Author Topic: Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?  (Read 3024 times)

Offline Mini D

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2006, 03:36:04 PM »
The interview was completely inapropriate, IMO. Journalism has lost all credibility. Kudos for Clinton for responding to that point.

As for what Klinton did or didn't do... that's always going to be suspect. He filled his entire two terms with token gestures and no substance. I think his antiterrorism stance reflects that fundamental policy. He would launch cruise missiles during a slow news week. It's also important to make something very clear: He wanted to go in and do more and was stopped by congress who asserted that he was only doing that to overshadow the Monica Lewinski scandal. They were 100% right. But it shows just where all of congress was focused -> bipartisainship.

Offline Gh0stFT

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2006, 03:38:02 PM »
Originally posted by Mightytboy
As far as the evidence against Saddam it became clear after the invasion that the intelligence was wrong. Not just ours but many other countries.

Does that mean Bush lied?


But he is the one who is responsible, who else?
wrong mission accomplished, now search to blame others.
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.

Offline AWMac

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2006, 03:44:34 PM »
"WJC: What did I do? I worked hard to try and kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. "

  What a concept, Presidential Sponsership on Foreign Assasination...

  Yo Hugo, are you sleeping well?  What about the Iranian Camel Hummer?

  Lets do Hamas too.... and well Hell never liked Putin either, shifty eyes.

  And if Castros' Brother fell to a Bullet, who would care.  Fidel?


Offline Shifty

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2006, 04:25:46 PM »
Originally posted by storch
classic billy jeff.  makes me want to go and reinstall the half buried tractor tires on the street end of the driveway at 1600 pennsylvania avenue.

Aw come on surely he has enough class to spray paint em white. Lay them on their sides and use them for flower pots.........:confused:

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Offline tikky

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2006, 04:38:32 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D
The interview was completely inapropriate, IMO. Journalism has lost all credibility. Kudos for Clinton for responding to that point.

Faux News (TM) as usual...

Offline Shifty

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2006, 04:58:19 PM »
Originally posted by tikky
Faux News (TM) as usual...

Whats usual is Willie not accepting responsibility for anything. Whats unusual is somebody finnally asked him a question that wasn't pure fluff.
Face it your boy can't stand up to what Bush has to put up with every day.

Wallace asked the same kind of questions to Rice , and Rumsfeld, when he's interviewed them in the past. Neither had a meltdown like Kilinton.

Unless the media is sucking up to him, he's a wuss.
Poor little Willie got pwnd.:rofl :rofl :rofl

JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

"Haji may have blown my legs off but I'm still a stud"~ SPC Thomas Vandeventer Delta1/5 1st CAV


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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2006, 05:03:12 PM »
Originally posted by Shifty
Whats usual is Willie not accepting responsibility for anything. Whats unusual is somebody finnally asked him a question that wasn't pure fluff.
Face it your boy can't stand up to what Bush has to put up with every day.

Wallace asked the same kind of questions to Rice , and Rumsfeld, when he's interviewed them in the past. Neither had a meltdown like Kilinton.

Unless the media is sucking up to him, he's a wuss.
Poor little Willie got pwnd.:rofl :rofl :rofl
he sure did meltdown.  funny for a veteran politician that weathered the numerous scandals in his corrupt administration with such elan to just lose his composure due to some fairly soft pitches.  that's how I see it too he was owned.

Offline LePaul

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2006, 05:15:48 PM »
He refers to Richard Clark a lot...and Richard Clark's book doesnt back him, as Rush pointed out in the air today.

Clinton seems to convinced himself he deserves an atta boy...and anyone who disagrees with that myth is a right wing hitman.

Offline Stang

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2006, 05:18:17 PM »
Why is it ok to ask Bush tough questions about Bin Laden but not former President Clinton?  Don't they both share some blame here?  I'm glad CW asked him about it instead of softballing him.

Offline Hap

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2006, 05:25:13 PM »
Originally posted by Yeager
where is the evidence of this lie?

Yeager, I'd put Frontline's piece on America going to war as a place to look.  I forget it's name, but you might be able to see it on their website.

"Lie" being the case when someone reports something to be so when it is not.  



Offline LePaul

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #40 on: September 25, 2006, 05:40:08 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D
It's also important to make something very clear: He wanted to go in and do more and was stopped by congress who asserted that he was only doing that to overshadow the Monica Lewinski scandal. They were 100% right. But it shows just where all of congress was focused -> bipartisainship.

CLINTON: President Bush's neocons thought I was too obsessed with bin Laden. They --

RUSH: Stop the tape. All right, exhaustive research indicates, folks, that there was nothing but total Republican support for getting bin Laden. The people did a thorough NexisLexis search over the weekend. A thorough LexisNexis search identified absolutely no instances of high-ranking Republicans ever suggesting that Clinton was obsessed with bin Laden or that he did too much to apprehend him prior to the bombing of the USS Cole in October of 2000. Quite the contrary, Republicans were typically highly supportive of Clinton's efforts in this regard.

As a little background here from the, prior to the August '98 US embassy bombings in Africa, there is hardly any mention of bin Laden by Clinton in American news transcripts, prior to 1998, even though bin Laden declared war on the United States in 1996, after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, Clinton didn't even -- maybe a couple sentences in his Saturday radio address which followed the bombing on February 26th of '93 -- he didn't want to deal with it. He told New York it was a local law enforcement issue, you people handle it, wanted nothing to do with it. No mention, hardly any mention of bin Laden by President Clinton in American news transcripts. And for the most part, the first real discussion of bin Laden by Clinton or by any US politicians for that matter began after the embassy bombings in 1998 and escalated after the American retaliation in Afghanistan a few weeks later.  
"At the time, the former president was knee-deep in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, so much so that the press was abuzz with the possibility that Clinton had performed these attacks to distract the American people from his extracurricular activities much as in the movie Wag the Dog." But that begs the question, why did this possibility even get raised? It's because of Clinton's own behavior with Monica Lewinsky. It wasn't made up by a right-wing conspiracy, and it wasn't made up by a bunch of enemies out to get him. It was a direct offshoot and result of his behavior. "Were there high-ranking Republicans that piled on this assertion? Hardly. As the Associated Press reported on the day of the attacks, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-Georgia) said the following on August 20, 1998: 'Well, I think the United States did exactly the right thing. We cannot allow a terrorist group to attack American embassies and do nothing. And I think we have to recognize that we are now committed to engaging this organization and breaking it apart and doing whatever we have to to suppress it, because we cannot afford to have people who think that they can kill Americans without any consequence. So this was the right thing to do.'"

 There was Republican support for this, as I have drummed into people's heads constantly, and yet Clinton is out there convinced that Republicans were angry at him because he was obsessed with bin Laden. "Gingrich was not alone in his support. CNN’s Candy Crowley reported on August 21, 1998, the day after cruise missiles were sent into Afghanistan: 'With law makers scattered to the four winds on August vacation, congressional offices revved up the faxes. From the Senate majority leader [Trent Lott], 'Despite the current controversy, this Congress will vigorously support the president in full defense of America’s interests throughout the world.' Crowley continued: 'The United States political leadership always has and always will stand united in the face of international terrorism.'" Those are the words of Jesse Helms. Well, we know that's not the case anymore. The United States political leadership does not stand united in the face of international terrorism today under President Bush's watch.

"The Atlanta Urinal Constipation, same day: 'Our nation has taken action against very deadly terrorists opposed to the most basic principles of American freedom,' said Sen. Paul Coverdell, a Republican member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 'This action should serve as a reminder that no one is beyond the reach of American justice.' Former vice president Dan Quayle was quoted by CNN on August 23, 1998: 'I don’t have a problem with the timing. You need to focus on the act itself. It was a correct act. Bill Clinton took—made a decisive decision to hit these terrorist camps. It’s probably long overdue.' Were there some Republican detractors? Certainly. Chief amongst them was Sen. Dan Coats of Indiana: 'I think we fear that we may have a president that is desperately seeking to hold onto his job in the face of a firestorm of criticism and calls for him to step down.'

"Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania) also questioned the timing at first. However, other Republicans pleaded with dissenters on their side of the aisle to get on board the operation, chief amongst them, Gingrich himself. As reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Speaker felt the 'Wag the Dog' comparisons were 'sick': 'Anyone who saw the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, anyone who saw the coffins come home, would not ask such a question,' said the House speaker, referring to the 12 Americans killed in the embassy bombings. In fact, Gingrich did everything within his power to head off Republican criticism of these attacks as reported by the Boston Globe on August 23, 1998: 'Indeed, Gingrich even saw to it that one of his political associates, Rich Galen, sent a blast-Fax to conservative talk radio hosts urging them to lay off the president on the missile strikes, and making sure they knew of Gingrich’s strong support.'"

Even in the end, both Specter and Coats got on board the operation. "After reviewing intelligence information collected on bin Laden, Specter said: 'I think the president acted properly.'"
"As for 'neocons,' one so-called high-ranking member, Richard Perle, wrote the following in an August 23, 1998, op-ed published in the Sunday Times: 'For the first time since taking office in 1993, the Clinton administration has responded with some measure of seriousness to an act of terror against the United States. This has undoubtedly come as a surprise to Osama Bin Laden, the Saudi terrorist believed to have been behind the bombing... So Thursday’s bombing is a small step in the right direction. More important, it reverses, at least for now, a weak and ineffective Clinton policy that has emboldened terrorists and confirmed that facilitating terror is without cost to the states..." Go back to the top of cut three, Mike, re-cue the thing. Now that you've heard all of the evidence of how the Republicans, the neocons, supported this, urged all of their supporters to get behind it on the basis that the country comes together in times of war, in times of attacks on American citizens internationally, Bill Clinton on Fox News Sunday claimed that Republicans were obsessed with his obsession with bin Laden, claimed that he was obsessed with bin Laden, were being critical. Here from the top the whole bite now.

Offline lukster

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2006, 05:52:56 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Wow... Did you  guys read that? What exactly did he dodge? Sounds like he gave Wallace a slap down. And he answered every question.

You should realize that Chariboy's post is not the complete interview. He left out much with the ....

Offline AquaShrimp

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #42 on: September 25, 2006, 06:36:29 PM »
How can you guys read that and still try to criticize Clinton?  Some of you are so ingrained in your Right Wing/Left Wing bias, that you can't think for yourselves.  I don't use new outlets to make decisions for me, I use them to educate myself on the events.  Give me the objective facts, not your skewed opinions.

Following either party blindly is a bad idea.  Educate yourself on the big picture and then work on the details.

Offline lukster

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #43 on: September 25, 2006, 07:28:24 PM »
Originally posted by AquaShrimp
How can you guys read that and still try to criticize Clinton?  Some of you are so ingrained in your Right Wing/Left Wing bias, that you can't think for yourselves.  I don't use new outlets to make decisions for me, I use them to educate myself on the events.  Give me the objective facts, not your skewed opinions.

Following either party blindly is a bad idea.  Educate yourself on the big picture and then work on the details.

I watched the interview and my opinion of Clinton would have dropped lower if that were possible.

Offline 68Hawk

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Did you catch Clinton on Fox News?
« Reply #44 on: September 25, 2006, 07:39:39 PM »
Originally posted by AquaShrimp

Following either party blindly is a bad idea.  Educate yourself on the big picture and then work on the details.


Like Rush is a good example of a human being to listen to?

LePaul- Clarke's book does give Clinton due credit.  Doesn't absolve him, but shows that he was trying.

And I never said "Clinton good Bush bad. Got it."  I said he made a fair assertion.  

AquaShrimp is right.  If we keep focusing on the partisan crap that BOTH sides are spewing, we rist losing all objectivity (if theres any left in American politics).  I think it's fair for Clinton to defend himself, and that the blame placed on him in this matter has been largely unfounded.  I also think he screwed up plenty of crap during his terms and I'm not saying he's a good person.

Bush still gets to be a bad person though, as the record shows pretty clearly that he's dropped the ball just about every chance he got.

I'd love to hear something concrete about how Bush was trying to track down bin laden before 9/11.  I'd also love to hear a good reason why he hasn't been found yet.  I'd really love to hear why it makes us safer to invade other nations that have nothing to do with Al Qaeda, when we havn't even finished with the TERRORIST organization first.

Address some of these questions, and start rejecting the false left/right paradigm that these criminals want to trap us all in and we'll have started to make some progress....
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