Author Topic: Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST  (Read 4213 times)

Offline AquaShrimp

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2007, 05:41:03 PM »
As an amateur historian, totally disregarding my political affiliation as a Republican, or my education from a liberal institution (a university *gasp*), it is my opinion that the senate majority leader is right.

Offline straffo

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2007, 05:44:30 PM »
Originally posted by x0847Marine
We planted a democracy seed in that area once, the Shaw,  

:rofl :rofl

PS : lookup Savak.

Offline midnight Target

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2007, 05:47:02 PM »
This war is the biggest foriegn policy mistake in the history of our Country. Anyone who can't see that is blind. Anyone who speaks the truth about it is a patriot.

Offline Bodhi

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2007, 05:51:51 PM »
Originally posted by Viking
You have lost. The terrorists have won a tremendous victory. It's only a matter of time.

This must really make you happy.  I bet you gleefully chant this before you go to bed at night.

Too bad for you, you are wrong.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 05:56:08 PM by Bodhi »
I regret doing business with TD Computer Systems.

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2007, 05:55:40 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
This war is the biggest foriegn policy mistake in the history of our Country. Anyone who can't see that is blind. Anyone who speaks the truth about it is a patriot.

MT, With all due respect, our biggest foreign policy mistakes were two fold:

A: Not going to Baghdad the first time, and not supporting the Kurds after we incited them to rise up against Sadaam.

B: Not taking a stronger stance against terrorism in the post 92 election to the 2000 election.  Had Slick Willy taken Osama back when the Sudanese offered him to us, none of this would be the issue now.  Furthermore the issues in Sudan would not be coming such a head as well.

Blame this all you want on Bush Jr, but the administrations of Carter and Clinton dug this hole deeper than anyone else could have.  Bush is just the only one to come along recently with the balls to say, "enough is enough" and acted on it.
I regret doing business with TD Computer Systems.

Offline AquaShrimp

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2007, 05:56:41 PM »
What if when we pull out, the area turns peaceful, just like Vietnam.

Offline AWMac

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2007, 06:14:08 PM »
Originally posted by AquaShrimp
What if when we pull out, the area turns peaceful, just like Vietnam.

PahLeez Louise do not confuse Marxism with Terrorism.

If we leave today I envision us being back there within 10 years trying to regain the same ground that we already hold today.  Do you think if we leave then return years later the Iraqi people will love us more?

Wash, Rinse, Repeat....

To ditch on the Iraqi's now and try to return would be like "Fool me once, Shame on you. Fool me twice, Shame on me."

Don't let Liberals and Yellow Journalism fool you.

Mac <----- Refuses to conform to Sheepdom.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 06:16:48 PM by AWMac »

Offline Elfie

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2007, 06:23:26 PM »
Originally posted by AquaShrimp
What if when we pull out, the area turns peaceful, just like Vietnam.

Vietnam didn't become peaceful until after the Communists from North Vietnam conquered South Vietnam and reunited the country. The US troop withdrawal just allowed the death of South Vietnam as a sovereign country. Peace didn't happen there for nearly 2 years after our last combat troops left the country as I recall.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline AquaShrimp

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2007, 06:24:24 PM »
Everyone kept saying Vietnam would turn into a huge bloodbath when we pulled out.  It didn't.  Now the same people are saying Iraq will turn into a bloodbath if we pull out (what do they think it is right now?).

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2007, 06:32:00 PM »
Originally posted by AquaShrimp
Everyone kept saying Vietnam would turn into a huge bloodbath when we pulled out.  It didn't.  Now the same people are saying Iraq will turn into a bloodbath if we pull out (what do they think it is right now?).

You need to study history better. If you're unaware of the MILLIONS slaughtered after the U.S. left SouthEast Asia, I suggest you look into a little more reading.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline john9001

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2007, 06:37:03 PM »
Originally posted by AquaShrimp
Everyone kept saying Vietnam would turn into a huge bloodbath when we pulled out.  It didn't.  Now the same people are saying Iraq will turn into a bloodbath if we pull out (what do they think it is right now?).

you so wrong, Vietnam did turn into a bloodbath.

Offline AquaShrimp

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2007, 06:45:06 PM »
Virgil Hilts, quit trying to sneakily change what I said.

I said VIETNAM.  Not SOUTH EAST ASIA.  The massive blood-bath happened in Cambodia.  Ironically, it was communist insurgents who were just waiting for the Cambodian government to become weakened to rise up and strike.  The Cambodian government became weakened trying to assist the U.S. by striking the North Vietnamese.

So the massive bloodbath never happened in Vietnam.  There were a few executions, but most people, even those that cooperated with the U.S., were allowed to assimilate into the new communist rule.

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2007, 06:57:34 PM »
I'm not sneaking about anything. You're just ignoring the truth.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."



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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2007, 08:32:10 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
breaking news, december 14 1944

the mighty germany army that everyone thought was defeated has broken through the allied lines in the Ardennes and is driving hard to the port of Antwerp to cut the allied forces in half, thousands of allied prisoners have been taken, american troops are surrounded at Bastogne, the germans are using a new super tank that is unstoppable,
The american congress has advised FDR to accept the cease fire terms hitler has offered.

Saddly enough. Today. that would in all likelyhood be the case.

Of course that would be if we were still there after the Normandy disaster on June 6th of 44
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Senate majority leader: Iraq war is LOST
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2007, 08:40:53 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
This war is the biggest foriegn policy mistake in the history of our Country. Anyone who can't see that is blind. Anyone who speaks the truth about it is a patriot.

I can agree in part in this statement

Doing it I dont think was a mistake.

They way went about doing it after the fall of bagdhad was where the  greatest mistakes were made.

For as evil as they were
Even the Nazis were better at taking over countries then we have shown
Death is no easy answer
For those who wish to know
Ask those who have been before you
What fate the future holds
It ain't pretty