UH let's see, we have secondary roads and primary roads. A primary road is an interstate which was desiged for the transportation of goods and military hardware, at least that was the original design, not for holiday travelers and joy riders. Secondary roads were actually left in place and it was thought that people would use them for that purpose, to take a holiday, sight see, or just to get out and enjoy there ride.
Unfortunately businessmen and women found that by using the interstate they could get to work faster, which was ok, but then the holiday traveler found he could zip to his picked vaction spot faster, still ok, then came the joyrider/killer.
This individual be he drunk or just out for a quick thrill ride made the overall interstate a killing field. He may just zip on at one ramp cut across 3/4 lanes, go 1/4 mile, zip across 3/4 lanes and exit. He doesn't have a mission or purpose and doesn't care who he kills, after all he's just doing his thing. Just out driving his ride, getting a thrill on.
He doesn't care that you will fail in your mission, your family is seriously injured or, god forbid, killed! Remember, he's just doing his thing.
I guess the best thing to do in the game is get rid of the country/base capture, field killing should be impossible. Why have all that if you just want a bunch of us flying around killing each other? Oh ya, might as well disband all the squads to, what the heck no need for co operation, as there is no goal.
We have a dueling arena, why donn't the killers go there? We have a special event arena, why donn't they go there?