Author Topic: GV game in AH sucks...  (Read 2296 times)

Offline 68Ripper

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Re: Re: Re: Re: GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #45 on: May 18, 2006, 11:26:26 PM »
Originally posted by JMFJ
how to take out tigers w/jeeps


That needs to be fixed!!! Any vehicle driving inside a enemy vehicle and killing it is PURE BS!!  They need to have a collision model setup like planes! that would eliminate this crap.   :furious :furious :furious
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Offline Glasses

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Re: Re: Re: GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #46 on: May 18, 2006, 11:41:32 PM »
Originally posted by Stang
Didn't know you had to be smart to just point and click.  Even a monkey can be taught to do that.

How do you know he wasn't taught by one? :rofl

Offline Bruno

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #47 on: May 19, 2006, 12:32:22 AM »
Come down off your high-horse partner I was being as cordial as possible in my post; if you didn't bother to read it, then you missed it. Your attempt at being rude and sarcastic wasn't lost on me. I on the other hand am now saying point blank, the spawn points do overlap in several places & you just don't know what you're talking about.

I already told that if in a handful of GV spawns overlap then so what, it doesn't change my reply to Midnight...

Following my suggestion he mentioned not being to assualt a base in a GV if enemy GVs are able to spawn right behind the attacker:

Because an advancing GV, getting closer and closer to the field, killin defenders would all the sudden have a GV (driven by the guy he just killed) spawn right behind him.

 90% of all GV spawns in the main spawn to another base, they don't spawn you right behind each other.

Now get back to your toy trucks...

Offline Kurt

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #48 on: May 19, 2006, 01:07:56 AM »
Perhaps a solution for spawn camping would be to have some sort of penalty for it...

For instance, a shooter within 3k distance of the enemy spawn will receive no score for killing a spawner while the spawner is within 2k of the spawn point.  This restriction expires 120 seconds after the spawner spawns.

Then, to keep the spawning player from abusing the protection, any kills made from within 2k of the spawn point within the same 120 seconds are unscored.

This gives the spawner time to move to safe ground.  And the only camping that would occur would be truely offensive or defensive (meaning there is a goal other than score padding)... but the score-tards would have to figure out a new trick.
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Offline Kev367th

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #49 on: May 19, 2006, 01:41:19 AM »
Originally posted by 68Ripper
That needs to be fixed!!! Any vehicle driving inside a enemy vehicle and killing it is PURE BS!!  They need to have a collision model setup like planes! that would eliminate this crap.   :furious :furious :furious

Mentioned it to Skuzzy a while back -

Said he thought it had been fixed, should be next patch.
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Offline hubsonfire

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #50 on: May 19, 2006, 02:11:00 AM »
That's good to hear. This was one of those exploits that I laughed at, til I tried it. Like the calibration routine, it's only funny til you realize it's true. :huh

My apologies to anyone I pwnd in a superjeep.
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Offline Kazaa

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #51 on: May 19, 2006, 07:04:51 AM »
Jeeps are not over-rated, I had one kill my tiger :aok

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Offline NAVCAD

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #52 on: May 19, 2006, 07:23:53 AM »
As said before, this IS a flight game that also has GVs.  The main emphasis on the coding has been towards the flight model.  YES the GVs add a great aspect to the game that no doubt would bring more players.

If you don't like the GVs, DON'T FARGING DRIVE THEM.  But don't flame others that do.  

Just because you don't see the challenge in it (and yes there is a challenge to effectively employing a GV, just ask anyone who has been popped by Sheri, DR7 or any of the other aces from 3.5K while moving)  stop bashing those who do!

We all pay our $14.95 so ENOUGH ALREADY!!!


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Offline mars01

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #53 on: May 19, 2006, 07:57:43 AM »
The old TT was a blast, the spawns were to the edge of the city and there were a lot of great nights where the city was packed and you could hunt each other down inside the city.  Now a days, no one goes into the city because you actually need skills I guess.

With the spawn points outside the city and all the skilless spawn campers there is no challenge other than just trying to be the first guy to lob a round into the other spawn point Yay.  

Wake me when it's over.  That is not a GV game.

You guys that actually think landing 30 kills in a tank cause you are camping are fooling yourselves just like the runners and cherry pickers.  No one thinks any of it takes much skill.  As I always say, it's your 15 bucks, but don't cry when your called a skilless dweeb, when you play like one.:aok


Using your sight marks as a rangefinder
Long ranging
dodging bombs
where to hit tanks
what tanks can do damage to what other tanks
using speed to your advantage
angle management
height advantages in relationship to trajectory patterns
shooting on the move
objects you can shoot through
know who you are up against, and how to deal w/them
advantageous view settings
how to take out tigers w/jeeps
good spawn camp locations v.s. bad locations
tactics for dealing w/guys who only drive tigers
which side of a tree you should post up on
skins v.s. map terrain
changing your view settings

Boy you must be the first guy to figure this out, thanks for posting LOLH  Erwin Rommel your not!:rofl

Offline Brenjen

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #54 on: May 19, 2006, 08:52:55 AM »
Originally posted by Bruno
I already told that if in a handful of GV spawns overlap then so what, it doesn't change my reply to Midnight...

Following my suggestion he mentioned not being to assualt a base in a GV if enemy GVs are able to spawn right behind the attacker:

 90% of all GV spawns in the main spawn to another base, they don't spawn you right behind each other.

Now get back to your toy trucks...

 I read your post about selecting where to spawn. His response to your idea would be accurate considering how large the spawn areas are if you factor in the areas where they overlap. 90% or more of them would be un-affected by your surprisingly good idea.

 You say you don't care & yet you post about GV's - odd.

 I don't have any toy trucks & haven't for nearly 40 years.

You have a complex that forces you to participate as a live action cartoon warrior & you feel superior? Get over yourself.

Offline Tilt

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #55 on: May 19, 2006, 09:07:53 AM »
taking the spawn road one step further ..................

as we spawn we are for a part of a second invisible to any local enemy.......

However our FE is recieving updates re enemy locations (including GV's)

Using the spawn road concept our FE would just move us back down the road (toward our base) until a point was found that was say plus # yards from the nearest enemy GV or enemy object (field object).

To us and our opponents it would just appear that we have been sent to this point.......................

This way spawn camping would be redundant and surprise "spawn attacks" would be impossible.
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Offline Edbert1

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #56 on: May 19, 2006, 09:33:20 AM »
Originally posted by Tilt
This way spawn camping would be redundant and surprise "spawn attacks" would be impossible.

While I agree with the analogy of getting spawn camped being similar to being vulched at least when you up an aircraft you can look out of the tower to see if any vulchers are within 6 kilometers. Maybe each spawn point should have a virtual tower of some sort. Just a thought.

Offline NHawk

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #57 on: May 19, 2006, 10:37:47 AM »
While I can fly fairly well, I GV quite a bit and here's my 2 cents on the GV part of the game...

Do I spawn camp? ... Occasionally when gvs are coming in huge numbers and it seems to be the only way to stop them from taking over a base. And I usually don't do it alone since that can mean a quick death.

My preferred method is to wait for them to come to me, usually either at their desination or 1/2 way between the spawn and base. Sometimes I'll even hunt them down on their way to the base. The way I look at it, if you're going to drive 5 miles to a town, you better have some good ground SA or I'm going to kill you either before or when you get there. I do it this way in the hopes of getting a good GV battle going over something more than perk points like TT is used for. BUT, what usually happens is after being killed once or twice in a fair fight, the person who's been killed comes back in Lancasters. Fine...just as if I were in a plane I die, up another tank and the cycle repeats itself.

The main problem is that most people don't take the ground game seriously. If they can't get to where they want to go, instead of fighting their way on the ground they take the easy way out and up bombers. If people would take the time to understand the ground game they would discover that they can become immersed in the complexities of it. The only ones I can think of that use the ground game very well are the LTARs. But even they have begun using bombers when they can't get into a base. No biggie, but I still enjoy the ground game when they are around. :)

Does that mean there aren't problems with the GV model? No, there are. But we can have great ground battles if people would take the time to learn the SA involved in that part of the game and use it just as they would if they were flying a plane.
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Offline JMFJ

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #58 on: May 19, 2006, 11:39:01 AM »
Hub-I always post constructive information, so if someone is gonna come on a thread and start this unknowledgable banter, and top it off with the fact they haven't done any GV'n in the last year.  I am going to point out that persons lack of knowledge, and that those persons ignorant opinions should be ignored.  People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks.

You will never see me get on a thread titled "P40 FLAP DEPLOYMENT", and start going off about how the planes suck, they need to be taken out of the game, any one who flies is lame, a monkey can fly a plane (project X).  And then to top it off, have spent less than 10 hours in the last year in a plane.

Mars01-Sometimes I share things that's not new to some, but is new to others.  I assure you I'm not going to consult with you as to whether the info I'm posting is new or not to you, I'M NOT POSTING TO EDUCATE YOU, you arent the one posting that you are struggling w/GV's.

So pay attention, Urchin, bruno, and Stang are the one who posted there is no skill involved in the current GV game in AH2.  Of which I pointed out a list of skills/tricks, some obvious and some not.  I didn't say I was the founder of any of those tricks, I just listed some, yes some are obvious, some I assure you are not.

Since you feel my list is so obvious (Mars01) I ask you, "when dodging bombs which way do you dodge?"
a.  Run Left or Right 90 degrees to the direction the bombs are coming from?
b.  Run away from the direction the bombs are coming from?
c.  Run into the direction the bombs are coming from?

« Last Edit: May 19, 2006, 11:42:27 AM by JMFJ »

Offline mars01

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #59 on: May 19, 2006, 11:45:16 AM »
[SIZE=8]D.  Don't Care[/SIZE]

Your GV game is not rocket science.  Most of us went through it when HT introduced the GV game.  :aok   And believe me it was a much better game then.  They ruined TT, and damage model is still porked.

But since your such a big spawn camper, your not going to use half your list anyway so whats the point.  :lol :rofl

So pay attention, Urchin, bruno, and Stang are the one who posted there is no skill involved in the current GV game in AH2. Of which I pointed out a list of skills/tricks, some obvious and some not.

As hub and the rest pointed out your list is not one of skills, at best they are tricks.  And they are all obvious to any that spends an hour in a GV.:rolleyes:


Using your sight marks as a rangefinder - Hmm tough one to figure out - about as much skill needed as typing.

Long ranging - Gee shoot - did it go far enough - ok raise gun.  Gee another rocket science move.

dodging bombs - Wow bombs dropped, boy here is a tough one, let see bombs travel in direction of airplane.  bow what to do?

where to hit tanks  Trick

what tanks can do damage to what other tanks  Yeah here is a tough one LOLH

using speed to your advantage Wow huge speed judgeing skills on - off.  LOLH

angle management Yeah big angle game sitting in you tank hitting guys that cant see you.  Or do you mean angle of your gun whooo there is a tough one.

height advantages in relationship to trajectory patterns
shooting on the move
objects you can shoot through
know who you are up against, and how to deal w/them
advantageous view settings

how to take out tigers w/jeeps  YEAH THERE IS A SKILL LOLH

good spawn camp locations v.s. bad locations  YOU MEAN EXPERT AT LAME TACTICS SO YOU DON"T HAVE TO FIGHT.

tactics for dealing w/guys who only drive tigers

which side of a tree you should post up on
skins v.s. map terrain
changing your view settings

Your list is joke and the fact that you are selling it like it's some education for some is even more of a joke LOLH:lol :rofl
« Last Edit: May 19, 2006, 11:58:26 AM by mars01 »