Author Topic: Who's idea was this?  (Read 4098 times)

Offline 68Ripper

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Who's idea was this?
« Reply #60 on: October 23, 2006, 01:53:52 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I think that what some of you are missing is that to the guys that like air combat and early planes...

This has been the best change ever.   As for you leaving?   really... you whorders.. you are really only one person to us with a couple hundred heads.  Will we miss you?   Not in the least... never interacted with you anyway except for you negatively affecting our gameplay.

So if the borg leaves that would be great... I don't care to ever see that one of 6 lone suicide porker hitting the radar in preperation for all the whorde clowns "secretly gathering for a misssunzzzz"  

I don't care if I ever see 500 people on one map again without one decent fight going on and three countries all circle jerking field capture on each others undefended fields...  

I hope the guys that replace you don't have any mega squad that will recruit them and teach em the slum behavior we have come to expect.

Now that something is being done.... the whorders are all coming up with "solutions" that will help us poor furballers and early war aficianados...  When before... they were simply arrogant and unbending... They seemed to revel in destroying any solution such as.... taking bases in FT....  simple griefers expossed.

community is not never changing sides to help gameplay because you are afraid to get out of your little squad comfort zone.   Not ever talking to 2/3 of the players on vox or checking/clearing their 6...gameplay is not milkrunning... the strat is a means to a fight not an end to fights.

If you leave it will be a blessing.   WWII online is probly where you should have went... it allmost perfectly matches your idea of online gameplay.  

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

Leave it Lazs to yet again post his narrow minded opinion. If this game was meant to cater to just the people who wanted to dogfight then why the bombers, tanks, base captures, GV bases etc etc. The game it seems to me was meant to cater to people who want to do ALL or most of those things.

It seems the ONLY way to make everyone happy is to have a MA for the MAJORITY of us and a EW/MW for the furballers.

And I don't think anyone would lose sleep if Lazs didn't like it or left either.
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Offline BlauK

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« Reply #61 on: October 23, 2006, 01:58:28 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
It is my beliefe that in time some squads will play in LW1, and some others in LW2. Once this is the norm then both arenas will have a sustained population, and flying with your squad will not be a problem.

IMHO, it might help if these 2 arenas were not similar. People or squads could get attached to some theme or type of map etc.. one being ETO and the other PTO or something like that.
To get attached to a number (1 or 2) may not be so obvious or strong... and they would still all go after the larger amount of players :(

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #62 on: October 23, 2006, 02:03:04 PM »
Originally posted by 68Ripper
It seems the ONLY way to make everyone happy is to have a MA for the MAJORITY of us and a EW/MW for the furballers.

Well....hasn't it sort of devolved to this?  When I log on, at least, the majority of people are in the MA, and the air-to-air combat afficionados are in the other two arenas.  Everyone should be happy, seems to me.

- oldman

Offline HomeBoy

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« Reply #63 on: October 23, 2006, 02:04:05 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
It is my beliefe that in time some squads will play in LW1, and some others in LW2. Once this is the norm then both arenas will have a sustained population, and flying with your squad will not be a problem.

Here's an idea.  Since you know ahead of time who the squads are and who the members are, why not assign squads to one of the two (or more) LW arenas?  You could even use a random selection algorithm at the start of a campaign that does the divying up.  That way, when I go to log onto the LW arena, I will be kicked to which ever arena my squad has been assigned to.  Guys who are not members of a squad will just be placed in which ever arena that the balancing utility decides to put them.  This idea makes the squad the fundamental element in the "numbers game" rather than the individual player.  Even better than that, when you go to enter the LWA, you get this pop up window:

Do you wish to join your squad?

If you answer "No", you will be allowed to enter whichever LW arena you like unless it is full; in which case you will be automatically placed in the less populated one.

Ahh, it's a stupid idea. :rolleyes:     Blast away!

BTW, if we are looking at 120 in an arena, can't we at least have a map designed for 120 and not 620?
« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 02:22:21 PM by HomeBoy »
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #64 on: October 23, 2006, 02:18:21 PM »
homeboy...  I am not understanding you..  why is it that a lousy 15 guys can't get on?

and... also to the point.. Why do you have to be in LW1?   It sure seems that the whorders only want to play one type of game...  the one where they have late war equipment against the enemies early war stuff.

or... maybe it is that you want to play with likeminded players... to "field capture"  win the war and the hawiian vacation?   Maybe you don't want to ruin the fun of the early and mid war players?

If it is the latter... Thank you... please continue to do so.   If there is another reason  tho, I can't imagine what it would be.

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« Reply #65 on: October 23, 2006, 02:52:01 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
homeboy...  I am not understanding you..  why is it that a lousy 15 guys can't get on?

Mr Public Relations Officer,    [too funny!]
I can't imagine that you don't understand,,,,, but, ok, I'll bite...
Four of us whorders were not able to get into LW1 where our squad members were and we ended up in LW2.  We had to continually exit and retry.  Two of us finally made it, the other two gave up.  Got it now?

and... also to the point.. Why do you have to be in LW1?

Again, I'm guessing this is some sort of dig but again, I'll take you seriously here...

We didn't care which LW arena we were in.  We just wanted to all be together so we could potatod and pillage as a squad in our P-51Ds.  It was LW1 that we were trying to get in because there were already five or six in there and it didn't make sense to ask them to exit and join us.  Ok?

Maybe you don't want to ruin the fun of the early and mid war players?

Speaking for myself anyway, I do want to seperate your crowd from the rest of us.   I love the concept of the EWA and MWA.  I made that point and will again!   As far as I'm concerned, this discussion is none of your concern since your "problem" is already solved.  There is no limit problem with EWA or MWA nor does it appear likely to be.  The problem is with how to deal with an overflowing LW which should cause you et al to have no desire to involve yourself.  That is assuming that you're not just wanting to be a butt-hole and stir up trouble.   Hmmmm.

Hope that answers your questions.   I honestly hate to be such a smart alec with you but I just can't help it;  and you deserve it.  :p
The Hay Street Boys

Offline COndor06

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« Reply #66 on: October 23, 2006, 03:16:39 PM »
Allow me to repost something here Hitech. Maybe I am being a bit of a smartass and it doesn’t help the problem. It’s not my intent. Yes, you are right. I am frustrated and maybe a little to cavalier in my postings. First off, if I didn’t have such a fascination with the game, I really wouldn’t care. Second, I don’t think (and neither does anyone else here) that you’re a liar. Quite the contrary.  That’s why my post included, (This is just my opinion) We are trying to come up with reasons as to why such a change would take place. We realize that you don’t have to give us any reasons for your decisions. I could think of a lot worst problems to have as the owner of a successful business. So much so that everyone wants to know your business. I mean, you have to ask yourself, how can a GAME become so important to us to generate discussion threads like this. What, are we insane. Everyone here obviously loves the game. We all have our likes and dislikes and you certainly aren’t going to please everyone. With that being said, is there a future place for a combat arena that would satisfy the (whatever you want to call them) Hordes, Squad Junkies, Furballers, Ect. When we (I) talk about you controlling game play we are specifically talking about controlling the population in a given arena or splitting the same population into two. We don’t like it. That’s the bottom line. We see our squads and other relationships that have been forged being separated and for us it’s one of the largest reasons we like the game. Being involved in these forums subjects you to all types of banter and if I have made mistakes in my assessment then I am wrong. But at the end of the day, I, we, the Hordes, Squad Junkies, Furballers, Ect want our arena back. We don’t want to be governed by Hitech as to our arena population within reason. We need enough people and map area to continue the game play we have grown accustomed to and again, within reason. Help us here. Is the problem irresolvable or is their an opportunity for compromise? Maybe you feel like the problem is resolved and we just don’t get it. Maybe it’s just the difference between the way you see the change as a positive thing but our perception is wrong or maybe you don’t see this as a problem at all. I know I would really appreciate your input and ideas as will everyone else here.
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Captain Marko Ramius:

Offline gatt

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« Reply #67 on: October 23, 2006, 03:34:44 PM »
Its not a matter of EW, MW or LW. Most people want to play where the majority of players are. No matter what arena they are in. Its so difficult to understand?

Close the LW and people will go where the majority is. Close the MW too and everybody will be happy in the so called EW. This  LW-addicted thing, togheter with uber planes, runners and cherrypickers to justify the split is simply bulls*it.
"And one of the finest aircraft I ever flew was the Macchi C.205. Oh, beautiful. And here you had the perfect combination of italian styling and german engineering .... it really was a delight to fly ... and we did tests on it and were most impressed." - Captain Eric Brown

Offline hitech

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« Reply #68 on: October 23, 2006, 03:44:13 PM »

I would tend to see it as "you do not see the problem", regardless of what you think of the current solution.

The basic problem is all about the same thing you wish to promote, Having fun with friends.

My view is we had crossed a point where it became very difficult for a new person entering the game to make new friends.

Please do a search as for detailed resones I think this was so. But in a nut shell it amounts to ....

When you have to many people in 1 place pier presure no longer is a control on peoples behavior. Once pier pressure is no longer a control, people will start to exibit hostill behavior to eachother, (in esence overcrowding).

Because of the over crowding we had been forced to implement at lot of game changes (more police type force) to try to control the over crowding.

The arena became much less of a fun social place, then it had at other times.

The current change is an attempt at removing the over crowding and letting pier pressure back into the system.

With some time people will change there behavior back to a more social friendly enviorment.

If you understand the above, then the question becomes.
How do you spit a group of people while letting them maitain there current set of friends.

Our first attempt was as follows.

Lower arena caps,make arenas of slightly different game play (I.E EW/MW/LW) to see if people can be drawn off the old main population.

The first itteration drew some people to other arenas, but the force of wanting to go to the arena with the most players was to great. And hence to make 2 sustained 250 peek time arenas was not working, because no one wated to be the first into the empty arena.

While we contemplated a new solution we raised the caps back to 390. This still was not large enof to handle the people still wanting to go to the big arena.

So the current emplemtation is designed toward minimizing the time the 2nd arena is below critical mass.

I had hoped that also by always bumping the limit on the lower arena, people would relize that if the numbers were close to equal, the lower populated arena would be where they would next have the most people.

This at times keeps both arneas in a non full state, and hence, as you wish , you could always fly with your squad.

Also understand that  peoples behavior will only change over time. And in a few weeks it is well possible, that both arenas will allways have space to go play with your squad.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 04:00:33 PM by hitech »

Offline gatt

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« Reply #69 on: October 23, 2006, 04:06:00 PM »
Well, during euro time, with about 300-400 players, I'vent seen anything resembling a cornered rat syndrome. Thats why I cannot understand and dont like whats happening. We euro players have been hit badly by this new split system but we are not enuff to make things different.
"And one of the finest aircraft I ever flew was the Macchi C.205. Oh, beautiful. And here you had the perfect combination of italian styling and german engineering .... it really was a delight to fly ... and we did tests on it and were most impressed." - Captain Eric Brown

Offline COndor06

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« Reply #70 on: October 23, 2006, 05:16:40 PM »
Originally posted by hitech

(((My view is we had crossed a point where it became very difficult for a new person entering the game to make new friends.)))

(((When you have to many people in 1 place pier presure no longer is a control on peoples behavior. Once pier pressure is no longer a control, people will start to exibit hostill behavior to eachother, (in esence overcrowding))).

I have to admit that this was never a consideration I thought of. I have seen exhibits of unnecessary aggression in other games but not in AH. Probably because I usually fly 1-4 am est. Hmmmmm. I guess the answers don’t come as easily as anyone would like. As much as I would like to disagree with you, it does make sense. Maybe if the bases were a little closer together with a smaller population it would still give the same effect game play wise. Who knows? It’s not a problem I wish to tackle but it does give us an idea what you are faced with in deciding how to structure customer play. I realize that you are all over the boards answering the same questions over and over but your response is appreciated. We don’t all have the time to cover every post and miss a lot valuable information. I guess in all my aggression I never thought of this. Does this mean my wife and kids need to keep an eye on me? I mean I have had thoughts of HOing a small Italian car with my truck but I drive a Dodge Ram so that could be something completely different. (just kiddin) Thanks for clearing up a few things
« Last Edit: October 23, 2006, 05:18:58 PM by COndor06 »
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Captain Marko Ramius:

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« Reply #71 on: October 23, 2006, 05:49:33 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
This isn't the idea at all, and it only happens when the arena is showing completly full on you arena list.

When we do a new client release you will simply get the message that the arena is full.


And this is the real key, it had gone past the with in reason in my opionion.

What is happening at the moment is a reseting of the mind set of our current players. It is my beliefe that in time some squads will play in LW1, and some others in LW2. Once this is the norm then both arenas will have a sustained population, and flying with your squad will not be a problem.

But right now we are going threw the pains of forcing the arena split. I wish there was a way to make the split not painfull. But havn't seen a lot of other ideas on how to make it acheviable. The last change was to make it less painfull. And it apears once the 2nd arena bumps the first past 120 both arenas typicly have room to fly in.


No it doesn't -

Just tried logging into LW1 or Orange arena or whatever it's called now -

Cap = 220
Player numbers = 150

Was dumped into LW2 or pink or purple whatever it is now.
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« Reply #72 on: October 23, 2006, 06:03:27 PM »
See Rules #4, #5
« Last Edit: October 24, 2006, 11:55:00 AM by Skuzzy »

Offline mizzn

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« Reply #73 on: October 23, 2006, 06:14:09 PM »
Originally posted by gatt
Well, during euro time, with about 300-400 players, I'vent seen anything resembling a cornered rat syndrome. Thats why I cannot understand and dont like whats happening. We euro players have been hit badly by this new split system but we are not enuff to make things different.

You think things are bad in Europe, just try playing in the evening in Australia!

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« Reply #74 on: October 23, 2006, 06:28:06 PM »
The truth is simple as egg. There is no competitor for HTC now. Nobody even close to them. If WB or somebody else could provide at least 50% of what HTC does this change would cost HTC 50% of their customers.

But now they can do whatever they want. Eat what was served, and shut up.