Author Topic: GV game in AH sucks...  (Read 2275 times)

Offline Urchin

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GV game in AH sucks...
« on: May 17, 2006, 09:23:53 PM »
Something really outta be changed... tank town (while a decent idea) is basically nothing but people camping the spawn point.  I think I tried to up about 15 times, died within 3 seconds every time but 1.  

The spawn points need to be randomized.  Not "Oh gee, they ARE random, tanks can pop up anywhere in a 5 foot circle!", but random enough that when you try to up 15 times, you will actually survive more than 3 seconds.

The GVs, well.. they are a joke and I guess everyone knows it, or they should by now.  

A jeep?  Waahoo!  

Why not take the time and put in a TANK that can fight other TANKS.  

Or maybe just put in a second tank.  

Yea, a competitive one, not the retarded, useless M8, or the "gee, it seemed like a good idea at the time" retardedly useless T-34/76.

Why put in a jeep?  It is just nonsensical to me.  

Of course, the previous GVs were the M8 and T34, so maybe the next GV can be a bicycle.  Or maybe a unicycle!  I don't think any other game has a unicycle!  Make it so we can shoot the .45 while riding around on the unicycle, man.. that'll be the best!

Anyway, I've tried the boring one-dimensional ground game for the first and last time this year... maybe some day it will be something other than a bad joke.

Offline Arcades057

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2006, 11:02:57 PM »
It sucks being on the camped side, but I tell you what, I had a blast on the camper side.  For all the good it did me; I was still only camping for about 5 minutes before getting whacked.

Offline hubsonfire

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2006, 11:03:40 PM »

The jeep is useful, because it's ridiculously fast, and you can drive it inside of a camper, then slaughter the surprised crew with your .50 in the back.

GVs are a bit lame as they are currently used. I'm sure I'll get flamed like mad, but yes, the ground warfare as it is currently is pretty sad. While the dedicated areas we call TankTowns are a great idea(IMO, very similar to the FighterTown areas, providing cheap and easy fun for those interested), the reality is that they are mostly scorepadding devices for those too lazy, or unable, to figure out how to fly cartoon planes. It's shooting cartoon skeet where the clays are only fired in one of five spots, and the shotgun is mounted to a bench. Click click "PULL" boom. Crack another PBR, rinse, repeat. Not so much fun.

What I advise you to do, is up a formation of bombers. Yes, I know, blasphemy. But what could be better than some hysterical hick calling you all sorts of names that he probably can't even spell after you just ruined his record-breaking camp with six thousand pounds of inflammable love?
When you need to blow off some steam, I find that carpet bombing those loveable miscreants really does the trick. :aok
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Offline Brenjen

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 11:06:15 PM »
Well, anymore the spawn points are so large, they overlap. I can get sometimes up to 15 or 20 kills without moving from where I spawned in. I would like to see more depth added to the ground part of the game, but it's not too bad. The ricochets off soft vehicles get me in the mood to complain though.

 Take tonight during the FUBAR knight attempt to take A-24; I was supressing the VH in a panzer until it could be knocked back down for the fourth or fifth time while I was there, each time before the jabos could drop it, a few GV's would get up. I killed every panzer & T-34 I shot, it took two shots for the T-34 but that's because I decided to take out his turret before going for the kill. Here's where it gets sorta..strange.

 Every time someone upped an M-16, my rounds ricocheted off it broadside at 290m (range from friendly that drove past the spot) After I kill the M-16 (two or three hits) the very next round I fired ricocheted too no matter what upped. Every time. It seems as though there is something wierd with the rear box on the M-3/16 chasis, I shot the rear of the M-16 to knock out the guns & thats exactly where I hit it, right at the mounting pedastel & it bounced, it was an A.P. round at that. I've had H.E's bounce like that too b.t.w. & this isn't the first time, it happens a bunch.

Offline FX1

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2006, 11:28:57 PM »
Aces High? No gv in that name. I played ww2onlie didnt really like it. I came to this place for the acm and vulching picking running tards that play this game. Gving is when i am really bored our just really drunk.

Offline Midnight

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2006, 09:35:30 AM »
I played GV the other day. It's fun for a few minutes, but gets old quick.

It seems the only way to survive is to stay close to everyone else and spawn camp. The mobile GVs always seem to die first.

My complaints - HE rounds that ricochet... WTF? They're High Explosive. Shouldn't that mean they explode when they hit something solid?

Tank pintle guns should show the gunner sitting there when it's being used. The gunner should be able to be killed. - I had my M8 directly behind a Panzer and was pounding him with AP rounds both on the turret and engine compartment. I can't kill him, but he is able to use the pintle gun to shoot the heck out of my M8. - If someone stuck his head out of the tank to use the pintle gun, my 37mm AP would have killed him.

--- Why was the jeep added? --- Were WWII panzer tanks so accurate they could hit a Jeep driving 55mph with one shot? - I tried having some fun driving the jeep out to behind the enemy spawn points... that fun stopped quick. I guess AH jeeps die with a stiff breeze.

Offline JMFJ

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Re: GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2006, 09:41:11 AM »
Originally posted by Urchin
Anyway, I've tried the boring one-dimensional ground game for the first and last time this year... maybe some day it will be something other than a bad joke.

I have broke multiple gv spawn camps, 3 of which were just last night in tank town.  If you fly all year long and decide one day to up in tanks and get handed to the wolves, ......really what did you expect.  If you drove gv's all year long, and decided one day i'm gonna fly planes, so you start uping on a capped field, and get vulched as many as 15 times off of that field would that mean the planes are a joke too.

Learn how to dodge rounds, reckognize where those spawn campers are located, ask for help, don't miss when you shoot, figure out what your distance gaps are so you don't have to waste precious time, drive in from the base slip up behind them and pop them in the butt.  If you can't knock one guy off of the spawn per sortie, then you just need to plain out practice.

Play smarter, not cry harder.


Offline TinmanX

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2006, 10:07:39 AM »
"...and then we discovered why. Why this 'Cheech', who had fought with gods and demons, why he flew the Zeke. He was being kind, giving us a chance to run away."
Aces High Films
I'm the "timid" "runner" in the zeke "BnZing" you.

Offline Edbert1

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2006, 10:13:32 AM »
I recall last night urchin when you gave up trying the GV game. Did you notice all the 30-40 kill sorties landed in the hour or so after that? I don't see much point in belaboring the lameness of the spawn-campers. They are much like the horde warriors in aircraft. They just play the way the constraints of the game encourage them to play, little risk...big reward.

What drives me crazy about the GVs are the bugs. Like the 70mph PzIV, or the Tiger that blows up when it hits a shrub, or the 88mmAP round that bounces off the M3, or the 37MM that penetrates the frontal armor of the Tiger, or the guy who fires from the pintle while a hail of .50cal or 20mmHE pepper the upper armor with no effect....sigh.

I'm just suprised by the number of folks who will pay to play with the AH-GVs in the first place. IMO this game has the best flight and aerial gunnery modeling you can find anywhere for any price, and that has earned my money for many years. But the GV versus GV game is a total joke, the G2A or A2G game has it's issues but at least it is more plausible...meaning a 1,000 pound bomb hit will kill the GV and a 37mmHE hit will kill almost any plane in one shot

Offline WldThing

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2006, 10:22:34 AM »
Originally posted by Edbert1

What drives me crazy about the GVs are the bugs. Like the 70mph PzIV, or the Tiger that blows up when it hits a shrub, or the 88mmAP round that bounces off the M3, or the 37MM that penetrates the frontal armor of the Tiger, or the guy who fires from the pintle while a hail of .50cal or 20mmHE pepper the upper armor with no effect....sigh.

LOL the strange thing is that I've never experienced any of these anomalies..  Usually I whine how easy it is to kill my GV, or at least was ..

Offline Brenjen

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2006, 11:44:42 AM »
What drives me crazy about the GVs are the bugs. Like the 70mph PzIV, or the Tiger that blows up when it hits a shrub, or the 88mmAP round that bounces off the M3, or the 37MM that penetrates the frontal armor of the Tiger, or the guy who fires from the pintle while a hail of .50cal or 20mmHE pepper the upper armor with no effect....sigh.

"Like the 70mph PzIV"

 You can only get going that fast free wheeling (NUETRAL) down a steep hill.

"or the Tiger that blows up when it hits a shrub"

 I have never experienced that one, if it was a bug at one time, it's been fixed. Being flipped by a supply truck or a bush, now those still happen & are sort of non-sense. You could drive a tank through a brick building without slowing down in the real world.

"or the 88mmAP round that bounces off the M3"

 I'm with you on that one, talk about pissing you off. I understand it is supposed to simulate the A.P. round just cooking holes in the light skin of the vehicle without slowing down enough to do more than punch neat holes, but it needs work.

"or the 37MM that penetrates the frontal armor of the Tiger"

I've never experienced this either, but I have lost tigers to strafing aircraft that didn't drop bombs or fire rockets...just 20mm rounds killed a fresh tiger.

"or the guy who fires from the pintle while a hail of .50cal or 20mmHE pepper the upper armor with no effect"

 That's one of those, sometimes they die & sometimes they don't, it too needs work.

 Oh and JMFJ, you hit the nail on the head from a GV'rs stand point. I couldn't agree more.:aok

Offline Edbert1

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2006, 12:07:28 PM »
Originally posted by Brenjen
"Like the 70mph PzIV"

 You can only get going that fast free wheeling (NUETRAL) down a steep hill.

It doesnt need to be very steep at all. But the point is that Aircraft are so well modieled WRT to drag and parasitic loss that a PZ going over ~40mph in anything but a verticle freefall is ludicrous.

Originally posted by Brenjen

"or the Tiger that blows up when it hits a shrub"

 I have never experienced that one, if it was a bug at one time, it's been fixed. Being flipped by a supply truck or a bush, now those still happen & are sort of non-sense. You could drive a tank through a brick building without slowing down in the real world.

I haven't drive a tank through the woods in a long time, maybe they did fix it then. So how about that peice of plywood near a destroyed building? That scrap lumber used to blow you up too.

Originally posted by Brenjen

"or the 88mmAP round that bounces off the M3"

 I'm with you on that one, talk about pissing you off. I understand it is supposed to simulate the A.P. round just cooking holes in the light skin of the vehicle without slowing down enough to do more than punch neat holes, but it needs work.

"Needs work"...LOL...uhhh huh! The 75/88s still fail to penetrate foilage? I guess that's sorta fair since the tank can't push over the sapling either.

Originally posted by Brenjen

"or the 37MM that penetrates the frontal armor of the Tiger"

I've never experienced this either, but I have lost tigers to strafing aircraft that didn't drop bombs or fire rockets...just 20mm rounds killed a fresh tiger.

If the AC is firing HE then a Tiger shoud survive a direct hit. If we could load AP into the 37mm Yak or had a Stuka with the twin pods loaded with AP rounds it should be different too. The incidents I am recalling where a 37mm HE killed me with a frontal hit was field ack. Those are a mix of .50cal/20mm/30mm/37mm suposedly, and all fire HE (except the .50 of course).

Originally posted by Brenjen

"or the guy who fires from the pintle while a hail of .50cal or 20mmHE pepper the upper armor with no effect"

 That's one of those, sometimes they die & sometimes they don't, it too needs work.

The commander should die very easily if he is unbuttoned during a strafing run, not much of a "sometimes yes sometimes no", assuming the shooter can aim I guess, but I've raked them repeatedly and been pinged during afterwards. Ditto for the LVT/PTs who continue to fire their MGs, althought it seems the water-based craft pop much easier. How about the Ostwind's crew in the open top platform that does not get hamburgerized by the hail? I know, sometimes the turret gets knocked out, but I've knocked out an engine before from strafing an Ostwind that did not kill the gun crew.

Offline Simaril

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2006, 12:26:01 PM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire


What I advise you to do, is up a formation of bombers. Yes, I know, blasphemy. But what could be better than some hysterical hick calling you all sorts of names that he probably can't even spell after you just ruined his record-breaking camp with six thousand pounds of inflammable love?
When you need to blow off some steam, I find that carpet bombing those loveable miscreants really does the trick. :aok

Just a thought....

Is this behavior any different from that of the awful griefers who kill FHs to spoil other people's fun?

« Last Edit: May 18, 2006, 12:32:54 PM by Simaril »
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Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

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Offline Stang

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Re: Re: GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2006, 12:29:33 PM »
Originally posted by JMFJ

Play smarter, not cry harder.

Didn't know you had to be smart to just point and click.  Even a monkey can be taught to do that.

Offline Lye-El

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GV game in AH sucks...
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2006, 12:55:54 PM »
The incidents I am recalling where a 37mm HE killed me with a frontal hit was field ack.

Aim for the drivers viewport.

i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs