Getting ready to make another go at my squadron, so thought I'd announce recruiting is open for:
VMF-251 The Buccaneers
This will be a Rook squadron based primarily in the Late War arenas. The intent is not to recreate a truly historical unit, but IS to recreate a typical USMC squadron in the Pacific. The primary aircraft for official squadron operations will be the F4U-1D, however if we receive the 1A when the updated Hogs are released we will transition to that model (of course, squadron members can up whatever they choose during "free flight").
My goal is between 8-12 pilots interested in teamwork and cooperation, using real tactics for wingmen, flights, and full squadron-strength coordination. Sortie types will not be restricted to any one aspect of the game. We will particpate in both the furball AND the "War," wherever needed, including jabbo strikes although our primary mission profile will be as air superiority.
Anyone who's a fan of the F4U and interested in trying something a bit different from the usual disorganized horde is welcome, however I AM interested in veterans with experience in a squad and with the type of team-work I'm wanting to establish, who can help teach everyone (including me).
If you'd like to know more, reply here or drop me a PM either one the board or when I'm in the MA.
The Buccaneers want YOU!