Author Topic: Base Capture system  (Read 301 times)

Offline 4XTCH

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Base Capture system
« on: November 29, 2006, 02:27:53 PM »
HTC.. can you answer this question?

Why do the Knights, under the current LW orange map have a capturable V-Base (V-119), which is within spawn range of our HQ and The Bishops or the Rooks do not have the same?

Is this a Bug?

Is this fixable?

Is this current setup meant to destroy the spirit of this game?

I understand the concept of Air to Air Combat and stratagy, but not all of us want to be in a furball 24/7.
I got into this game as well as AW to be part of the big picture. To get into air combat situations, defend bases, capture bases and win maps for the country of my choosing.
HTC is quickly loosing my confidence in being able to provide the quality of gaming that I have had in the past.

FXO 364th CHawks