I believe that the problem is not the USA or the politic of Bush. The problem is Iraq and how it was created.
Its not an old country like Iran, which exists since 500 BCA.
Instead it was created after WW1 out of the dead body of the Ottoman Empire. The UK took this part and mixed three totally different ethnical and religious groups into one "new nation".
Kurds, sunnites and shi ites.
And from that das - starting as a british protectorate - the sunnite minority was used to suppress the majority of the iraqi people.
This continued all the time, also when Iraq became an independant kingdom, then a republic and finally a Saddam ruled country.
So there was officially a single country Iraq but the different groups never really trusted each other.
This all could be controlled with a massive suppressing system like Saddam had.
So the solution to bring democracy couldnt work.
Or at least not in the naive way as it was tried.
The 3 groups voted mostly within their groups. Or to be more precise - first the sunnites dodnt went to vote. So the majority - the shi ites became the strongest party and political power. And they made an alliance with the kurds. And suddenly the former rulers of Iraq - the sunnites - were without power.
For sunnite fanatic countries like Saudi Arabia a nightmare.
Also for sunnite terrorist organisations like the Al Kaida.
There are ethnical cleanings in Iraq. Formerly mixed areas are now "pure". The minorities have been forced to move away. The kurds kicked out the sunnite arabs from the northern part - the shi ites the sunnites from the southeast and in Bagdad all become worse because now there are ethnical pure districts within the same city.
And the civil war is also going on. Al Kaidfa and other Saudi-Arabia-Supported sunnite terror groups use suicide bombings on shi ite and kurd targets.
The shi ites use their new power as policemen and military of the new iraqi army to kill sunnites. Also shi ite militas, supported by Iran, are operating.
This situation cant be controlled because in my opinion there is no single iraqi people. There was too much hate between the 3 groups and they are now fighting their war. No army in the world can stop them and the best solution would be to cut Iraq in 3 independant countries.
That wont happen, because Turkey cant accept an independant Kurdistan which would destabilize their own country.
Also the shi ite region would become an islamic republic, very much like Iran, which is also not acceptable.
And so the situation will go on - all the fightings, the deaths and no hope for a fast solution.
But its not the fault of the occupation forces. The fault started, when this so called country was created after WW1.