Author Topic: The Mall Shooter was....  (Read 2830 times)

Offline VOR

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #60 on: February 14, 2007, 03:28:30 PM »
My vote is for whacked-out nutcase that happened to be a Muslim.

Offline Curval

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #61 on: February 14, 2007, 03:53:35 PM »
Originally posted by Bronk
No need to get snippy curval.
You brought up the definition of terrorism not me.
You asked to find one not state/political orientated.

I'm sorry if you see it as nit picking.
I'll try not to dispute YOUR definitions with YOUR  posts.
Or find examples that YOU ask for.


Edit: Also don't post off topic things and expect the rest not to follow.

Bronk,  I'm only getting "snippy" because you are being somewhat dishonest.  You say  "I have no idea what the mall shooters motivations were.  I'm just saying a terrorist act does not have to be political or against the state" but yet your first post said this:

"The perp showed no intention of robbery. He came to the mall with the intention of killing as many people as possible.

So your analogy (much like you) is flawed."

in response to Viking when he said: "Seems like you don't know the difference between terrorism and mass murder. Next you'll tell me that the guy robbing the post office is a terrorist."

This seems to imply that you think the guy was a terrorist.  It was quite "snippy" also.

You then appeared to be arguing that Columbine was indeed a terrorist act.  In fact you said so:

"I'd define Columbine as a terrorist attack.

What state were they attacking?"

Then you basically use Columbine as an example of "social terrorism":

"Columbine was intended to intimidate a segment of the civilian population.
Side effect was a change of school social policies."

...and you are wrong.

What you describe as "intent" was in fact the consequence of the incident.  Those kids wanted to kill other kids.  They did not "intend" to intimidate anyone other than those who they felt had wronged them in that school.  Do you seriously expect me to buy into the illogical conclusion that they wanted bullied kids around America to rise up against their tormentors?  They were far too selfish for that.

Let's look at the FBI definition and remove any reference to politics as it proves my point:

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce the civilian population in furtherance of social objectives.

Exactly what social objectives were the killers at Columbine trying to...umm...further?

The FBI's definition "I" quoted.  You were unable or unwilling to find one yourself and you are now trying to turn it on me.  

Okay...but what exactly do the FBI mean by "social objectives?"  I cannot read minds but I think you will find that they are referring to incidents of terrorism that actually fit their own definition.  "Social obectives" are by their very nature political, but perhaps not "purely political" which I assume is why they included it separately.  Abortion clinic bombings is more than likely what they had in mind.  Social, in many ways, but also highly political.

Anyway...bottom line here is that in my humble opinion you think the mall shooting was terrorist in nature, whether or not the guy was an Islamic extremist.  You also think Columbine was terrorist in nature.

I disagree.
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Offline john9001

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #62 on: February 14, 2007, 03:56:44 PM »
What state were they attacking?">>>

i think they were attacking the united states of america.

Offline x0847Marine

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #63 on: February 14, 2007, 04:08:06 PM »
"I want to know why the brave police officers are on Administrative Leave?"

The officers are on paid administrative leave, which is SOP for shoters. In addition to de-stress time, it gives homicide and/or DA investigators time to make sure things happened the way everyone says they did. If everything looks cool, some depts send guys to the shrink before they can return to work.

Being on administrative Leave really sucks, they take your blood, gun and badge then send you home with instructions to "wait by the phone"... cant even get your paycheck without a supervisor escort in, then out, of the station.

 Then one day, if everything is cool, a call comes in "Want to see the shrink?", and "when do you want to come back to work?"

A few factoids re: officer involved shootings...
If a supervisor asks the officer "what happened", like any citizen with Miranda rights the officer can refuse and elect to remain silent and say nothing without a lawyer. However that supervisor can then 'order' the officer to talk, a refusal would then constitute insubordination.. any statement an officer is ordered to make cant be used in court.

Officers who shoot do not write any reports, they give statements to other officers / DA investigators. They can be ordered to write a 'memo', which also cant be used in court.

Offline john9001

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« Reply #64 on: February 14, 2007, 04:12:50 PM »
administrative leave=paid vacation, yeah that always sucks:rolleyes:

Offline Rino

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #65 on: February 14, 2007, 04:15:39 PM »
Originally posted by Viking
Seems like you don't know the difference between terrorism and mass murder. Next you'll tell me that the guy robbing the post office is a terrorist.

    I'd like to know the difference other than a hyper-anal insistance on
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Offline Halo

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #66 on: February 14, 2007, 04:24:29 PM »
Endless quibling about semantics when the real issue is how do we stop the next one or deter it from happening?
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Offline tedrbr

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #67 on: February 14, 2007, 04:28:08 PM »
Originally posted by Halo
Endless quibling about semantics when the real issue is how do we stop the next one or deter it from happening?


It's evil I tell you.   Take a church.  What goes on there?  Weddings and funerals.... nothing good ever happens in a church.   Organized religion is the work of the devil!

Offline Bronk

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #68 on: February 14, 2007, 04:28:52 PM »
Originally posted by Curval
Bronk,  I'm only getting "snippy" because you are being somewhat dishonest.  You say  "I have no idea what the mall shooters motivations were.  I'm just saying a terrorist act does not have to be political or against the state" but yet your first post said this:

"The perp showed no intention of robbery. He came to the mall with the intention of killing as many people as possible.

So your analogy (much like you) is flawed."

in response to Viking when he said: "Seems like you don't know the difference between terrorism and mass murder. Next you'll tell me that the guy robbing the post office is a terrorist."

This seems to imply that you think the guy was a terrorist.  It was quite "snippy" also.
Yup I was snippy with Viqueen . But I commented on the comparison of robbery to terrorism. It had nothing to do with the mall shooting

You then appeared to be arguing that Columbine was indeed a terrorist act.  In fact you said so:

Yup.  After you asked for a non state/political example.

"I'd define Columbine as a terrorist attack.

What state were they attacking?"

Then you basically use Columbine as an example of "social terrorism":

"Columbine was intended to intimidate a segment of the civilian population.
Side effect was a change of school social policies."

...and you are wrong.
Not according to your quoted FBI definition.

What you describe as "intent" was in fact the consequence of the incident.  Those kids wanted to kill other kids.  They did not "intend" to intimidate anyone other than those who they felt had wronged them in that school.  Do you seriously expect me to buy into the illogical conclusion that they wanted bullied kids around America to rise up against their tormentors?  They were far too selfish for that.

Let's look at the FBI definition and remove any reference to politics as it proves my point:

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce the civilian population in furtherance of social objectives.

Exactly what social objectives were the killers at Columbine trying to...umm...further?

Already posted what the outcome was. Intended or unintended.

The FBI's definition "I" quoted.  You were unable or unwilling to find one yourself and you are now trying to turn it on me.  

[COLOR=dark blue]Why bother when you make my point for me ?[/COLOR]

Okay...but what exactly do the FBI mean by "social objectives?"  I cannot read minds but I think you will find that they are referring to incidents of terrorism that actually fit their own definition.  "Social obectives" are by their very nature political, but perhaps not "purely political" which I assume is why they included it separately.  Abortion clinic bombings is more than likely what they had in mind.  Social, in many ways, but also highly political.

Wow keep talking in circles.

Anyway...bottom line here is that in my humble opinion you think the mall shooting was terrorist in nature, whether or not the guy was an Islamic extremist.  You also think Columbine was terrorist in nature.

Now you're a mind reader. Mind telling me the next winning Power Ball numbers. Please point out exactly where I said this guy was a terrorist.

I disagree.

Yup mostly with yourself with the definition of terrorism. You just can't find one that defines it as State/ political only. Now your upset I pointed out your posting flaw.

Get over it.

See Rule #4

Offline straffo

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #69 on: February 14, 2007, 04:32:27 PM »
Originally posted by Rino
I'd like to know the difference other than a hyper-anal insistance on

Are you a terrorist ?

So you see it's important :p

Offline Viking

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #70 on: February 14, 2007, 04:42:13 PM »
Originally posted by SteveBailey
The guy could have been a born and bred American Christian... he would still have been labeled  a terrorist.  

Wading thru a shopping mall shooting at people is terrorism.  You might not like this fact because you like to argue for arguments sake but i don't much care.  

The guy was a terrorist, regardless of his religion.  Now, it happens that he was islamic and a teenager, maybe he had black hair.  That would make him a teenage,islamic,black haired TERRORIST.  Feel free to argue with these self evident facts, it's what you do.

Edit: Mass murder is a form of terroism.

No. Mass murder can be a form of terrorism if used to coerce the public by creating fear. If you’re just shooting people at random because you’re angry at the world and commit suicide, you’re not a terrorist… just a murderer. Did this kid make some sort of political or religious statement before killing those people? Going postal is not terrorism.

Offline Viking

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #71 on: February 14, 2007, 04:44:31 PM »
Originally posted by Bronk
The perp showed no intention of robbery. He came to the mall with the intention of killing as many people as possible.

So your analogy (much like you) is flawed.


Another one that doesn’t know what terrorism is.

Offline Bronk

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #72 on: February 14, 2007, 04:46:12 PM »
Please tell me how robbery is terrorism?


Edit: I'm not talking robbery to support terrorism either.
See Rule #4

Offline x0847Marine

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #73 on: February 14, 2007, 04:49:55 PM »
Originally posted by Rino
I'd like to know the difference other than a hyper-anal insistance on

Of course its semantics, everyone in the PC world must play the word game so that illegal alien criminals / gangs / organized crime from Mexico et al are not referred to as "terrorists"....

Never mind the fact citizens from Mexico / S. America have killed / victimized / terrorized more US citizens than any 'official' mid east terrorist group, or that Mexican troops have made dozens of armed incursions on US soil... these are not terrorist activities, just people looking for work.

A US citizen killed by a "mid east terrorist", or Mexican national is still dead at the end of the day... but to our .gov & media there's a world of difference that must be spelled out in ridiculous semantics... a Muslim who kills a US citizen is a terrorist, an illegal alien commits the same crime, an "undocumented worker".

Offline LePaul

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The Mall Shooter was....
« Reply #74 on: February 14, 2007, 04:52:59 PM »
I think this thread sets a new record for hijacks and splitting hairs.