Author Topic: The Imbeciles have spoken.  (Read 2057 times)

Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #60 on: February 17, 2007, 05:27:50 PM »
Originally posted by WhiteHawk
Good grief man, put the bong down.  Can you back up any of this with common sense or you just spew whatever youre spinal chord is misfiring at the moment?

Can you come up with something better than personal attacks?  

Come on, provide a plan to win the war over in Iraq.  You liberals are so fuming mad about the war, and so hard to take over power, but not a one of you has come up with an alternative other than cut and run.  I will not accept that.

I'm not sorry that I am not a quitter.  I will continue to support our President who I feel has a much longer range goal and vision than the polls for the next election.   My view of his tactics and direction are an end to the terrorism in the Iraq and Afganistan areas.  I also feel a win there would send a message to the terrorists that says fighting the US is not worth it.

The sad part is that this nation is full of people who lack the vision to see past the end of their own little world and through them, power hungry members of Al Quaida America (aka the Democrats) are struggling to take control of power in the US.  My feeling is that they are trying to do so that they can push their liberal agenda of the UN.

That is something I will not accept or tolerate.
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Offline WhiteHawk

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« Reply #61 on: February 17, 2007, 07:49:42 PM »
Originally posted by Bodhi
Can you come up with something better than personal attacks?  

Come on, provide a plan to win the war over in Iraq.  You liberals are so fuming mad about the war, and so hard to take over power, but not a one of you has come up with an alternative other than cut and run.  I will not accept that.

I'm not sorry that I am not a quitter.  I will continue to support our President who I feel has a much longer range goal and vision than the polls for the next election.   My view of his tactics and direction are an end to the terrorism in the Iraq and Afganistan areas.  I also feel a win there would send a message to the terrorists that says fighting the US is not worth it.

The sad part is that this nation is full of people who lack the vision to see past the end of their own little world and through them, power hungry members of Al Quaida America (aka the Democrats) are struggling to take control of power in the US.  My feeling is that they are trying to do so that they can push their liberal agenda of the UN.

That is something I will not accept or tolerate.

Bohdi, the only way to win the war in Iraq is the ethnic cleansing of all that oppose the govt that the US supports.  This is not a war, but an attempted occupation.  There are no terrorists in iraq other than the Bush boogeymen he uses to manipulate the simple minded.  Terrorists do not attack military targets, opposing armies do.  You get out your browser and read up on what a rebel army is, what a civil war is, what an occupying force is, and what a terrorist is and tell me what terrorists we are fighting in iraq.
   BUsh's long term vision is to capture the oil of the middle east, create mayhem and choas driving the cost of oil and gas through the roof.  The politically connected corporations will aquire massive power by the loot of the US treasury to buy thier war machines, finance thier war, and value a gallon of gas with the 25% 'fear factor' premium.  
  You can see where us dumb liberals get confused as the war in Iraq's goal was to dissarm saddam of WMD's.  I am glad you have some deep inside info to give you comfort, I am skeptical.  Its time to show some results.  Killing saddam was pure and simple murder because he was innocent of the charges.  You tell us dumb liberals, before the invasion, was the Iraqi people better off?  Was there any significant terrorist threat to the US in Iraq?  Did the peopel of Iraq give any indication of wanting a western style govt there? Enough is enough, step back and take a look.

Offline VooWho

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« Reply #62 on: February 17, 2007, 09:14:40 PM »
By the sound of this the Reps think there right and the Dems think there right and both don't agree on anything so my conclusion is there both wrong.

All the only thing the Iraqi insurgents need to do to get the U.S. out faster is to stop attacking U.S. troops and just let us say, "Oh we got rid of the insurgents now we can leave", then leave and they can do what ever they want after that. I am truly going to go to Iraq and personaly tell them that. If they don't like that, will then they can just capture me and cut my head off.
Non Sibi Sed Patriae!

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #63 on: February 17, 2007, 09:40:52 PM »

I don't think I would ever apply the word "innocent" to SD. Plenty of blood on his hands.


There has to be an end to blindly following the president. Lock-step mentality is a dangerous thing. As for Bush's "vision", I'd say he's outlined broad points at best, but there is no clear path to get to them. The status quo isn't going to cut it, and this isn't a problem where simply throwing more troops and money at it will solve everything. I want to win, too, but ignoring the evidence before us is foolish.

Offline EagleDNY

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« Reply #64 on: February 17, 2007, 11:37:01 PM »
Originally posted by WhiteHawk
Bohdi, the only way to win the war in Iraq is the ethnic cleansing of all that oppose the govt that the US supports.  This is not a war, but an attempted occupation.  There are no terrorists in iraq other than the Bush boogeymen he uses to manipulate the simple minded.  Terrorists do not attack military targets, opposing armies do.  You get out your browser and read up on what a rebel army is, what a civil war is, what an occupying force is, and what a terrorist is and tell me what terrorists we are fighting in iraq.
   BUsh's long term vision is to capture the oil of the middle east, create mayhem and choas driving the cost of oil and gas through the roof.  The politically connected corporations will aquire massive power by the loot of the US treasury to buy thier war machines, finance thier war, and value a gallon of gas with the 25% 'fear factor' premium.  
  You can see where us dumb liberals get confused as the war in Iraq's goal was to dissarm saddam of WMD's.  I am glad you have some deep inside info to give you comfort, I am skeptical.  Its time to show some results.  Killing saddam was pure and simple murder because he was innocent of the charges.  You tell us dumb liberals, before the invasion, was the Iraqi people better off?  Was there any significant terrorist threat to the US in Iraq?  Did the peopel of Iraq give any indication of wanting a western style govt there? Enough is enough, step back and take a look.

I didn't want to get into this thread, but this post is so ridiculous that I just have to refute some of the more silly statements...

1.  There are no terrorists in iraq other than the Bush boogeymen he uses to manipulate the simple minded.  Terrorists do not attack military targets, opposing armies do.

OK - so when OBL, Zawahiri, and the rest of the Al-Queda in Iraq types tell you in taped messages that Iraq is the central front in the war and call for Jihad against western interests, they are part of the vast global right-wing conspiracy to dupe us into thinking there are terrorists in Iraq when there really aren't any?  Oh, and when suicide bombers are blowing up mosques, restaurants, and day-labor centers - those are "military targets" of a rebel army?  Yeah, right....

2.   You can see where us dumb liberals get confused as the war in Iraq's goal was to dissarm saddam of WMD's.

Hindsight is always 20-20 isn't it?  Lets see, Saddam gasses Iranians and Kurdish villages, but you can assume back in 2002 that he doesn't have poison gas anymore.  He had 500 TONS of yellow cake uranium being watched over by IAEA inspectors since 1992, some of already highly-enriched, but you can just assume that he's not really wanting to get nuclear weapons.  Like Iran, I suppose he was just working on a "peaceful nuclear program".  Yeah, right...

3.  Killing saddam was pure and simple murder because he was innocent of the charges.  You tell us dumb liberals, before the invasion, was the Iraqi people better off?

Innocent?  The man gassed Kurdish villages killing women and children, not to mention 300,000 dead Shia, the rape of Kuwait, and a prison-state featuring rape-rooms and children being held as hostages.  Innocent?  Are you kidding?  By your thinking I suppose Hitler would've been innocent too - Gee, he didn't actually gas anyone himself, and I don't think he shot anybody personally, so I guess he would've been found innocent in your court.
Better off?  You think you'd be better off living with the threat of some maniacs setting off a car-bomb on the street, or with the threat of the police showing up to kill you and cart your daughter off to a rape-room?  
As it is now, most of the violence is confined to just 3 of 18 Iraqi provinces - Baghdad, Al-Anbar, and Salaheddin.  15 of 18 provinces are relatively peaceful and I don't think we're seeing a lot of Iraqis going into mass graves these days.  Pull a few internet pics of Saddam's mass graves and then tell me how  "innocent" he was, or how the Iraqi people were better off under his regime.  

4.  Did the peopel of Iraq give any indication of wanting a western style govt there?

Gee, I don't think so - probably because anyone who spoke out against Saddams' regime would end up dead.  See #3 above.  Of course the Iraqis here in this country seemed to think that we needed to get rid of Saddam, but I guess they were just part of GW Bush's plan to control world oil.   Yeah, right....

5.  Was there any significant terrorist threat to the US in Iraq?

Was Saddam supporting terrorism?  Damn right he was.  $25,000 payments to the families of suicide bombers, safe haven for terrorists like Abu Nidal, links to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the plot to assassinate George Bush in 1993 - there was plenty of evidence that Saddam was supporting terrorism, and plenty of provocation for us to step in and remove him.  

Wake up and smell what you're shovelin'


Offline Shamus

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« Reply #65 on: February 18, 2007, 12:21:02 AM »
Originally posted by VooWho
Even if half the army did? Would they even do that cuz if they did then they would have to do a draft? This would be something to think about.

I really doubt that you would find a large percentage of the guy's in the military that would be willing to risk their pensions or freedom over Iraq, even if they were dead set against it.

Protests in the military are frowned upon.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 12:33:47 AM by Shamus »
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Offline Sparks

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« Reply #66 on: February 18, 2007, 06:06:49 AM »
This thread is incredible ......

Here a BBS member who has been in Iraq and even he doesn't know why he was there ..
I as well as a few others in AH have been there, have seen death and realized... this is not for oil, it is to help out another country and for what reason that is I am not too sure. Ask someone that is in charge over there and see what they say for our reason to be there still. How many people need to die that are fighting for a cause unknown? How many people like Shifty's son, Thomas, need be be hurt before we realize it is turning into a lost cause and a blood bath. I am losing faith in the US leaders and losing my ambition to fight for the cause... whatever it is. Makes me want to take up plot next to SirLoin in Canada and get away from the headache of constant war for a lost cause. Just my .02 cents

And his post has been conveniently ignored.

Bodhi - we (the US and UK) aren't fighting Al-Queda in Iraq - we ARE fighting them in Afghnaistan. We ARE in the middle of a civil war between Sunni and Shia of various factions which we kicked off by ousting Saddam.   The reality of politics and power in an Islamic region was completely mis-read by the Bush administration.  Anyone who still clings on to the belief that the occupation is there to set up a democratically elected government of the people is seriously naive.  The Shia majority now has the power and the US government has decided it must align itself with the Shia faction it believes has the best chance of maitaining control and which is pro-west.  The "surge" is not targeting Al Queda but is primarily to gain control of Baghdad - which is largely in control of Muqtada Al Sadr - a rival extremist Shia who opposes the moderate Shia government.  Bodhi you need to read more ....  read about the daily large scale battles between the Taliban and UK / Canadian forces in Helmand province. Read about the power struggle between Sunni and Shia across the middle east; the swing that Al Queda has done to keep support and finance flowing.

Sketch - I'm sorry but this war IS about oil - Lazs points out the reasons.  If this was truly about freeing a people from tyranny then why don't we have forces of occupation in Zimbabwe, Sudan, Chad, Chezchnia etc.   Oil is the single most valuable resource to control in the world.  China is securing it's supplies in Africa and the former Soviet states while we try to control a civil war in the Middle East - who are the smart ones ???

Extremist Islam expansion and Middle East oil - two separate issues that our politicians would like you to believe are one and the same ....... they aren't.

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« Reply #67 on: February 18, 2007, 09:03:45 AM »
 I agree with you on many parts in there because it is true on what you say where the war is...  But with the life I lived there as well as many others in here, I would rather pay $5 for a gallon of gas than lose any more friends...  but like I said, it is just my .02 cents.  At least you read my post.... :aok
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Offline BTW

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« Reply #68 on: February 18, 2007, 09:10:46 AM »
Originally posted by Sparks

Bodhi - we (the US and UK) aren't fighting Al-Queda in Iraq - we ARE fighting them in Afghnaistan.

Well how come we keep shooting Al-Queda leaders in Iraq?

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #69 on: February 18, 2007, 10:40:04 AM »
well.. to say that we are not there for our own interests would be stupid..  to say that we are only there for the oil is just as stupid.

We are fighting terrorists there.. we have to fight em and kill em someplace.. iraq is a very good place to do it if you don't live there.   We are killing some of the most seriously insane islamofacists the world has ever seen.

we are giving a bit of freedom to people there..  and... we are protecting the region and our oil interests.  We are doing all those things.. not just one but all of em.   We need to do all of em.. if we don't do it now.. we will have to do it latter.

It is too bad we couldn't most of the world to agree that it needs to be done but... let's face it...  they have no real power in any case other than to talk talk talk.. most of the countries with the biggest mouth are impotent and useless in the war on terror in any case...  their suggestion is to just fold like a cheap card table under a fat lady.... like they do.

They are criticizing us while their cities breed muslims who will not integrate into their societies... at some point.. they will be overwhelmed.. but for now.. appeasment works.. a few more years of uneasy peace is enough for such socialist impotent places.

If we were half as evil as they make out... we would run the region and be selling everyone else oil at 200 bucks a barrel.


Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #70 on: February 18, 2007, 11:02:42 AM »
Originally posted by WhiteHawk
Bohdi, the only way to win the war in Iraq is the ethnic cleansing of all that oppose the govt that the US supports.  This is not a war, but an attempted occupation.  There are no terrorists in iraq other than the Bush boogeymen he uses to manipulate the simple minded.  Terrorists do not attack military targets, opposing armies do.  You get out your browser and read up on what a rebel army is, what a civil war is, what an occupying force is, and what a terrorist is and tell me what terrorists we are fighting in iraq.
   BUsh's long term vision is to capture the oil of the middle east, create mayhem and choas driving the cost of oil and gas through the roof.  The politically connected corporations will aquire massive power by the loot of the US treasury to buy thier war machines, finance thier war, and value a gallon of gas with the 25% 'fear factor' premium.  
  You can see where us dumb liberals get confused as the war in Iraq's goal was to dissarm saddam of WMD's.  I am glad you have some deep inside info to give you comfort, I am skeptical.  Its time to show some results.  Killing saddam was pure and simple murder because he was innocent of the charges.  You tell us dumb liberals, before the invasion, was the Iraqi people better off?  Was there any significant terrorist threat to the US in Iraq?  Did the peopel of Iraq give any indication of wanting a western style govt there? Enough is enough, step back and take a look.

If you are ignorant enough to believe there are no terrorists in Iraq and that terrorists will not attack a military target, then there is nothing anyone is going to say that you will understand.

I am done dignifying you with any type of a response.
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Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #71 on: February 18, 2007, 11:12:25 AM »

Your very first portion of your response was wrong.  We are, and have been daily fighting the terrorist group Al Quaida in Iraq.  It was prominent two days ago on all major news networks that the Iraqi's had killed the #2 man, and thought to have wounded the #1 man.  I am glad that we are also fighting in Afganistan.  It is a major part of the war.  Excuse me though if I do not feel the need to use capitalised bold words to express myself.

As for the war being about oil, well, I think it is more about stability and safety.  As long as religous extremist nut bags are in power in the middle east, they will use their money (gained through oil) to support the terrorist groups that are hell bent on attacking western civilizations that they believe are wrong and need to destroy.  

We are right to have gone into Iraq.  I do not believe we are in a "civil war" that the liberal newsies and left wing nut jobs claim we are.  I believe that terrorist elements sponsored by Al Quaida, Iran, and Syria are hell bent on creating the illusion of a civil war though.  The latest push to eradicate the terrorists in Bagdad has been very succesful with a massive drop in civilian casualties as a result.  This is because the terrorists are being pushed back, and captured or killed.  If we continue this, we will see a dramatic drop in the violence while a country gets back on it's feet!

BTW, one last thing, I do not need to read more.  I think on the contray, I need not read what you have been especially considering your statements regarding Iraq.
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Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #72 on: February 18, 2007, 11:23:52 AM »
"The Imbeciles have spoken."

Who new that the title was going to be self-referential?....oh wait, I did.

Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #73 on: February 18, 2007, 11:33:17 AM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
"The Imbeciles have spoken."

Who new that the title was going to be self-referential?....oh wait, I did.

Nice personal attack.  Not that I would expect different from a person of your caliber.  Maybe someday you will actually participate in a conversation instead of spewing insults and hate.
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Offline mentalguy

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« Reply #74 on: February 18, 2007, 11:56:13 AM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
"The Imbeciles have spoken."

Who new that the title was going to be self-referential?....oh wait, I did.

Nice. Personal attacks and then cut and run, without explaning yourself. makes me wonder if all dems are the same?

You are the reason this country is turning to ****. Do not post something if here if you dont have anything to say. Intsead of being a worthless peice of **** and insulting someone you dont even know, try and find a way to stop the war without it coming to bite us on the bellybutton later.
PFC. Corey "Mentalguy" Gibson