Author Topic: take the challenge and speak the blasphemy  (Read 4036 times)


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« Reply #165 on: December 31, 2006, 03:31:43 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
i think hitler was a christian, he kept telling the german people that "god was on their side", he also liked dogs and kids.

Have you ever seen or heard of a war where its leaders didnt claim god was on their side?
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Offline Pooh21

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« Reply #166 on: December 31, 2006, 03:44:58 PM »
Wicca has only been around since the 50s in current form, and the early 20th cent at the earliest, though it apparently tried to glom on to all the old pagan hocus pocus  in an effort to justify itself with a history. Heck people follwing the old roman and greek, or even zorastism at least have a history behind their beliefs
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Offline Booz

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« Reply #167 on: January 01, 2007, 05:54:47 PM »
Originally posted by wrag
Only 8 humans left?  How do you come up with that?

Think you are making allot of assumptions.

Noah and family were the LAST of the Adamic line

  You'll have to tell me what that means in your mind. Were there other humans that were not decended from Adam? I did read it, and that wasn't covered so I was being safe and not making assumptions.


... that had NOT been contaiminated by either The Fallen Ones or the giants.

 Were giants real? You never answered.

 And who are these fallen ones, who/what fathered their line? Are they not descendents of adam?

 Was everyone but noah's family fallen or a giant?

Offline dmf

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« Reply #168 on: January 01, 2007, 06:36:07 PM »
Originally posted by wrag
Acient Persia was NOT Muslim.  Pagan by defintion is what?????????????

Is your defintion of Pagans is they are of an unrecognized religion?  SORRY That isn't my definition.

As to wicca and the wiccan religion.  I find you unusual here.  I have been and currently am aquainted with several followers of wicca.  All of them, with one exception, have believed there is a Christian/Hebrew God.  

You are that exception.

Further they have expressed several different views regarding the Christian/Hebrew God.

Some have said the Christian/Hebrew God is a petty tyrant.  

Others have said they chose wicca because they believed the Christian/Hebrew God didn't care about them, or was weak and had no real power over them or this world, or was a minor deity raised up by the Hebrews to a higher then deserved position, and most if not all have said that wicca gave them greater power and control over their lives and over the lives of others.

Some have expressed they follow Lucifer.  Who according to every account I can find was created by the Chritian/Hebrew God.

Others have said they follow the Green Man.  Others have said they follow this spirit or that spirit.

By all accounts Genghis Khan did have a religion.

Acient Rome did have religions!! Many different religions.  It was not just a corrupt government.  The augeris were continually consulted.  Towards the end some even believed the leader of Acient Rome was a god.

Your not real up on history then?

Ok what was ancient Persian then? I wasn't there so I don't know.

Tell me where in the US that any Pagan religion is recognized as a valid religion.
Have I once ever said theres no god? No I haven't, I said that your god is not as kind and gentle as you think. when I say your god I'm referring to what you conceive as a god. Not what actually is a god, DO NOT say I am a atheist.
I don't know is he's a petty tyrant or not. I'm not making any claim to that.
I don't follow any Green man or Lucifer either. any body following a green man needs better green to smoke.
I didn't know Genghis Kahn had a religion, what was it?


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« Reply #169 on: January 01, 2007, 07:03:08 PM »
the persian religion was zoroastrianism and others which in time have morphed into today's b'hai faith.  as with all faiths that aren't Christianity they are faiths based on the worship of the false god.  yes it's safe to lump them in the same pile.

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« Reply #170 on: January 01, 2007, 10:26:18 PM »
Originally posted by Booz
You'll have to tell me what that means in your mind. Were there other humans that were not decended from Adam? I did read it, and that wasn't covered so I was being safe and not making assumptions.

This is my understanding of.............

I guess it depends on how you read Genesis.  Genesis 1 goes from prior day 1 to day 6 where man was created then day 7 where God rested.  Genesis 2 start out with the creation of Adam and Eve, you will read later their creation was for the purpose of bringing into the world Jesus, this was done on day 8.  If you just read it without someone telling you otherwise, thats how it reads.  Thus you have other humans upon the earth prior to the creation of Adam and Eve and their being kicked out of Eden.  That's how it reads.  Is Genesis 2 a repeat of Genesis 1 or is it a continuation of the story of creation.


Were giants real? You never answered.

 And who are these fallen ones, who/what fathered their line? Are they not descendents of adam?

 Was everyone but noah's family fallen or a giant?

Word is.....................

No everyone was not Noah's family or Fallen or giants.

The Fallen Ones are the angels that followed Lucifer.  They did a big NO NO and came to earth without being born of woman.  They were after all human females but mainly the females of the Adamic line. They nearly succeeded. The form taken by them is unclear.  The word is they will be back and will again seek to create more Giants.

The result of the mating, forced or willing, between The Fallen Ones and human females = Giants aka men of renoun.  That renoun is not of the good type.

Were Giants real?  Was there a Goliath?  Did David actually kill him?  What would a being fathered by angels and human females be made of?  Strictly flesh and blood?  Or a combination of flesh and blood and something else?  When that being died what would happen to the body?

A little note here............ Cain was NOT the son of Adam, but Abel was.

That help?  Or did it just confuse things?
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline wrag

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« Reply #171 on: January 01, 2007, 10:54:41 PM »
Originally posted by dmf
Ok what was ancient Persian then? I wasn't there so I don't know.

Tell me where in the US that any Pagan religion is recognized as a valid religion.
Have I once ever said theres no god? No I haven't, I said that your god is not as kind and gentle as you think. when I say your god I'm referring to what you conceive as a god. Not what actually is a god, DO NOT say I am a atheist.
I don't know is he's a petty tyrant or not. I'm not making any claim to that.
I don't follow any Green man or Lucifer either. any body following a green man needs better green to smoke.
I didn't know Genghis Kahn had a religion, what was it?

You didn't have to be there..............

Read your history.  Ancient Persia was basically Pagan.  Persia became largely Islamic right around or just prior to 1100 A.D.  Before that there was some Christianity there, but  parts of it remained loyal to their old gods and dieties until the arrival of Islam.  Believe or die, some converted some fought and died.  When it was pretty much over Islam had won.  Many Christians were allowed to keep their religion but were considered 2nd class citizens.  It's all recorded in books if you rather not look it up on the net.

Where have you been????????????? The U.S. Military (or at least the U.S. Army) now recognizes wicca as a valid religion!


 I have said at least TWICE now!  

The Bible does NOT claim God is kind or gentle.

NEITHER do I ..........OK???? are we CLEAR on that now????????????????????

I'm not a school teacher.  Why should you believe what I say for that matter? IMHO you can do just a little lookin around and find all this out.  It's on the net soooooooooooooooo............ ..  Genghis Khan's religion?  Do a look up Genghis Khan and definatly look up the Yassa!

Then if you still wanna play school teacher, return here and tell me what the VERY 1st law of the Yassa is or was.
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

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« Reply #172 on: January 02, 2007, 04:41:13 PM »
Originally posted by wrag
You didn't have to be there..............

Read your history.  Ancient Persia was basically Pagan.  Persia became largely Islamic right around or just prior to 1100 A.D.  Before that there was some Christianity there, but  parts of it remained loyal to their old gods and dieties until the arrival of Islam.  Believe or die, some converted some fought and died.  When it was pretty much over Islam had won.  Many Christians were allowed to keep their religion but were considered 2nd class citizens.  It's all recorded in books if you rather not look it up on the net.

Where have you been????????????? The U.S. Military (or at least the U.S. Army) now recognizes wicca as a valid religion!


 I have said at least TWICE now!  

The Bible does NOT claim God is kind or gentle.

NEITHER do I ..........OK???? are we CLEAR on that now????????????????????

I'm not a school teacher.  Why should you believe what I say for that matter? IMHO you can do just a little lookin around and find all this out.  It's on the net soooooooooooooooo............ ..  Genghis Khan's religion?  Do a look up Genghis Khan and definatly look up the Yassa!

Then if you still wanna play school teacher, return here and tell me what the VERY 1st law of the Yassa is or was.

Sorry I don't read about ancient Persia, I'll never go there and I really don't care about them at all. But thanks for the info I might have learned something here

As far as the military Ironically enough even though my ex is in the navy I'm not in the habit of keeping tabs on their religious practices, since I can't even get on base let alone do I care to try to. Last time I heard anything interesting about the local military here  Pres Clinton was letting them say they were gay and get away with it.

(The Bible does NOT claim God is kind or gentle.) A lot of Christians do, the ones banging on my apt door always do, but I found that a cross hanging upside down on the door keeps them away .

I'm not a school teacher either, and I don't claim to be one. And I'm not going oto play school house.


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« Reply #173 on: January 02, 2007, 05:10:40 PM »
lol, dmf is a tard.


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« Reply #174 on: January 02, 2007, 05:12:38 PM »
Originally posted by BOOMHOWR
lol, dmf is a tard.


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« Reply #175 on: January 02, 2007, 05:13:26 PM »
Originally posted by storch

Ah, I stand corrected. Tardette is correct.

Hah, I just seen her sig too. Should change it to "Don't stare at my posts. It makes you look stupid."

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« Reply #176 on: January 02, 2007, 05:31:47 PM »
Be very careful labeling dmf a tard (tardette).  After all, we christians were labelled much, much worse by the prevailing authorities immediately after Christ died (and rose).  In fact, I was raised in the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) - a christian sect.  Take a look at what WE were called by England.  (Hint:  Pennsylvania was the result.)  Is she correct in her beliefs?  I don't know.  My current (Methodist) pastor claims he is in sales.  It is up to the management to determine who gets into heaven.  Any of you in management?  I thought not.


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« Reply #177 on: January 02, 2007, 05:33:27 PM »
I'm not labling anyone anything merely offering gender clarification.  :D

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« Reply #178 on: January 02, 2007, 05:42:19 PM »
"tardette" is definitely labelling someone.  By the way, you in managment?  Some of you posts suggest you believe so.  :D

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« Reply #179 on: January 02, 2007, 05:43:12 PM »
I'm in management...

bow down!