My sister has two kids, 11 & 14, one is in public school the other in private. My sister is a part-time teacher at the private school. She has even less money then I do and can not afford to put both her kids into private, she can't afford the one kid even. The only reason she is able to is because they give her a discount because she works there. The one that is in private school was put there because he was doing so poorly in public and they were not willing to help my sister in any way, she would try to talk to the teachers but they acted like she was bothering them and gave my nephew a hard time because his mom cared about his education. He is doing very well now in private school. They 11 year old on the other hand has teachers that just adore him and he is doing very well now in public school. I am very worried about next year though because he wont have the same teachers.