Originally posted by mrmidi
I followed your tut. and made a working map exelent work on the tut.
What I'ld like to know now, is there a way to import a
topigraphical map of a continent into the TE to make a map,
or does it all have to be done from scratch.
Thanks for the compliment, finally got it straightened out after some necessary discrimination (thanks guys!).
About the topographical map. I once made a malta terrain still being used in H2H known as "MaltaDn1". It has 6-10 bishop CV's vs the maltese bases owned by the knights which are HEAVILY armored. I got the map image to look the way it is by taking an image off a weather site!
I just went online and searched for: Malta Maps. Immediatly one of the first 5 results was "Weather for Malta". I clicked on that and got a few neat map options for the terrain. I used that, made it a 256 color bitmap, added the grid ontop of it using Adobe Photoshop. And then just added my own system of grid coordinates.
From there, I just used that bitmap as my map image, then zoomed in very close on the bitmap in the TE, then went around placing the border tiles of the terrain. It sounds complicated, and yes, it is time consuming. But it is rather simple when you have all the tools necessary!
NOTE: It's much harder to try this example with a smaller map. Placing the tiles in the exact locations becomes much more difficult and doesent look at all as what it did on the bitmap.