Author Topic: Testing Capture system in LW orange today  (Read 36456 times)

Offline Guppy35

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #255 on: November 30, 2006, 02:11:41 PM »
Originally posted by twitchy
Nobody is avoiding anything, what you call toolshedding, we call trying to win the war. When the Chinese built the great wall to keep the mongols out, the mongols didn't sit there day after day slamming themselves against the wall in pointless mindless combat, they rode around the damned thing and hit weaker points. Obviously the idea of defending bases outside of the furball is something you find equally pointless, but why should the game cater to your style of play and debauch mine? What the hell is the point of even having airfields if all you want is a furball, then  go to the DA and fight your heart out and take all your furballing friends with you, plenty of fights then. I think you will find alot of us enjoy taking bases, we enjoy winning some kind of objective, strategy, flanking the enemy. Hell man, why have bombers, why have m3's and strats at all, what's the point of having a war to win? What if I don't want to turn around and engage you, what if I prefer to take my ords to your town, bomb it and take your field, that make you better than me somehow?

So since you are a 'war winner'.    You figure taking Berlin before Paris is a reasonable strategy?

Jeez, read my post further up describing the actual 'strategy' that went into taking 34 and 20 last night.  It was a combined effort by land, air and sea.  How much more strategy do you need.

Quit masking this desire to take undefended bases and rolling the map against no opposition, behind the argument of strategy and tactics.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline indy007

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« Reply #256 on: November 30, 2006, 02:11:57 PM »
Originally posted by twitchy
Dude if a base is undefended, then it should be taken. You don't change a major game concept because your furballing butt is too lazy or too score driven to get over there and defend a base. Wasn't the ack enough for you guys?

Well... we want to kill you all, but you all kept flying away.

Now you have to fight. :t

Offline Quah!

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« Reply #257 on: November 30, 2006, 02:12:37 PM »
with no option to hit undefended bases is crap

Why do you need an option to hit undefended bases.  What is the point in that??

Offline Donzo

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« Reply #258 on: November 30, 2006, 02:13:26 PM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Of course, the "strategists" are avoiding a FIGHT.   The "outlying" base was usually undefended.   Wait, I bet you already knew that.   Word it anyway you want Donzo, just accept it for what you were doing.   You aren't or never have fooled anyone.

Please enlighten me oh great one...what, exactly, in your words was I doing?  

Are you saying that my explanation as to why taking that outlying is a benefit is wrong?  It's unjustified?  It serves no purpose?
What?  What is wrong with it as I have stated it?

Offline twitchy

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« Reply #259 on: November 30, 2006, 02:14:00 PM »
Dude, if your base is undefended, then that's your bad, not mine. If nobody defends a base under attack, then it gets taken. There's some real basic concepts of warfare/gaming here you're not grasping.
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Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #260 on: November 30, 2006, 02:14:28 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
Who said we avoid fights. we just like taking bases ASWELL as fighting. if we avoid fights our gv and fighte rank would be 0.

Vulching doesn't count.   Nice try.   Quit it already, you aren't "fooling" anyone.  

This is why I've said "Rank means squat".   Especially those who now look at "K/D ratio".   Manipulate the argument in your favor all you want, it isn't going to work.  

Same concept with spawn
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Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #261 on: November 30, 2006, 02:15:32 PM »
Originally posted by twitchy
No. I'm saying that being constrained to 6 airfields on the entire map with no option to hit undefended bases is crap.

Seems to me that's how a war works, since you guys keep talking about winning it.   Build up resources.  Across the Channel to Normandy.  Years of bombing prior to that with all kinds of losses and no movement.  Establish the beach head.  Consolidate and expand.  Fight off the counter attack.  Took quite a while for the breakout.  Finally get Caen, Falaise Gap.  On to Paris.  Oops, setback time  Arnhem was a Bridge too far.  Stalemate for a bit.  Counterattack and pushed back at the Bulge.  Struggle to get to Berlin etc etc.

They didn't get to just skip the fight.  Go ahead and hit all the bases you want.  Deny them resources.  But you have to fight your way down the path with resistance.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Quah!

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« Reply #262 on: November 30, 2006, 02:17:10 PM »
Dude, if your base is undefended, then that's your bad, not mine. If nobody defends a base under attack, then it gets taken. There's some real basic concepts of warfare/gaming here you're not grasping.

OK there are some basics that you are not grasping.  I.E.  this is not real!  I was not drafted, I am not paid to fight a war 24/7.  The majority all have lives outside of the game and can not be on fighter defense on every field on a map 24/7.

Most enter this game to play and combat each other.  So what you are saying is you really don't like the idea of earning the base you just want to be able to walk up and take it.

With the new change, now with the relative numbers, the bases can be defended and you don't like that.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2006, 02:20:38 PM by Quah! »

Offline 68Ripper

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« Reply #263 on: November 30, 2006, 02:18:05 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
I have to agree here.

We took V20 and GVs rolled for the next base A33. In the meantime, V20 was taken back. The 110 NOE raid then leveled and re-took V20 ... which took our V34 off the capture list ... very important move.

I then lifted off our CV that was off A33 coast and when I arrived at the town ... there were at least 10 GVs surrounding the town ... mind you these guys launched when we originally took V20 and maintained their attack after we lost V20 and then took it back.

I helped take out the ack at A33 town with my HellCat rockets and then the GVs really went to work on it ... with multiple M3s waiting in the woods.

After we took A33 ... V20 was still on the capture list so I went back to check on it ... there were at least 6 guys there still protecting V20 ... something that would have never happened with the old system. As long as we controlled V20 ... A34 was not captureable ... that was the incentive to keep V20.

So as far as GVs being taken out of the action ... I think not ... I think that they just got a new life in AH. Without GVs ... those captures would not have been possible IMO.

Maybe that worked at the time you were on and the situation was different, but when both countries only have one airfield available to capture with no GV spawns to it (in this case the rooks base was across the water) and the same situation on the Bish / knit front. then there is nothing for the GV'er to do except up an OSti and sit on the field for hours
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Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #264 on: November 30, 2006, 02:19:00 PM »
Originally posted by twitchy
Dude, if your base is undefended, then that's your bad, not mine. If nobody defends a base under attack, then it gets taken. There's some real basic concepts of warfare/gaming here you're not grasping.

Thats a load of bull.  All that speaks to in this game is overwhelming numbers.

Preach it from flying low numbers Twitchy.    Go watch it from the other end.  When you don't have the players to defend against 2 to 1 or greater odds, there is nothing you can do.  Too many times in the last month have I seen the low numbers guys put up a fight at one base and boom the crowd leaves and races to another base.

Are you willing to live with a numbers limit on a country?  That's about the only other solution.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline twitchy

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« Reply #265 on: November 30, 2006, 02:19:23 PM »
You keep citing WWII examples... Did Hitler draw ridiculous little blue lines on maps to show the Allies where they could attack? Normandy would have been a slaughter. No they snuck right into an loosely defended area and surprised the enemy instead of going through the blue lines drawn through North Africa and Italy.
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Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #266 on: November 30, 2006, 02:20:29 PM »
Originally posted by Donzo
Please enlighten me oh great one...what, exactly, in your words was I doing?  

Are you saying that my explanation as to why taking that outlying is a benefit is wrong?  It's unjustified?  It serves no purpose?
What?  What is wrong with it as I have stated it?

Serves no purpose.  You can say all you want until your hearts content Donzo.   Thumping your chest over grabbing a base that had little to opposition seems like a "challenge" to someone of your caliber.    I mean really, is this your sole reason for playing this game?   Log on, play the "I'm not switchin' card", and roll a country, attack one country and avoid the other, milkrun undefended bases.   When you encounter opposition, probe for another undefended base."   Wake up, you canot deny that this was the "preferred tactic for going on almost a year."    

Bottom line.   You know what you DID, participated in, milked the cow, ran the well dry, etc.   Now, the "strategy" has changed and some of you would rather whine about the "free perks" being harder to attain, rather than ADAPT.

Read my first post in this thread.   So far, that is GOSPEL.
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Offline twitchy

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« Reply #267 on: November 30, 2006, 02:20:40 PM »
Originally posted by Guppy35

Are you willing to live with a numbers limit on a country?  That's about the only other solution.

The solution to what? Getting your bases taken out from under you while you furball mindlessly somewhere else? LOL
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Offline Edbert

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« Reply #268 on: November 30, 2006, 02:20:45 PM »
Originally posted by Guppy35
It still sounds an awful lot like you are disappointed that you can't attack an undefended base to me.

Close Dan, but not quite. There is only one conceivable reason folks object to this that I can think of. The change takes away their ability to CAPTURE a base without opposition. Undefended bases can still be attacked, they can be porked, milkrunned or "stratted" into oblivion...they just cannot be captured.

I just cannot figure out why it is worth $15/month to blow up stuff without having to fight against a human opponent. There's dozens of boxed sims that allow this, even AH allows you to make a H2H room and attack undefended bases right? Why pay for that?

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #269 on: November 30, 2006, 02:21:08 PM »
Originally posted by twitchy
You keep citing WWII examples... Did Hitler draw ridiculous little blue lines on maps to show the Allies where they could attack? Normandy would have been a slaughter. No they snuck right into an loosely defended area and surprised the enemy instead of going through the blue lines drawn through North Africa and Italy.

They FAUGHT, you don't.
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