Author Topic: al sharpton...  (Read 2932 times)

Offline capt. apathy

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al sharpton...
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2001, 01:00:00 PM »
i'm all for anything that outlaws discrimanation. but i don't see how making it easier for someone to get a job/education/promotion based on race(or minority status) can be seen by any thinking man as anything but discrimanation against anybody who doesn't fit that criteria. and as far as what happened historicly i dont live or work in the past and don't really find the people that do very mentaly stable

Offline fscott

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al sharpton...
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2001, 01:18:00 PM »
The Jews killed Christ, so we have continually persecuted them for their wrong doing.

Let's keep on making them pay, pay, pay.

The white people enslaved blacks, so let's keep on making whites pay, pay, pay.

Offline Yoj

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al sharpton...
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2001, 01:24:00 PM »
Originally posted by capt. apathy:
i'm all for anything that outlaws discrimanation. but i don't see how making it easier for someone to get a job/education/promotion based on race(or minority status) can be seen by any thinking man as anything but discrimanation against anybody who doesn't fit that criteria. and as far as what happened historicly i dont live or work in the past and don't really find the people that do very mentaly stable

Again, that assumes the playing field is level.  And history is everything that happened up to now - its not necessarily a long time ago.  

I think its pretty clear that, without the civil rights laws that have been passed, including the affirmative action laws, minority prospects would be as bad as they ever were.

And though you may not live or work in the past, I can be pretty certain you work with people who do.  The laws have changed much farther and faster than attitudes.

- Yoj

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al sharpton...
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2001, 01:35:00 PM »
Originally posted by fscott:
The Jews killed Christ, so we have continually persecuted them for their wrong doing.

Let's keep on making them pay, pay, pay.

The white people enslaved blacks, so let's keep on making whites pay, pay, pay.

Well - you could certainly find plenty of people who would agree with that first statement.  

As for the second, they're not saying keep making whites pay - they're saying START making them pay.  As I said, I don't buy the reparation concept.  However, I don't see what the white majority has had to pay - unless treating minorities like American citizens is some sort of hardship.

- Yoj

Offline mrfish

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al sharpton...
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2001, 01:38:00 PM »
Originally posted by Yoj:
The opposition to affirmative action comes from the assumption that the playing field is level to begin with.  Historically, minorities had to be demonstratively MORE qualified than whites to have the same opportunity for a job

yeah i've heard every version of that song and it's still boring.

it's a competitive world and those who compete well end up winning, whether that's fair or not.

case in point: san francisco.
san francisco passed very restrictive laws against asians during the gold rush and they just kept coming and working hard anyway.instead of whining about acceptance and belonging, they simply formed a thriving and prosperous community of their own.

even as late as the 1930's, asians were prety much limited to chinatown and couldn't live elsewhere, and still they just kept coming and working hard and learning.

eventually, the italians, russian jews and irish that dominated san francisco (and still do along with the chinese now) started to accept the asian community because they realized they were hard workers,pleasantly demeanored and kept their community very safe. additionally, they seemed to be extremely competent at their endeavors.

if you go to chinatown today - don't worry about the time or whether you are alone because you are going to be safe. crowded, but safe. poor people come here with nothing, and no knowledge of the language to this very day and go from scubbing dishes to owning a real estate empire (like j.l. fong my landlord) in a matter of years.

they have formed a self sufficient community that prepares their people for america at large and require no handouts or emotional boosts whatsoever.

in every company i've worked for, asians are on an equal footing in every sense (disregarding the usual nepotism and bellybutton kissing that effects all races)and in some cases people even take them more seriously because they assume they studied harder. (another stereotype of course even if it is positive)

in short, they earned it....through work and sacrfifice, not by any law making you accept or respect them.

another case - scott street projects.

san francisco built brand new cheap low income housing in the 80's in a predominantly black neighborhood on scott street. they were great units and some of the only new housing around. day care was on site for working mothers, counseling services were offered... etc etc. those people payed next to nothing per month while the rest of us pay over a thousand for a hole in the wall.

they littered and grafittid that neighborhood into the ground in a few years. it is a dump now. every time i drive through there are people standing on every corner with their pants aroud their ankles making threatening gestures to the guys on the other side of the street with their pants also around their ankles and the community even has it's own police detachment to try to curb the constant violence crack and gang warfare.

in one night last spring two seperate and unrelated shootings resulted in death. if you want to compare communities drive through chinatown at 12am then go drive through the bayshore district or parts of the filmore district and tenderloin. good luck.

as long as that community model dominates - hard working blacks will abandon their world and take on that "white" persona as soon as they become successful and sympathy will be hard to come by for those that ruin their community and then cry for reparations and more handouts and field leveling tactics.

until diligent black men stay in their communities and act as role models for young fatherless punks and leaders for their community nationwide, clowns like sharpton will continue to dominate and the rational elements of the community will remain unheard.

black men: take back your communities!

[ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: mrfish ]


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al sharpton...
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2001, 01:45:00 PM »
Im not a racisist by any means, I do have friends of different cultures and creeds and colors. My love for or caring for people goes way farther then the color of ones skin.
However from what I have noticed; in general the black communities tend to bring them selves down.

I have noticed that it is very well known that when a primarily black populated community is present, that community is generally run down, and crime rates are higher.

I have lived in various places, and with all kinds. Their are bad apples in every race, creed, so I understand that a few bad examples shouldnt reflect upon the whole.

Statistically speaking though, large groups of black communities protest about what they do not have and how/why they are not treated as well as other groups, and proclaim that they are owed somehting. I say that they are owed nothing. I understand that ignorance of the past was ever present, and evil definatly a force in the past.

Why live in the past though? I think that all the garbage about oweing anyone anything is dumb.  

Let the past be known, then move on and make a change for the better.

I see that priorities in the youth of blacks are skewed. If someone cannot afford to live in a sound home/apartment with food clothing, or support for thier children, why then spend money on frivoulous things such as the 5000$ rims on the car that barely runs.

You see alot of frivoulious "look at me and what I have to prove" attitude in the hip hop/rap scene.

Master P has an entire mansion that is lined with golden plated walls and  everything that only a king would ever need/desire. I see way to much emphisis on material things in these commnuities.

I Think that if anything is going to ever change with the attiude others feel towards or the attitudes that are within the black communites,... The change will have to come from within.

Poeple that preach hate Malcom x and others who are for Black empowerment are doing nothing but hurting the way others see them as a part of intelligent and peacefull society.

anyway... I think someone that has an outlook of lets move on, and understand the 'weve learned from the past" focus will be a great leader and example reguardless of color.

Offline capt. apathy

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al sharpton...
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2001, 01:46:00 PM »
Yes there are some old attitudes out there and yes discrimination against minorities is wrong but that doesn't justify discriminating against non-minorities (we aren't the majority anymore, just not protected) and discrimination is a horrible thing but legally sanctioned discrimination is wrong and should have no part in any gov't. And that is what imo makes 'affirmative action' so terrible it is sanctioned and enforced by the gov't, legal mandatory discrimination. If I was to set up the united whiteboy collage fund (scholarships just for whites, or the nation organization for the aid and advancement of white people I’d be called racist.
And all that crap about what went on before doesn't change the fact that discrimination is wrong any mater who you single out.

Also when you take a young white guy who's broke with just and starting out and he sees a less qualified person getting promoted ahead of him (if he can even get the job in the first place) and then you tell him he has been held back in life because he gets all the brakes (you do realize don't you that affirmative action doesn't hurt the rich white guy who already has the $$$, just the poor guy who already has it as bad as the black man, 'cause poverty is one thing that never has discriminated, it'll suck no mater what color you are)
You have the perfect recipe for you next clansman or skinhead
It’ll be a great day when working class people of all colors realize it's not about black and white but about have and have not

[ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: capt. apathy ]

Offline SOB

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al sharpton...
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2001, 01:57:00 PM »
Originally posted by Yoj:
The opposition to affirmative action comes from the assumption that the playing field is level to begin with.

- Yoj

Yoj, that has nothing to do with it.  The government regulating discrimination against a segment of the population for the purpose of "equalizing" the playing field is ridiculous.

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Yoj

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« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2001, 02:04:00 PM »
Its pretty obvious to me that we're into a subject that's too big for a forum - whole books could be written.  

In any case, if I accept (purely for argument's sake) that affirmative action is inherently flawed, how do you propose that minorities be guaranteed a fair crack at opportunities?  After all, someone saw a need for that legislation to begin with.  Simply doing away with all affirmative action programs can't be the answer.  What's your alternative?

Offline Apache

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al sharpton...
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2001, 02:04:00 PM »
One of my black friends once told me he despised affirmative action. He felt that it "dumbed down" the black male/female. Whats more, most were falling for it. He saw it as another control of the white man.

Offline Red Ant

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al sharpton...
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2001, 02:16:00 PM »
Nothing quite like a bunch of white american males discussing "the black community". Priceless  :)

Offline Yoj

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al sharpton...
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2001, 02:22:00 PM »
Originally posted by SOB:

Yoj, that has nothing to do with it.  The government regulating discrimination against a segment of the population for the purpose of "equalizing" the playing field is ridiculous.


If and when that happens I agree.  However, affirmative action was never intended to regulate "discrimination against a segment of the population".  

To listen to this thread one would think that white males in America are massively unemployed because all the good jobs have been filled by less qualified minorities (and women).  When I look around that's sure not what I see.  One can always find cases of inequity - the question is, is there more or less inequity now than there was.  I submit more people are more fairly treated now than used to be.  The howls of protest from the occasional white victims sounds an awful lot more like anger over lost privilege than genuine harm.

Doing this through legislation is bound to not always be fair.  The legislation exists because this society would not change itself without it - and left to itself would return to the past in a heartbeat.

- Yoj

Offline capt. apathy

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al sharpton...
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2001, 02:24:00 PM »
yoj, yes simply doing away with affirmitve action IS the answer. then just outlaw discrimanation against anyone.

and red ant.  i'm not talking about black life i'm talking about a discrimanative gov't policy and how the working class is getting played agianst ourselves by the rich and the media

Offline Yoj

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al sharpton...
« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2001, 02:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by Red Ant:
Nothing quite like a bunch of white american males discussing "the black community". Priceless   :)

Lol - actually, though it appears to be American males, its not all white.

- Yoj

Offline capt. apathy

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al sharpton...
« Reply #29 on: September 06, 2001, 02:30:00 PM »
. One can always find cases of inequity - the question is, is there more or less inequity now than there was. I submit more people are more fairly treated now than used to be. The howls of protest from the occasional white victims sounds an awful lot more like anger over lost privilege than genuine harm.
Gov’t sanctioned discrimination is the worst possible kind I don’t care if it's only one person or many actually if we are going to talk about protecting a minority you can't get any more of a minority than 1 lone individual