiring illegal's is NOW, and keep it up, let everyone know you are watching them from here on out.
Get positive ID via fingerprint, DNA, whatever method it takes, on the illegals, ship them to the US/Mexico border, give em a choice of helping to build not one, but TWO walls, with a no man's land in between......and if they refuse, they are persona non grata, PERIOD, no appeal, for a minimum of five years.
Last.......I love kids, but dang it all.........sit and talk to some of these folks and they will almost giggle at how ridiculous it is, but if they have a child born within our country, they automatically get to stay.  It is a game to them........sneak in, get knocked up, have a baby, get to stay, or as one Hispanic group leader said on TV the other night, "beat the system".
Repeal or modify the 14th Amendment to make it where only children born in the US to LEGAL citizens get automatic citizenship.  Make it where they dont have that automatic anchor that keeps them from ever being deported and see how many of them want to come here still.  There are folks coming over here to work, spitting out a couple kids, then teaching said child about their Mexican heritage, NOT their AMERICAN heritage.  
If you wanna come here to make a better life, come legally, embrace the American way of life and American heritage and traditions, not hold on to the old country.  In my eyes, that is one of the most significant differences in the immigrants of old and the ones we see today.
Case in point..........
Buddy of mine works up in Liberal, KS at National Beef, where the workforce is made of mainly Hispanic workers.
He lives in Oklahoma, little tiny town, and a lot of the workers live there too.  One of his best friends there came over illegally about 25 years ago, but became a legal US citizen several years back.
He talked to several of the illegals about becoming legal citizens or workers and, to a man, they all replied 'screw that, I'm Mexican, I don't want to be an American!"
He is as fed up with the crap as any natural born American citizen, probably even more so.
I wanted to buy the man a beer when he told them "then get the f*** out of my country and go back to Mexico"............

Offline Jackal1

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #140 on: May 05, 2006, 06:45:41 AM »
Happy Cinco De Mayo. :D
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #141 on: May 05, 2006, 08:21:33 AM »
mrbig.... you are wrong..  the small business owner that hires illegals may be doing it because "everyone else is doing it" but... he is a criminal that is causeing the flood tide and....

If you jail a few of the cowardly leaches then the others will fold like a cheap card table under a fat lady at the thought of spending a year being someones girlfriend in federal prison and then the rest of the pooooor "victim" employers can make an honest buck without stealing from the rest of us and behaving like common drug dealers and dealers in stolen property or.... slave owners.

If you are a business owner with illegals then you are immoral.   Unless of course you are some sort of freedom fighter for free borders.

If you are a small business owner hireing illegals then you have no right to complain about the problem.

I would also say that it should be that a child born in the U.S. is not a citizen unless one of his parents is...  They law allready is that the parents can stay till the child is 18 then they must go... that is fair but unenforced.

The democrats stopped all enforcement of the law jailing employers in about 1992... It was a "governmment program" that they felt did not need to be funded.  I do not expect liberal democrats to do much about it now.


Offline x0847Marine

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #142 on: May 05, 2006, 08:56:38 AM »
One question for you: WHO will enforce these laws?, jail the employers and all that?

Local police departments here in Cali are forbidden, via policy, to get involved in immigration issues. LAPD / LASD you name it will do nothing even if you report the crime to them.

The Feds should allow states to enforce the laws and protect its own borders using the National Guard, or get serious about it and form a branch of the military like the Coast Guard that borrows from all branches and takes care of all things border security.

I'd have no problem with state side Marines protecting our borders rather than spending 3 months at the Stumps training.  Cobras have all the wazoo night vision technology to spot little runners, MPs can wisk them away.

Military surgeons work at County USC hosp, medics with fire depts... the Feds have a massive trained man power resource they can throw at the border, but dont.

It will take some a-hole smuggling a suitcase nuke across the Mexico border, then blowing up los angeles (no real loss) before the moron politicians decide it might be a good idea to protect ourselves better....oh and we can take better care of that illegal alien thing too.

Offline x0847Marine

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« Reply #143 on: May 05, 2006, 09:08:57 AM »
by that way...

Running a small business here in Los Angeles is a red tape / permits needed disaster... on top of the additional taxes / insurance businesses pay. You try hiring a legit employee after the local & state govt has sucked you dry.

Its not easy, or cheap.

Starbucks and 7-11 would just love it if they started going after small time employers, jailing the mom and pop competition.

I am all for enforcing the laws on the books, but the red tape and death of a 1000 permit paper cuts local govts have in place need to compensate so hiring illegals isn't their best option.

Offline bkbandit

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #144 on: May 05, 2006, 02:22:51 PM »
See Rule #7
« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 08:33:46 AM by Skuzzy »

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #145 on: May 05, 2006, 03:02:24 PM »
xmarine.... let me ask you this....

Who will round up all the illegals and send them back to mexico?   Who will build a wall for hundreds or thousands of miles?

What the hell do you mean "who"??

you hire more immigration officials but instead of having em patrol the border like little dutch boys with their finger in the dike or having em round up 12-30 million illegals like trying to hold water in your cupped hands...

you have em visit some criminal frigging employers office.... flash a badge and look at the books... if they don't like what they see they have the power to arrest... If the books are good but the scum bag is hiding the fact he has illegals... you watch his jobs... real hard eh?   You have TV campains and get angry Americans to snitch off the scumbags....  

Cops.... sheesh... cop car watches 10 illegals pile into a pickup truck and does nothing.... guy goes by on a motorcycle without a helmet and they call for backup and 5 cop cars are there in a few minutes and they do backgrounds on the guy all the way back to the mayflower...  

If we are that broke..... fire some helmet law enforcers and hire some immigration suits.

My guess is tho that the 4-10 billion a year some states save just in educating illegals will more than pay for a few immigration officials.

It's not like it is a difficult or dangerous job rounding up pasty white leaches and slavers.

What was your solution again?


Offline bkbandit

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« Reply #146 on: May 05, 2006, 04:29:55 PM »
With all that money spent on illegals u could do ALOT of things.  Nobody want to look for illegals, ill do it:D . That will create plenty of new jobs even if its just temporary.  Mexicans will run straight back to mexico when they see me coming.  Give me a badge, an unmakred impala and let me work.  And pretty sure a few 100 guys in each state doin this type of thing will save ALot of tax dollars.  Ill clean out brookyln by myself by the end of the summer.  Send these tax dollars on education, i still cxant get over the fact that compared to the rest of the world our kids are stupid.  Cancel shows like andy milonakus, its killin our kids.  That and some freakin parnetin.  Im 20 years old and times when i sit in the park relax and have a smoke i end up haveing to try to teach these kids how to behave.  When u hav 5 year old walkin around tellin his mother to go f herself somethin is wrong.  I would hav got my bellybutton beat if i tryed that.

Its true police here see 20 of these illegal mexicans in the back of a f150 and just keep on drivein by.  Instead of having bounty hunters make illegal hunters. Ill do it.  Once the illegals noe theres a organization that is lookin speficaly for them they will lieave in a hot flash.

Offline Ack-Ack

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #147 on: May 05, 2006, 05:17:38 PM »
Originally posted by x0847Marine

I'd have no problem with state side Marines protecting our borders rather than spending 3 months at the Stumps training.  

Unfortunately, that was already tried and the result was the Marines shooting and killing a 17 year old goat herder.

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Offline Ack-Ack

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #148 on: May 05, 2006, 05:20:24 PM »
Originally posted by bkbandit
With all that money spent on illegals u could do ALOT of things.  Nobody want to look for illegals, ill do it:D . That will create plenty of new jobs even if its just temporary.  Mexicans will run straight back to mexico when they see me coming.  Give me a badge, an unmakred impala and let me work.  And pretty sure a few 100 guys in each state doin this type of thing will save ALot of tax dollars.  Ill clean out brookyln by myself by the end of the summer.  Send these tax dollars on education, i still cxant get over the fact that compared to the rest of the world our kids are stupid.  Cancel shows like andy milonakus, its killin our kids.  That and some freakin parnetin.  Im 20 years old and times when i sit in the park relax and have a smoke i end up haveing to try to teach these kids how to behave.  When u hav 5 year old walkin around tellin his mother to go f herself somethin is wrong.  I would hav got my bellybutton beat if i tryed that.

Its true police here see 20 of these illegal mexicans in the back of a f150 and just keep on drivein by.  Instead of having bounty hunters make illegal hunters. Ill do it.  Once the illegals noe theres a organization that is lookin speficaly for them they will lieave in a hot flash.

How about getting yourself an education so you won't have to worry about an illegal getting hired over you.  Honestly, if you interviewed for a job and didn't get it because an illegal got it instead, I would think that would be a good wake up call to brush up on your job interviewing skills.

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Offline Dewey

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'Day Without Immigrants' under way
« Reply #149 on: May 05, 2006, 05:42:49 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
How about getting yourself an education so you won't have to worry about an illegal getting hired over you.  Honestly, if you interviewed for a job and didn't get it because an illegal got it instead, I would think that would be a good wake up call to brush up on your job interviewing skills.


Or that he wanted at least minimum wage to do the same work so the employer decided to take the illegal because he could pay him far less.