Author Topic: Cherry Picking  (Read 4012 times)

Offline J_A_B

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #45 on: October 04, 2006, 07:55:53 PM »
Some people will try to say that 'cherrypicking' is ANY case in which a high airplane attacks a lower airplane and doesn't give the target much of a chance to shoot back.   Of course, such opinions are uniformly silly.  No rational person expects a 190D-9 to try to stallfight a Spit 5 just because the guy in the Spit gets mad if the 190 doesn't give him an easy kill.

Traditionally, 'cherrypickers' were pilots who made a habit of only attacking enemy airplanes that were already involved in combat.  This sort of cherrypicker is a piece of scum who will be hated not just by his enemies, but by his countrymen as well because he 'steals' the kills that his countrymates work for.  That enemy who orbits 10K above you and simply will not engage until you're already busy with 2 other enemies--yeah, he's a cherrypicker, and chances are his 'allies' wish he'd go away.  Nothing is more frustrating than fighting an opponent and slowly gaining the upper hand, only to have some dweeb zoom in and blow your target away at the last second--particularly when said dweeb watched the entire fight from a distance and didn't engage at all until your target was all but doomed.  

Everyone will occasionally attack targets that are already involved in combat.  That's fine.  You can identify the cherrypicker because he *only* attacks such targets--he's incapable (either due to fear or lack of skill) of actually killing stuff on his own.  Cherrypickers are also notorious for orbiting their own airfields at high altitude just to pick off the occasional inbound ground attacker (or, in especially lame cases, let the ack do the work and get prox kills).


Offline LYNX

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #46 on: October 04, 2006, 08:02:39 PM »
It's good to be the picker, it's bad to be the cheery BUT we've all been there, weather by accident or design.  It's the happens.

Think of this :-  80% of pilots shot down in WWII did NOT see what shot them down.  Boom ,,,,,bang ,,,,,bail,,,,, WTF !

Also 90% of dog fights didn't last more than a minute.  Everyone got their snap shots off then got the F### outta there.  To be a living ace in WWII was all about being as crafty and sneaky as possible.

Offline J_A_B

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #47 on: October 04, 2006, 08:14:02 PM »
"Think of this :- 80% of pilots shot down in WWII did NOT see what shot them down."

This is true, but not in the sense some people think.  Most of them got shot down because their attention was focused elsewhere, such as being concerned with another target in a dogfight.  You see this same thing happen in an AH 'furball'...most the guys who get shot down don't realize someone is saddling up on their 6 until it's too late because thy're too busy watching something else.


Offline Clutz

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #48 on: October 04, 2006, 08:14:45 PM »
The real issue isn't really cherry pickers vulchers or Ho'ers per say. They do add a dimension to the game that is interesting. If they are kids doing it, noobs or whatever, then that is fun and they should have some fun. I like this. But man, when its so many, or even worse, when you have to become one of them to survive in the game. I think the game by nature and the way it is set up makes this type of fighting happen automatically. I think this is one thing HT was trying to fix? maybe???? That "arena health" thing Pyro was talking about.

I think some peoples complaints about these flying techniques come from the arena being to full. 300 people in the Ma and they all pick two areas of the map to fly from, basically. Why is this? Take a look at the pic I made below,  (:lol , silly me).

The black guys are at 4 or 5K and the red guys are the cherry pickers/alt monkeys at 12k respectively. The blue dots are me and another guy having a civil fight. :D Notice the alt monkeys are very upset the two of us are not conforming to standard game play. :lol  I guess I better "Watch my SA", blah blah blah, which basically means stop dog fighting.

Within this scenario that I made, which is quite typical, the only way to fly this map is to fly as a hi alt monkey, (if you cant beat them join them) or Bnz the furball and bail out real quick. Or, go find an empty room, fly around for a half hour, and hope you can find a couple of good guys to fight with.
How about if we have caps on the number of people that can take off from a base? Just a guess? I don't know? My view point is very limited. All I want to do really is find a good fight with some nice folks in the MA.

Offline Sikboy

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #49 on: October 04, 2006, 08:41:51 PM »
Originally posted by plink
A cherry, is one that is hung out at the top of his alt with speed near zero.

The picker... is the one that pops the cherry.
Not  necessarily the one below him... More likely someone who has been on the sidelines waiting for an easy kill.



The best Cherries are the other Cherry pickers. If the other guy thinks he's got more E than everyone else, he tends to be an easy and fun kill.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline SkyRock

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #50 on: October 04, 2006, 09:17:38 PM »
Originally posted by pluck
cherry is the guy getting blasted.

i say don't be a cherry.  it really means different things to different people.  many just blurt it out becuase they are frustrated with what just happened.  when i think about dweeby people cherrypicking, i think about people staying at alt, diving in, and regain perch.  they dive again when they think the person, or people, are not paying attention.  mostly just looking for the easiet kills possible at all times.  

the way i look at it, you won't gain respect for cherrypicking, nor should you expect's not all that difficult to do.
Well said!:aok

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline jaxxo

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #51 on: October 04, 2006, 11:25:58 PM »
pickers are everywhere..everyone does it some if not beef is the guy who 100% of the time flys a solo bird ( as in he has no dedicated wingman to work strategy with) above a furball using no wingmen..he sees bait as both friendly and enemy..could care less about any type of fight except his 400 mph plus cherry run on the furball.  He will often boom you when your alone. miss. and wait for others to engage you, run straight home,or find a target that is engaged.

Offline gatt

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #52 on: October 05, 2006, 01:06:57 AM »
The funny part of cherry picking is not the picker but the dumb cherries being picked. Not only picked cherries they are but even whining. Thats great.
"And one of the finest aircraft I ever flew was the Macchi C.205. Oh, beautiful. And here you had the perfect combination of italian styling and german engineering .... it really was a delight to fly ... and we did tests on it and were most impressed." - Captain Eric Brown

Offline gatt

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #53 on: October 05, 2006, 01:32:47 AM »
Originally posted by jaxxo
pickers are everywhere..everyone does it some if not beef is the guy who 100% of the time flys a solo bird ( as in he has no dedicated wingman to work strategy with) above a furball using no wingmen..he sees bait as both friendly and enemy..could care less about any type of fight except his 400 mph plus cherry run on the furball.  He will often boom you when your alone. miss. and wait for others to engage you, run straight home,or find a target that is engaged.

And BTW, you can cherry pick with a wingie. Two 190 can do a classic maneuver. They dive down at 3-5 sec interval. The first one is (usually) easily avoided by the prey with a break turn. The wingie can clearly see where the prey breakes and smoke him.

But this is old theory, the basic of dogfight. Maybe old hands remember it, you know, when MA was not the furballer, no SA, fest it is :)
"And one of the finest aircraft I ever flew was the Macchi C.205. Oh, beautiful. And here you had the perfect combination of italian styling and german engineering .... it really was a delight to fly ... and we did tests on it and were most impressed." - Captain Eric Brown

Offline Stoney74

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #54 on: October 05, 2006, 01:35:07 AM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
I hear many say, "Well back in WWII, you wouldn't take chances like losing your altitude or flying risky!" 1) I find reading about  many real WWII fighter aces that did quite the contrary.  Yes they flew smart, but also on many occasions you read of some of the best pilots taking great risk to defeat their enemies!

Like McGuire or Kearby?

Sorry, couldn't help cherrypicking your post.

Offline Stoney74

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #55 on: October 05, 2006, 01:52:38 AM »
A quote from Duane Beeson, 334th FS/4th FG:

"My own idea is that overshooting is a very good thing.  Speed is good and should never be lost...when attacking, I would say plan to overshoot him if attack of this kind prevents the combat from turning into a dogfight..."

For whatever it's worth.

Offline SkyRock

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #56 on: October 05, 2006, 06:24:48 AM »
Originally posted by gatt
The funny part of cherry picking is not the picker but the dumb cherries being picked. Not only picked cherries they are but even whining. Thats great.
Lamer talk!  this post is about the definition of the term cherry picking.  you have also(if you read the posts) heard descriptioins of cherrypicking.  I gave an opinion and I would go as far to say that you wouldn't last 15 seconds in a duel with a good fighter!  There is a big difference in cherry picking and fighting.  :aok

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SkyRock

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #57 on: October 05, 2006, 06:30:41 AM »
Originally posted by Stoney74
A quote from Duane Beeson, 334th FS/4th FG:

"My own idea is that overshooting is a very good thing.  Speed is good and should never be lost...when attacking, I would say plan to overshoot him if attack of this kind prevents the combat from turning into a dogfight..."

For whatever it's worth.
There is a big difference in "fighting" and cherrypicking!  In my opinion, cherrypicking all the time is an unrisky, incredibly boring, and un satisfyingly lame way to play this game!  Every now and then winging up and cherrypicking can be fun!  It's just nowhere near as exhilirating as a great dogfight! Stoney for your post!:aok

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline Reynolds

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #58 on: October 05, 2006, 07:24:52 AM »
I have also heard people complain if say, a rook is chasing a knight and another knight comes in and kills the rook. Not pointing fingers, just didnt want to waste time sugar-caoting it.

Dont complain if friendlies help each other. If you dont 'sanitise' your own mates six, YOU are the dweeb.

Offline SkyRock

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Cherry Picking
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2006, 07:54:55 AM »
Originally posted by Reynolds
I have also heard people complain if say, a rook is chasing a knight and another knight comes in and kills the rook. Not pointing fingers, just didnt want to waste time sugar-caoting it.

Dont complain if friendlies help each other. If you dont 'sanitise' your own mates six, YOU are the dweeb.
I don't think that's dweeby.  It's not a true cherrypick if the guy is chasing someone, they would have to be fighting!  At any rate it is part of the game.  :aok

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"