Hub-I always post constructive information, so if someone is gonna come on a thread and start this unknowledgable banter, and top it off with the fact they haven't done any GV'n in the last year. I am going to point out that persons lack of knowledge, and that those persons ignorant opinions should be ignored. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks.
You will never see me get on a thread titled "P40 FLAP DEPLOYMENT", and start going off about how the planes suck, they need to be taken out of the game, any one who flies is lame, a monkey can fly a plane (project X). And then to top it off, have spent less than 10 hours in the last year in a plane.
Mars01-Sometimes I share things that's not new to some, but is new to others. I assure you I'm not going to consult with you as to whether the info I'm posting is new or not to you, I'M NOT POSTING TO EDUCATE YOU, you arent the one posting that you are struggling w/GV's.
So pay attention, Urchin, bruno, and Stang are the one who posted there is no skill involved in the current GV game in AH2. Of which I pointed out a list of skills/tricks, some obvious and some not. I didn't say I was the founder of any of those tricks, I just listed some, yes some are obvious, some I assure you are not.
Since you feel my list is so obvious (Mars01) I ask you, "when dodging bombs which way do you dodge?"
a. Run Left or Right 90 degrees to the direction the bombs are coming from?
b. Run away from the direction the bombs are coming from?
c. Run into the direction the bombs are coming from?