Hitech...I REALLY like that you are letting the community have their say on this topic! I'm impressed, and I hope our opinions/advice will also be used with future ideas...That said, I dont think I like this idea...I think its a major change of gameplay for an issue that really isnt that big of a deal...Yea the porking and dive bombing buffs are a pain in the arse, but right now with everything going on in the game, is it necessary to spend the man hours on a less than perfect solution? The only thing I think I could support would be using this concept strictly for ammo/troop/fuel bunkers ect...Otherwise I really dont think i'd be into it....
Furthermore, I commented about is it really worth it to spend the time on this? To be honest with you, CT is already late...I think adding this feature would do nothing but push CT or more important developements/updates back even further....To be honest i'd like to see your crew working souly on CT until the release, and then afterwards focusing on new aircraft, and even more important....new maps! =)
Like I said, im very impressed you have come to the community with this proposal, and I hope to see this again in the future
ps- Shouldnt this thread have been put in the Wishlist??? =)