Author Topic: take the challenge and speak the blasphemy  (Read 4038 times)

Offline Silat

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« Reply #150 on: December 30, 2006, 05:35:05 PM »
Originally posted by lukster
I'm sorry but that is simply untrue. Communists very much saw/see religion as a threat to their complete control over the people. I and others have posted many references to this in the past. You'd do well to do a little research and stop believing everything the secular-progressives tell you.

Iron many many communists from the former Soviet Union were Christians. Guess you havent seen the pictures of the churches.
Communism is a form of government.
I think it is you who need to use google:)
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« Reply #151 on: December 30, 2006, 06:03:42 PM »
Originally posted by Silat
Iron many many communists from the former Soviet Union were Christians. Guess you havent seen the pictures of the churches.
Communism is a form of government.
I think it is you who need to use google:)

You think Communist Party members were church members?

Religion serves a need, isn't that why every society developed a religion?

Isn't communism like a religion for some people?

Isn't liberalism like a religion for some people?

Irrational beliefs taken on faith and imposed on other people, isn't that you Silat? :D

Offline dmf

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« Reply #152 on: December 30, 2006, 08:15:10 PM »
Originally posted by mosgood
I see what you mean.  It's a lot more fun judging and critisizing without all the facts other religions than it is to actually grow a pair and claim what YOUR religion is for fear of the same treatment you are dishing out.

I'll judge yours but I am afraid you will judge mine?

Ok I'll tell you, (like You haven't figured it out already) I'm Wiccan.
Now I don't judge religions, I simply say what I see of them. As far as pagan religions, before you judge my religion and dam me to hell, can you tell me when was the last time ANY pagan religion started a useless war? Or persecuted others because they were different? Or tried to totally exterminate an entire race?
I'm at peace, are you?

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« Reply #153 on: December 30, 2006, 11:39:56 PM »
Originally posted by dmf
Ok I'll tell you, (like You haven't figured it out already) I'm Wiccan.
Now I don't judge religions, I simply say what I see of them. As far as pagan religions, before you judge my religion and dam me to hell, can you tell me when was the last time ANY pagan religion started a useless war? Or persecuted others because they were different? Or tried to totally exterminate an entire race?
I'm at peace, are you?

I don't know anything about Wiccan.

Mostly people start wars.  Of course there are religious texts of certain religions that require killing non-believers.. Christianity is not one of them.. but there have been people that have warped the words of Christianity to justify wars.

Offline lukster

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« Reply #154 on: December 30, 2006, 11:53:39 PM »
Originally posted by Silat
Iron many many communists from the former Soviet Union were Christians. Guess you havent seen the pictures of the churches.
Communism is a form of government.
I think it is you who need to use google:)

I know wikipedia is not always a reliable source but here's an excerpt that pretty much sums up everything I've read or heard over the decades. If you want to compare other sources I'll match you tit for tat.

"An intense ideological anti-Christian and anti-religious campaign was carried out throughout the history of the Soviet Union. An extensive education and propaganda campaign was undertaken to convince people, especially the children and youth, not to become believers. The role of the Christian religion and the Church was painted in black colors in school textbooks. For instance, much emphasis was placed on the role of the Church in such historical horror stories as the Inquisition, persecution of Galileo, Giordano Bruno, and other heretical scientists, and the Crusades. School students were encouraged to taunt and use peer pressure against classmates wearing crosses or otherwise professing their faith. In the 1920s there were many "anti-God" publications and social clubs sponsored by the government, most notably the scathingly satirical "Godless at the Workbench" ("Bezbozhnik u Stanka" in Russian). Later on, these disappeared because a new generation has grown up essentially atheist."

Offline wrag

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« Reply #155 on: December 31, 2006, 08:30:36 AM »
Originally posted by Suave
You worship a transgender god? What are you a moony?

Nope.   Didn't say that.  Might be how you took it but it isn't what I said.
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline stantond

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Re: take the challenge and speak the blasphemy
« Reply #156 on: December 31, 2006, 09:02:44 AM »
Originally posted by Silat


Looks like you can personally damn yourself to hell forever, without ever having a chance at forgiveness, and by doing so you can receive a free copy of a DVD documentary called The God Who Wasn't There.


Looks like plenty of folks are taking the challenge and speaking the blasphemy of denying the existence of the holy spirit, posting it on Youtube and then sending a link of it to some internet outfit that's giving away a 1,001 of the DVD's.

According to Mark 3:29 in the Holy Bible, "Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin." Jesus will forgive you for just about anything, but he won't forgive you for denying the existence of the Holy Spirit. Ever. This is a one-way road you're taking here.


Starting at Mark 3:23 and ending at Mark 3:30,
So Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables:
"How can Satan drive out Satan?  If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.  If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.  And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come. In fact, no one can enter a strong man's house and carry off his posessions unless first ties up the strong man.  Then he can rob his house.  I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphamies of men will be forgiven them.  But whoever blaphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin."  
He said this because they were saying, "He has an evil spirit."

One of my pet peeves is taking quotations out of context.  My interpretation of this passage is that you can discount Jesus as god, but saying Jesus is Satan is unforgivable.  I suppose people who are really curious can give this a try.  Good luck with that.



Offline wrag

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« Reply #157 on: December 31, 2006, 09:30:07 AM »
Originally posted by dmf
Tell that to the preachers, fathers, and reverends that always get the questions about your god and the bible and all they say is" because it is written" I can write a book.

I might be going out on a limb here but I get the feeling that if I say what my religion is that theres about 5 people on here that dam me to hell, 4 that will try to convert me, 2 that will laugh, 1 that'll say I'm tooling, 50 that will read it and post nothing, 4 that will pretend to have pity on me ( which I really don't want or need) and 1 that will actually feel pity for me.

My grandmother is VERY religious, and she can translate what the king James version means into plain everyday English off the top of her head without even thinking about it. But I don't think I'm under a false impression about the bible. Your god is a god of war not peace. Want proof, watch the news, or better yet watch that nut case Pat Robertson on the 700 club, he'll tell ya to break the 10 commandments rule about killing and smile while he does it.

Hmmm..... sure looks to me like some misunderstanding of parts of the Bible is happening!  Some still cling to a misquote or misunderstanding made popular in the 60's.

If you read the original language regarding thou shalt not KILL you will find it actually says thou shalt not MURDER.  (Thinkin maybe Grandma isn't translating correctly? or auto turn off listening when Grandma speaks is engaged?????)

Big difference in meaning to allot of people.  I tend to think kill and murder mean pretty much the same but most think of the 2 terms as different.  To slay, to me, has a very different meaning then kill or murder.

Murder = taking the life of an innocent.

I have to tell you right up front.  I'm not daming you to hell.  I don't pity you.  I don't think it's funny.  I'm not trying to convert you either.  I've come to believe from much of what I see in your postings that I'm pretty sure you are locked into you views.

I am pointing out that my understanding differs from yours.  I'm responding ....

OK lets back up some because I'm rather troubled by something.................... ..........

Referenceing ........ The flood and why did it happen.  AKA the reasons given in the Bible for why the flood occured.

NOTE: Bible says Giants are offspring of The Fallen Ones and human females...........

NOTE: there were MANY of them!

NOTE: The Giants in the Bible = ............rape, murder, canabalizm, and enslavement of people (hmm would little people fit here?).  

NOTE: >>>>  Goliath was one.

Now lets go to what is troubling me please.............

I did notice my question to you regarding rape, murder, cannabalizm, and inslavement of youself or your children was ignored?

Do you consider such as good or bad?   Do you wish it upon yourself or others?

In your earlier reply it SEEMED as if that part of the post was ingnored.  

IIRC the reply given was along the lines of ...your God destroys anything of which he doesn't approve?  

I found myself asking........ so then dmf approves of rape, murder, cannablizm, and enslavement?   huh?  NAW......

...........Thinkin perhaps you didn't see/read that part of the post???????????

OR are you so locked into your views, that rape, murder, cannablizm, and enslavement of Jews and Chirstians is OK???????????
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline wrag

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« Reply #158 on: December 31, 2006, 09:42:01 AM »
Originally posted by dmf
Ok I'll tell you, (like You haven't figured it out already) I'm Wiccan.
Now I don't judge religions, I simply say what I see of them. As far as pagan religions, before you judge my religion and dam me to hell, can you tell me when was the last time ANY pagan religion started a useless war? Or persecuted others because they were different? Or tried to totally exterminate an entire race?
I'm at peace, are you?

Ancient Rome, Greece, Persia, the Vikings...etc.. etc..  All started many many wars.  Lets see, hmmm..... Genghis Khan did allot of warring upon others too.........

I admit it has been awhile since a Pagan started a useless war.

Wait!  that may not be entirely true............... hmmm........ Hitler?  Pol Pot?

You don't judge religions????  From your postings in this thread it sure sounds to me like you've judged.


WHO on this board has damed you to hell????  I keep seeing that reference but I have yet to see anyone actually do so?????????????????
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

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« Reply #159 on: December 31, 2006, 12:06:22 PM »
Originally posted by wrag
Ancient Rome, Greece, Persia, the Vikings...etc.. etc..  All started many many wars.  Lets see, hmmm..... Genghis Khan did allot of warring upon others too.........

I admit it has been awhile since a Pagan started a useless war.

Wait!  that may not be entirely true............... hmmm........ Hitler?  Pol Pot?

You don't judge religions????  From your postings in this thread it sure sounds to me like you've judged.


WHO on this board has damed you to hell????  I keep seeing that reference but I have yet to see anyone actually do so?????????????????

Roman empire, was a corrupt govt, not a religion, the ancient Greeks I know nothing at all about. isn't Persia modern day Iran? thats make them muslim anyway so they don't count, and can you tell me what religion Genghis Kahn was, cause I don't thin he had one at all. I'm probably wrong thats why I'm asking. Now I can't believe you actually classified Hitler with the rest of them, Hitler was evil, just plain outright evil. and Pol Pot? He was a Buddhist, hate to tell you this but that one is a recognized religion.  

Nobody on this board has damed me to hell (yet) but then it was last night when I said my religion, let them get home from church first, then read who posts what, I'll be amazed if I'm not drawn and quartered by Tuesday evening.

Oh btw, no I haven't judged your religion, I've just simply made my own mind up using this thing called free will.

Offline Booz

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« Reply #160 on: December 31, 2006, 12:16:42 PM »
Originally posted by wrag
Referenceing ........ The flood and why did it happen.  AKA the reasons given in the Bible for why the flood occured.

NOTE: Bible says Giants are offspring of The Fallen Ones and human females...........

NOTE: there were MANY of them!

NOTE: The Giants in the Bible = ............rape, murder, canabalizm, and enslavement of people (hmm would little people fit here?).  

NOTE: >>>>  Goliath was one.

  So do you actually believe there were real Giants in existence say 10,000 years ago?? And Noah's family were the only remaining decendants of Adam?  ie 8 humans left?

Offline john9001

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« Reply #161 on: December 31, 2006, 12:17:45 PM »
i think hitler was a christian, he kept telling the german people that "god was on their side", he also liked dogs and kids.

Offline wrag

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« Reply #162 on: December 31, 2006, 01:15:21 PM »
Originally posted by Booz
So do you actually believe there were real Giants in existence say 10,000 years ago?? And Noah's family were the only remaining decendants of Adam?  ie 8 humans left?

Only 8 humans left?  How do you come up with that?

Think you are making allot of assumptions.

Noah and family were the LAST of the Adamic line that had NOT been contaiminated by either The Fallen Ones or the giants.

Perhaps you should read about it before you start making assumptions?
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline wrag

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« Reply #163 on: December 31, 2006, 01:37:40 PM »
Originally posted by dmf
Roman empire, was a corrupt govt, not a religion, the ancient Greeks I know nothing at all about. isn't Persia modern day Iran? thats make them muslim anyway so they don't count, and can you tell me what religion Genghis Kahn was, cause I don't thin he had one at all. I'm probably wrong thats why I'm asking. Now I can't believe you actually classified Hitler with the rest of them, Hitler was evil, just plain outright evil. and Pol Pot? He was a Buddhist, hate to tell you this but that one is a recognized religion.  

Nobody on this board has damed me to hell (yet) but then it was last night when I said my religion, let them get home from church first, then read who posts what, I'll be amazed if I'm not drawn and quartered by Tuesday evening.

Oh btw, no I haven't judged your religion, I've just simply made my own mind up using this thing called free will.

Acient Persia was NOT Muslim.  Pagan by defintion is what?????????????

Is your defintion of Pagans is they are of an unrecognized religion?  SORRY That isn't my definition.

As to wicca and the wiccan religion.  I find you unusual here.  I have been and currently am aquainted with several followers of wicca.  All of them, with one exception, have believed there is a Christian/Hebrew God.  

You are that exception.

Further they have expressed several different views regarding the Christian/Hebrew God.

Some have said the Christian/Hebrew God is a petty tyrant.  

Others have said they chose wicca because they believed the Christian/Hebrew God didn't care about them, or was weak and had no real power over them or this world, or was a minor deity raised up by the Hebrews to a higher then deserved position, and most if not all have said that wicca gave them greater power and control over their lives and over the lives of others.

Some have expressed they follow Lucifer.  Who according to every account I can find was created by the Chritian/Hebrew God.

Others have said they follow the Green Man.  Others have said they follow this spirit or that spirit.

By all accounts Genghis Khan did have a religion.

Acient Rome did have religions!! Many different religions.  It was not just a corrupt government.  The augeris were continually consulted.  Towards the end some even believed the leader of Acient Rome was a god.

Your not real up on history then?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2006, 01:42:08 PM by wrag »
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

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« Reply #164 on: December 31, 2006, 01:40:51 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
i think hitler was a christian, he kept telling the german people that "god was on their side", he also liked dogs and kids.

Nope.  If you read up on it I'm pretty sure you will find he was not.  Nor were most of his closest followers.

The Germanic view of Christianty at that time was somewhat unusual if I recall.  Seagoon posted about that in another thread somewhere IIRC.

He and his followers were not above using God and claiming to be Christian.
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.