What he means by action, is should he terminate their accounts and PNG them for life.
Step 3. Have gained some friends, Figure out new and chalanging things to do to gether, still having fun.
Step 4. Few friends leave, play less, still have fun on ocation.
Step 6. Feeling just dons't realy come back, Start blaming everyone else and the game for them not having that feeling any more.
Step 7. Become vocal about yourself not having fun. Try to persuade everone else that you not having fun is all there fault.
Well HTC you can't be more incorrect about me and you are WRONG. You base your above steps on the fact that the challenge is gone and that is why I am sour. But in all honesty, when I started this game furballs were the norm and Air to Air combat was the focus. Maybe that wasn’t your intention but that is what I saw. Furballs are no longer the norm and the game play style I and many of us enjoyed is becoming a thing of the past.
You can keep your head in the sand a pretend that is not the case and throw the likes of myself and Laz and others into the crusty old vet bucket, but you will still be wrong and still be killing a user base that wants to play your game.
As we have said before, make it so furballs exist by design rather than by chance and you will never hear a bad word on the subject from me again. Fighter Town maps have given many of us a place to play again, but you don't seem to recognize that.
Maybe you have been away from the MA too long and that is understandable with betting the company on CT. But honestly you are wrong when it comes to me and Laz and many of the other loyal vets that you have lost for the same reasons.
I respect you and your game, if you want censorship and mindless automatons playing your game, then fine.
If you think mindless potatods running away from each other and taking undefended bases are good for the game then fine, say so and I will leave that alone.
Tell me you have abandoned the Air to Air combat game I signed up for 4 years ago and I will leave this alone.