Author Topic: IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"  (Read 3202 times)

Offline bj229r

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #90 on: August 01, 2006, 10:27:18 PM »
Hizballah's Body Handler Photographed in 1996

EU Referendum has an update on the Hizballah “rescue worker” in the green helmet, the guy who paraded around with children’s bodies for hours at Qana, posing them for photographers.

Turns out that Green Helmet Guy must be the official Hizballah body handler; he has a history of turning up at attack sites and putting on ghoulish shows. EU Referendum found a photo from 1996, apparently showing the same person displaying another dead child to photographers: Who Is This Man? (WARNING: Graphic images.)
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Offline Gunslinger

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #91 on: August 01, 2006, 11:22:02 PM »
In fact, the Lebanese Red Cross first received a call for assistance at 7am, but eyewitnesses in the village said the building collapsed about 1am, about 10 minutes after the first strike (and there may not have been a second, what they report as a second explosion may have been the building collapsing)

I have YET to see this in ANY news report.

Again you are defending speculation without any sort of fact.  The BBC pics alone don't paint the whole picture.  These aren't conspiracy blogs that we get our info from they are people that write about stuff the MSM refuses to write about every single day.  Goto and look for yourself.

Even the body count is in dispute as the red cross says only 29 dead where as it was said 56+ where dead earlier.  If this is such a tragedy wouldn't more accuracy entail?

Offline Angus

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #92 on: August 02, 2006, 09:57:08 AM »
Originally posted by straffo
1st it's Alsace and Lorraine :)

2nd your comparaison don't work.
Until last year Lebanon was under tight control by Syria, Lebanese army is just a joke even currently, you say it's idle ... certainly but do you really think it can move ?
Even the IDF wich is incredibly more efficient has trouble with the Hezbollah how  can a ghost army expect success ? with the help of  the Saoudian special forces :rofl ?

So they can't do anything about the Hizbollah? Or they just won't? The Syrians Won't. The Israelis do.
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Offline Gunslinger

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #93 on: August 02, 2006, 10:23:47 AM »

Offline Hawco

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #94 on: August 02, 2006, 12:11:30 PM »
Would seem that the zionist propaganda machine has a problem in relation to the strike now.
Read this link from a Jewish newspaper.

Offline Gunslinger

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #95 on: August 02, 2006, 01:09:59 PM »
Originally posted by Hawco
Would seem that the zionist propaganda machine has a problem in relation to the strike now.
Read this link from a Jewish newspaper.

Same with the hezbollah


Meanwhile, the Lebanese Red Cross workers reported on Monday that 28 bodies, 19 of them children, were removed from the rubble.

The count is lower than the some 60 bodies reported by news agencies, quoting Lebanese security officials. Survivors say 60 people were in the building at the time of the strike.

And still no one has a decent explaination for the pictures taken at the site.

Offline FUNKED1

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #96 on: August 02, 2006, 01:40:31 PM »
And still no one has a decent explanation for the other 99.9% of civilian casualties and destruction of property.

Offline xrtoronto

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #97 on: August 02, 2006, 01:45:15 PM »
Originally posted by FUNKED1
And still no one has a decent explanation for the other 99.9% of civilian casualties and destruction of property.

and on CNN last night, no sign of any rocket launchers or other weapons in the rubble or surrounding area, here in Qana and other places as stated by Red Cross

Offline Gunslinger

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #98 on: August 02, 2006, 01:53:19 PM »
Originally posted by FUNKED1
And still no one has a decent explanation for the other 99.9% of civilian casualties and destruction of property.

Just using simple math based on your statement you are saying of all the targets that the IDF has hit only 0.01% of them are valid?

Offline Gunslinger

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #99 on: August 02, 2006, 01:55:04 PM »
Originally posted by xrtoronto
and on CNN last night, no sign of any rocket launchers or other weapons in the rubble or surrounding area, here in Qana and other places as stated by Red Cross

I guess they havn't seen the video of rockets being launched in the area.  But according to pictures taken by AP photographers not many of the bodies recovered came from the rubble either.


Here's the  questions that need answers

When did the building collapse, and what caused the collapse?
Were the photos taken of the victims staged?
Why do the bodies of the victims not show the crushing injuries one would expect in a building collapse?
Why weren’t journalists allowed near the building?
Why is their such a discrepancy in the initial casualty figures cited to the world (55-60) and the number of bodes recovered by the Lebanese Red Cross (28)?
Who is the man known as “Green Helmet” who was in so many of these pictures, and why was he in other, similar photos dating back to 1996?
« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 02:00:52 PM by Gunslinger »

Offline FUNKED1

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #100 on: August 02, 2006, 01:55:48 PM »

Offline Gunslinger

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #101 on: August 02, 2006, 02:01:20 PM »
Originally posted by FUNKED1

You are brilliant!

Offline FUNKED1

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #102 on: August 02, 2006, 02:02:14 PM »
Thx :)

Offline Gunslinger

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #103 on: August 02, 2006, 02:03:14 PM »
From the Jerusalem post,

The IDF is looking into allegations raised over the past few days by several pro-Israel, Jewish and conservative Weblogs that Hizbullah may have staged aspects of the Kana tragedy on Sunday, in which some 60 Lebanese bodies were removed from a building that collapsed seven hours after being hit in an Israel Air Force strike.

The dead were mainly children, women and elderly people.

The International Committee of the Red Cross Mission in Israel said Tuesday that it would inform its Swiss headquarters about the allegations and seek to clarify the questions raised.

Israel has acknowledged hitting the building, and said 150 Katyushas had been fired from the village in the previous 20 days, with Hizbullah hiding rocket launchers in civilian buildings there. Israel said it did not know civilians were inside the building and expressed sorrow over the tragedy.

In a speech on Monday night, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he deeply regretted the deaths of civilians there. "We did not seek to harm them, we did not want their death," he said. "They were not our enemies, they were not the target of our aircraft."

At a press conference on Sunday night, Air Force Chief of Staff Brig.-Gen. Amir Eshel said the building was struck by IAF missiles a little after midnight, but only collapsed seven hours later, at about 7 a.m.

Eshel said he could not explain what caused the structure to collapse so many hours after it was hit, and speculated, while stressing that he had no conclusive evidence, about whether Hizbullah had played a role in what had transpired, perhaps by firing on the building itself.

Another possibility that has been raised is that the building sustained damage from the original strike, but collapsed only later from structural damage or the impact of further IAF strikes nearby. Alternatively, the building may have contained Hizbullah weaponry that detonated after the strike.

MK Benny Elon (National Union) suggested Tuesday that Hizbullah may have played a role in the building's collapse in an attempt to prevent an international force from entering Lebanon and to place blame on Israel.

"In general, Hizbullah prevents citizens from moving from places that the IDF is attacking. This time it was more," said Elon. "It wasn't just prohibiting citizens from leaving this time, it was bringing refugees that aren't residents of Kafr Kana to areas that they know are going to be attacked. And to be sure it's attacked, Hizbullah fires from the building next door in order to create the crisis and in order to create the pictures."

According to Elon, Hizbullah took such action in an attempt to recreate the situation at Kafr Kana in 1996, which resulted in a withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon.

"What they wanted to do was 'deja vu.' Last time, Kafr Kana was the end of the conflict... and this time they expected that the results would be the same: cease-fire," said Elon. "They needed the cease fire immediately because of the results of the war so far and their fear that UN Resolution 1559 can be enforced and fulfilled by the international force."

According to Elon, the IDF had "sources and information which were sure that civilians had left the area after warning pamphlets were dropped," but the information turned out to be mistaken.

According to one of the Web sites raising questions about the affair, Israel Insider, "the accumulating evidence suggests another explanation for what happened at Kana. The scenario would be a setup in which the time between the initial bombing near the building and morning reports of its collapse would have been used to 'plant' bodies killed in previous fighting... place them in the basement, and then engineer a 'controlled demolition' to fake another Israeli attack

Offline Nashwan

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IDF says "building collapsed 8 hours after the attack"
« Reply #104 on: August 02, 2006, 05:23:29 PM »
I guess they havn't seen the video of rockets being launched in the area.

The IDF has now admitted that no missiles had been fired from Qana in the previous day, and the building was targeted because it was near an area where missiles had been fired in the past.

When did the building collapse, and what caused the collapse?

According to the eyewitness accounts, around 1 am, during or shortly after IDF attacks on the area.

The IDF have said the only information they have is from the foreign press, who were notified at 8am. The Lebanese Red Cross say they were informed at 7am.

Were the photos taken of the victims staged?

Staged in what way? Did someone display a body for the press to get better pictures? Almost certainly.

Why do the bodies of the victims not show the crushing injuries one would expect in a building collapse?

Crushing injuries are often not visible. Try looking for photos of victims of various Iranian earthquakes, as the situations should be similar.

Why weren’t journalists allowed near the building?

They were. Why is such a claim being made when there is film evidence to the contrary?

Why is their such a discrepancy in the initial casualty figures cited to the world (55-60) and the number of bodes recovered by the Lebanese Red Cross (28)?

It often goes that way.

63 people were reported to be sheltering in the building. 9 survivors were know shortly after the building collapsed, which gave the initial death toll of 54. Another 13 survivors have since been found/come forward, leaving 41 people dead/unaccounted for. 28 bodies have been recovered, 13 people are still missing. The rescue efforts have moved on to other buildings, it might take many days to fully excavate this site.

There's nothing unusual in this. The initial reports of casualties in the WTC were well over 7,000, it wasn't until more than a month afterwards that the figure dropped below 7,000, iirc, and the final figures was around 2,700, again iirc.

Who is the man known as “Green Helmet” who was in so many of these pictures, and why was he in other, similar photos dating back to 1996?

Just as a guess, he's a Lebanese man from the area.

Is it really suprising that a rescue worker in 1996 is still a rescue worker 10 years later, and still living in the same area? People in the third world tend to remain in jobs longer, and are far less likely to leave the area they were born in than people in the first world.

Even if he is not a rescue worker, is it suprising that the same man is helping rescue efforts 10 years later? I know if there'd been a disaster in my area I'd have been helping 10 years ago, and would be helping again today if there was another disaster.

Quite honestly, this is one of the silliest conspiracy theories I've seen. Everything is based on pure supposition.

There isn't actually a shred of evidence that points to anything other than the building collapsing as, or shortly after, it was hit by the IDF, and trapping people in the rubble. If there is, the conspiracy theorists have yet to provide it.