Author Topic: Stick a Fork in Me!  (Read 5566 times)

Offline weazel

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« Reply #60 on: May 14, 2000, 12:51:00 PM »
But if its correct, I don't see that big a deal with the plane the way it is.

Here is an offer. Next time you are in the arena, look me up. Fly a couple of missions with me as wingmen, and see my point of view on F4U-1Cs. I see them as excellent targets.

 The frustration factor doesn`t stem from fighter vs fighter combat Verm,in tours 1-4 in my preferred aircraft(190) I`m 27-19 K/D over the F4U1C. The frustration occurs from examples like Ripsnort cites above,JG2 and the 15th Panzer Division missions in the past 2 weeks have both been well planned and executed-both have been torn apart not by overwhelming opposition,but by a couple of pilots in F4U`s. The ground attack probably failed because of lack of a good anti-aircraft vehicle for point defense,we had air cover but attrition and the necessity of RTB for fuel/ammo took its toll,the F4u pilots on the other side had the luxury of instantly respawning at the point of attack and beat us back.
 The example Ripsnort cites above borders on absurdity,the B-17 was known for its ability to absorb huge amounts of punishment and that is reasonably modeled in all cases except against the F4U,the current incarnation of this plane absorbs damage like a sponge while smashing planes out of the sky with its "Star Wars" cannon.
 I`m sure HTC has plans to remedy these issues and I salute them for the best WW II combat simulator to date-they have produced a remarkable game in a short period of time and have eclipsed their previous effort in Warbirds,I only hope they have the vision to come up with equitable solutions to the current problems.Badger has a thread started on the subject-I suggest everyone read it carefully and try to come up with some good answers.

Offline Torque

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« Reply #61 on: May 14, 2000, 01:03:00 PM »
Ok so the LW Iron boz are pissed because they can no longer fleaflick or rudder barrel roll warp away with ease now. The F4U can out dive them and has enough punch to damage  a fleakflicking or rudder warping 190.BTW I've been killed more by 190's in a Panzer than any other AC weaze.

"On the issue of long-range gunnery, I've repeatedly asked for examples of this because I can't do it. In all this time, only one person has come forward with a film and all it showed was a few hits for a lot of ammo expended, not even a kill."

I constantly hear PY in the sky asking for film clips online from you guys complaining about the longball shots.

So email him the clips or just don't post.

[This message has been edited by Torque (edited 05-14-2000).]

Offline jr

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« Reply #62 on: May 14, 2000, 01:13:00 PM »
You just played too much. Maybe one of the side effects of a flat monthly fee. Anything gets old if you do it enough! I think you were on almost everytime I signed on. Sure took you a long time to decide you weren't having any fun


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Stick a Fork in Me!
« Reply #63 on: May 14, 2000, 01:16:00 PM »
Doug "Pyro" Balmos HiTech Creations
"Alienation is a bad thing."

A lesson well learned from WB and the Mac debacle/ Fiasco!

Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #64 on: May 14, 2000, 01:23:00 PM »
If its the whole armor thing Weazel, I won't argue with you there.

Tanks as a whole are kinda screwy right now in my experience, but hey they're new and I figure they will improve over time.

I do know that I saw Pyro post that in the next revision, they're gonna add a x4 20mm cannon mount to the panzer body, equivalent to AW's FlakPanzer (forget what the real name of them were).  This should help quite a bit over the x4 .50's on the halftracks for armor attack air defense.

Like I said tanks seem strange to me. When they first come out, I flew a Typhoon mission and happened across HT in a tank. I dropped two 1k eggs right on his head (crater was right over the tank) but neither had any effect. Fired all my rockets with no effect. And then finely damaged him to the point he had to ditch, with the cannons.

Bombs and Rockets seem to be useless, but 20mm cannons are peeling tanks right open, the exact opposite of what we should be seeing.

But on the other side of the coin, the gunners in armor vehicles get the same "hit bonus" (non fine gunnery as Pyro calls it) as the bomber gunners get. Anybody else notice it?). I had my Goonie shot out from under me the other day by a M16 that was over 3k away from me. His icon didn't even show up.

Anyways, my advice stands   If armor attacks are frustrating you this much, dont drive tanks until some changes are made, and spend more time outside the game. It will really help.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure
"Real Men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires"

Offline Pyro

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« Reply #65 on: May 14, 2000, 01:33:00 PM »
No Hitz, but you're closer than you could ever guess.


Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

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Offline Experten

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« Reply #66 on: May 14, 2000, 02:37:00 PM »
This is funny , yes we need that german  1/2 track with the 4 20mm AAA cannon to protect the panzers(Remember these are just the 1st 2 vehicles to enter the game, are are not yet perfect?). The pazer's armor needs strengthened(or at least someone needs to tell it that 20mm cannons comming out of the wing of an airplane are not High Explosive  NOT armor pierciing... Hell you guys ever make the mistake of getting into a tank to tank battle with the wrong type of 75mm shells?? Its not very fun, though they do work well for knocking a tank tread off...

Some guys think you should need more than 1 pass to kill a B17 when you have 4 20mm cannon in your wings? Laughable... I always read and watch documentaries on/from ww2 B17 crewmen... One on the sweinfurt(no I dont knwo how to spell it) raid talked about an attack from 7 or 8 190's on their B17 formation.. He said something to the effet of " they dove on us from 6 oclock hi, each pilot singled out a B17 and after they dove through our formation seven B17's fell out of the sky...." wow, kinda makes ya sick because that was not just a game, it was men dieing... THE POINT HOWEVER is Big Blue has pretty much the same guns as those 190's (unless you are gona argue the 190's had 2 30mm under the wings.. but I doubt they did...

You guys just need to realize airplanes are fragile , all of em, even the B17 and it does not take much to shoot em down. Sure a B17 can survive a direct 88mm hit in the nose  or the rear fuselage or come home on one engine after jettisoning all uneeded weight. But a hail of 20mm hitting the bomb bay, horizontal stabilizer, cockpit, or fuel laden wings is gona spell trouble for your bomber boy.

Now, IF it makes you feal better , I was in a F4U yesterday and plastered a B26 with about 20 fashes of 20mm ,but nothing fell off the B26 that i coulds see, he shot me down and flew on, guess cuz it was from long range and the hits were disbursed all over his airframe. If I had been able to dive on him from altiude he would have fallen in one pass..

Now I must say.. I JUST LOVE THE F4U-1C, most guys that fly them(not you torque, I know you are good big heads becuase they can get 10 kills killing planes that have their wheels down and locked... well after getting vulched yesterday, I took my 109G10 up during a brief time when the F4U boys had to RTB(probably for fuel) When they came back I shot five of em down and landed safely.. that was awesome, a blast, 5 kills in a 109 armed with just the single 20mm and 2 Mg's(and the were ALL F4U-1C! that is the REAL saitisfying part.  Lets see who were they? 10Bears, yea that was one, Silat... yea that was another.. Spivey.. yea I got him .... The other 2 had unmarked graves.... no loss...  


Offline Experten

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« Reply #67 on: May 14, 2000, 03:20:00 PM »
Oh sorry for the typo meant to say most guys with F4U have big heads because they get 10 kills buy killing a bunch of guys that have their wheels down...

Anyway... There are a few things that are BS  in this game, I'm sure Pyro will fix them
.  One of them is bombers ramming tanks on the ground at their own airfields and salvoing all their bombs just before they hit the tank.

Please, lets make it so planes that are on the ground cannot drops their bombs, that is just silly. The bombs would not arm for one thing..

And yes I have done the above, I am guilty I was angry and resorted to loser tactics. It is a temptation I wish were removed...

Also we already talked about the tank armor weakness, you see after I killed that tank by ramming it with my B26, the element of surprise was gona and the Other tank at the field kept killing me with this 75mmm before I could taxi over too him.... So after his CAP thinned out I was able to take off in a spit Mk V and strafe him for the kill.... That should never have happened either.... Spit V killing a tank with guns  WHAT EVER... Well I am sure that will be fixed

I just wana know when we gona get more vehicles, there are no flight models so to worry about so I hope new additions will be commming fast and furious... Personally I would like to see:

The previously mentioned M4 sherman with rocket launcher on the roof :-)

M4 with flamethrower? hehe can you say BBQ paratroopers?

***Panther MkV***

German 1/2 track
  the troops carrier
  and the quad 20mm variety

    Can you say CAPTURE                  

Picture this is the not to distant future...

6 tanks head toward field A whatever... followed accompanied by 4 AAA (sdkfx251?)
4 88mm self propelled guns (or why not 155mm?) and 4 1/2 tracks carring pazer grenadiers.... From a distance the SP 88's go to work flatening the hangars while the panzer move in to slince the guns... Nobody knows the attack is on becuase ground units dont show up on radar or SECTOR ACTIVITY bars.  You have to protect you fields the old fashioned way, check them with your eyeballs from the tower or partrol from above.

Tanks and armoured units no longer can be easily spotted from miles away and Icons are not visible from aircraft so even if a plane rolls "by accident" chances are he wont notice the vehicles unless they are right on top of the field..

Now I know this is a flight sim, but It is still unlikely an attack like this would go un-noticed on a saturday night, so Why not coodinate some air cover for your Vermacht brothers?

Offline Dnil

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« Reply #68 on: May 14, 2000, 03:47:00 PM »
Look at my stats last tour in the 1c, with my gunnery i should not have that good a record.  Please dont use the vultch crutch on the 1c, rarely were mine vultches in it.  To me its the same game over again, fantasy air fight with old planes, nothing new and refreshing.  I dont expect people to play the way I like to play, but I know of a couple players who are still having lots of fun but are just here waiting it out.  Gimmie a new ground breakin icon solution.  Lower the hit sprite animation.  I personally feel the gun problem is the icons, way to easy to judge closure, distance and lead from them.  Also does 1 hit sprite equal 1 round?  I always forget that.  I would love to have that crack addict feel again!

Part time aircraft restorer.

OTTO 111th Fighter Group

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« Reply #69 on: May 14, 2000, 04:09:00 PM »
"Anyway... There are a few things that are BS in this game, I'm sure Pyro will fix them
. One of them is bombers ramming tanks on the ground at their own airfields and salvoing all their bombs just before they hit the tank."

Wow!  I didn't know you guys had Car Bombs....  That sounds like fun...    

[This message has been edited by OTTO 111th Fighter Group (edited 05-14-2000).]

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #70 on: May 14, 2000, 04:24:00 PM »
Well Ive got to admit, this one has me stumped.  Is this an issue that just some in JG2 are having or is it more widespread?

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns


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« Reply #71 on: May 14, 2000, 05:11:00 PM »
I wish the best as this competition between games really benefits the players and pushes the envelope. Hopefully OpenGL comes soon to AH for the real flyers to test.

Offline Swager

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« Reply #72 on: May 14, 2000, 08:04:00 PM »
I have no issues with AH! But then again I'm pretty much of a nobody.  Meaning I don't have a lot of On-line flight experience.  I just know I have fun!

Either Weaz or Rip leaving AH would be difficult for JG2.  Both of them leaving would be devastating.  I just don't know what to say!  

"Damn.....I can't believe I missed that shot!!!"

JG2 "Richthofen"
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline humble

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« Reply #73 on: May 14, 2000, 10:18:00 PM »

Trust me, I know how you feel, I can't put a finger on it either. The easy explanation is that I either truely suck...or am in the mother of all slumps. I am truely pitiful in the MA over the last few months...maybe training has something to do with it...detiorated SA or such. Truthfully, I think my flying is actually better than ever. Do the uber planes hurt gameplay...not much to me. My FE is further off than ever (hoping for DSL this month).

To me the real issue is simply the chance for something wonderful, given the growth of the game so far I have high hopes for the future. In the meantime...a buffing..maybe jaboing I wonderful day i'll get it back...till ever notice the sun is always shining in AH

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Offline Torque

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Stick a Fork in Me!
« Reply #74 on: May 14, 2000, 11:21:00 PM »
"I have no issues with AH! But then again I'm pretty much of a nobody. Meaning I don't have a lot of On-line flight experience. I just know I have fun!"

That is the whole point of AH Swag, too bad others don't see it that way.

Off to make another Voodoo doll.

Humble don't be such a newbie because if this is your first slump heads up alot more coming.

Just have fun with what we are offered for the time being.Better than waiting another year for AH purty release.

HTC has how many happy paying customers #1500.How many unhappy?