Author Topic: Changes to come.  (Read 31702 times)


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Changes to come.
« Reply #165 on: December 10, 2006, 11:06:14 PM »
Originally posted by Simaril

Bottom line -- if we had solved the gross imbalance issues ourselves, HT would have done nothing. But, too many players only cared about themselves or their squads, even if that meant scr@@ing everyone else. Since we couldnt be good sports on our own, HT had to make a rule to approximate good sportsmanship.

this is absolute sick of being told by griefers that this is somehow the community's fault that the game is imbalanced and it is somehow our responsibility to ignore friendship and fun to solve poor thought processes and impetuous changes....

before the original MA change the sides were balanced...hitech or someone didnt like the gameplay (hording).

so we got 4 new arenas and side imbalance and hording.

oops didnt work everybody liked flying one arena so we got arena caps and hording...

oops darn guys still seem to be having fun..lets try AI and ditch it quickly rather than use it to equalize sides (btw AI is used in many online games to even sides out)

oops didnt work so lets limit capturable front line bases...oh crap now we got megahording...

so lets now open up a few more frontline bases...good now we just have the original hording and oops gangbanging one country seems more fashionable now since its the only way to get enough hording to capture bases.

Now who is to blame for all the above goofs??? and who in good heaven is advocating for any change at all???  and who is asking for CTOD btw??? i have only seen folks ask for new planes..better graphics and better designed maps...instead we get redesigned gameplay that seems to ignore what the main reason adult men log on for...

i have not posted for over a month and have tried to adapt...i can only hope this new change continues the trend of not really changing anything because the changes are so poorly thought out they dont come close to accomplishing the stated objectives     it IS sad that that is the best attitude i can muster right now about a game i used to love:furious
« Last Edit: December 10, 2006, 11:10:55 PM by FALCONWING »

Offline trotter

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« Reply #166 on: December 10, 2006, 11:24:56 PM »
well said falcon....well said

Offline Coach

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« Reply #167 on: December 10, 2006, 11:26:19 PM »
Originally posted by Donzo
First, define "better game".

Second, what does the "make more money" condition achieve?
A mom and pop bakery doesn't "make more money" than a supermarket chain, but I bet their product is better.

(not a slam on HTC or anything....just trying to get some clarification on Coach's statement)

If you feel the money you are spending on this product is not worth the value.... then either invest your dollars in making a better product or spend your money elsewhere on another entertainment product.  I am just tired of seeing somebody busting their bellybutton to make a better product for their customers and they continue to receive whining from the same.  I would bet  (know) Dale and the Crew invite productive input from the customer base.  It's just that I see some piss n mone instead of trying to help the process.  It is to these I say just stfu and taking their money somewhere else if they do not want to help the process.  To address Donzo...  this is America...the wonderful hub of the Free Enterprise World.  Generaly, the better product with the correct marketing will make the most money.  I personally believe HTC is not a mom n pop bakery.  
Find me a Supermarket WWII sim that will compare.  just my .02


Offline CLW81Z

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« Reply #168 on: December 10, 2006, 11:49:46 PM »
Well as much as I hate this, Ill give it a try but the moment I have to fly as a Rook, Im leavin. I remembered flyin AH1 with my dad and it was nothin like this. Sorry HTC but I dont like where this is goin. Maybe if yall would "test" these chages first instead of forcing them on us things might be different but with the way things are going now looks like ill have an extra 15 bucks to spen on my car :aok

Times like these I miss Air Warrior.....

Offline thndregg

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« Reply #169 on: December 10, 2006, 11:52:31 PM »
<----------Content to wait and see.
Former C.O. 91st Bombardment Group (Heavy)
"The Ragged Irregulars"

Offline 999000

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« Reply #170 on: December 11, 2006, 12:09:33 AM »
Just a thought on "balance"......Just imagine Churchill durring the battle of Britain ...picking up the phone and calling Hitler...."you have too many planes"....will some of your guys come over here so we can have a fair fight?......or will you ground your 190's for awhile to give us a chance?
Thank god in real life these men had the courage..stomach..and tenacity  to win out against tough odds....
Seriously don't people playing this "game" enjoy the challenge of haviing the short end of the stick at times?? just to see if you can overcome the odds?

Offline Bronk

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« Reply #171 on: December 11, 2006, 12:15:34 AM »
Originally posted by 999000
Just a thought on "balance"......Just imagine Churchill durring the battle of Britain ...picking up the phone and calling Hitler...."you have too many planes"....will some of your guys come over here so we can have a fair fight?......or will you ground your 190's for awhile to give us a chance?
Thank god in real life these men had the courage..stomach..and tenacity  to win out against tough odds....
Seriously don't people playing this "game" enjoy the challenge of haviing the short end of the stick at times?? just to see if you can overcome the odds?

Wow didn't know AH was world altering struggle.
Thanx for clearing that up 999000.
You've really changed my mind with this post.



See Rule #4

Offline stuntman4real

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Outdated Chess piece loyalty
« Reply #172 on: December 11, 2006, 12:34:32 AM »
Call it what you want, but I stuck with the Bishops ever since I started playing the games.  Even though HT made sure that all of the newbies landed on our country.  I used to tell the 'whiners' complaining that the Bishes couldn't take a country, that it is good to stay with the Bishes as it made you a better opponet in the long run

Then, in its infinite wisdom, HT changes the game around again and the Bishes started hammering out wins.  Even though the K and R's did cooperate to work against the bishes.  Now to keep all of the HT "Socialist" happy, they screw even further with the game because K and R's got tired of losing.

I stayed 'patriotic' with the bishes all this time and so has my squaddies.  We will stay Bish and if we can't fight together, then there are other places and things we can do as a squad.

The solution to the whole problem of the furballers, realestaters and others was to simply make arenas for those folks.  But no, you had to make sure that it wasn't a well accepted or well researched move to change the game.

As for you non whiners, you are truly 'socialists'.  Whatever the party line is that is where your at.  This is one of the reasons why the US is falling apart right now.  You can't think for yourselfs and truly, you could care less about others, as long as it benefits you and your 'truth script'.  I would bet real money that many of your are way left on the belief system aren't ya?

Well..."Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" has once again been proven correct.

Drink the Koolaid and have a good time!

Offline ZZ3

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« Reply #173 on: December 11, 2006, 12:42:43 AM »
Originally posted by Coach
If any of you whining idiots can completely convince me that you can make a better game and make more money than HTC..... then I will finance it.  Otherwise stfu.


This makes you an intellectual?
Your really not adding anything to the discussion. Oh, I know if you dont like someones opinion, they are an idiot.
Thanks, I get it now.

479th Raiders

Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #174 on: December 11, 2006, 12:45:07 AM »
Time for a reality check for some of you. I fail to see how a desire for fun, fair, and balanced gameplay has anything to do with the downfall of american society, and I also fail to see how it suddenly eliminates friendship and comradery. I know damned sure it's got nothing to do with the odds in the Battle of Britain. Some of you really need to get a grip. Look at yourselves, melting down over how some changes you've not yet experienced are ruining the game for you. Pathetic. Maybe it's time for a little break from the game.
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Offline Bronk

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Re: Outdated Chess piece loyalty
« Reply #175 on: December 11, 2006, 12:53:05 AM »
Originally posted by stuntman4real
Call it what you want, but I stuck with the Bishops ever since I started playing the games.  Even though HT made sure that all of the newbies landed on our country.  I used to tell the 'whiners' complaining that the Bishes couldn't take a country, that it is good to stay with the Bishes as it made you a better opponet in the long run

Then, in its infinite wisdom, HT changes the game around again and the Bishes started hammering out wins.  Even though the K and R's did cooperate to work against the bishes.  Now to keep all of the HT "Socialist" happy, they screw even further with the game because K and R's got tired of losing.

I stayed 'patriotic' with the bishes all this time and so has my squaddies.  We will stay Bish and if we can't fight together, then there are other places and things we can do as a squad.

The solution to the whole problem of the furballers, realestaters and others was to simply make arenas for those folks.  But no, you had to make sure that it wasn't a well accepted or well researched move to change the game.

As for you non whiners, you are truly 'socialists'.  Whatever the party line is that is where your at.  This is one of the reasons why the US is falling apart right now.  You can't think for yourselfs and truly, you could care less about others, as long as it benefits you and your 'truth script'.  I would bet real money that many of your are way left on the belief system aren't ya?

Well..."Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" has once again been proven correct.

Drink the Koolaid and have a good time!

Sweet jebus

This is some funny watermelon right here.

Dude have a drink or something.  If your letting a game get to you this much... well... You have bigger problems than being made to fly for another chess piece.

See Rule #4

Offline Sloehand

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« Reply #176 on: December 11, 2006, 01:22:47 AM »
Originally posted by Donzo
All of this talk about squads by those that are in what they call a squad points out one, me, me.  It seems it's all about the individual.  The association with a "squad" to some it seems is just being associated with like-minded individuals...with the like-mindedness being me, me, me.
What's the point of a squad if it's not to help each other work as a team?  Fighting each other servers the purpose of bettering one another.  But to what end?  What will those skills be used for?  

For many who post here about squads and squad mentality, you really only are seeing it from your perspective of what a "squad" is.  To you it's not a team, it's just a group of people under the same name.  For others it is a team that likes to work together toward a common shared goal.


This is about the stupidist post I've ever seen. Thanx for tell me what I believe a squad is.  Without your insight I never would have known my own opinion.
Jagdgeschwader 77

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Re: Re: Changes to come.
« Reply #177 on: December 11, 2006, 01:24:22 AM »
Originally posted by Tilt
I wish there was an easy answer to side balancing that over came country loyalties.

In RL this is the function of the mercenary class. Warriors are rewarded for fighting for one side or another.  

What currency does AH have to offer  fighters of a 4th group (a nation without a land .........Pawns?) who switch sides (or are switched) to balance the battle...... these Pawns could have automatic perk multipliers (always 1.5?) and carry their own Pawn icon into battle under the colours of their present master country. (red yellow or green)

I quite fancy being such a Mercenary Pawn.


Allowing people to sign up as volunteers being switched to another country on demand and rewarding them for being mercenaries :aok :aok :aok

Carrots always work better than sticks!

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline Sloehand

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« Reply #178 on: December 11, 2006, 01:25:43 AM »
Originally posted by Dantoo
Why do you persist in this?

People have voted with their feet.  Players will always do only that which they enjoy doing, no matter what obstacles you throw in their way.  What each individual seeks from the game will not change.  The game changes will not change the goals of the individual and players will always look to find the shortest path to achieve their personal goals.

Your changes have not enhanced enjoyment across the board by any stretch.  You are trying to force people to do things that they will not.  This alienates and frustrates your customers.  It is more profitable to retain a customer than to spend the money to gain a new one.

Leave it be.  Stop getting these stupid ideas for "necessary changes" from the BBS.  Spend time in the arenas if you want to see what people like and dislike.

If you had simply spent the time developing more and better maps and new interesting planes/gvs that you have on these ridiculous innovations you would be racing ahead.

Probably couldn't have been put more accurately, succinctly or politely.    Salute  :aok
Jagdgeschwader 77

"You sleep safe in your beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do you harm."  - George Orwell
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Offline Sloehand

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« Reply #179 on: December 11, 2006, 01:34:53 AM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: December 11, 2006, 12:28:38 PM by Skuzzy »
Jagdgeschwader 77

"You sleep safe in your beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do you harm."  - George Orwell
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin