Originally posted by john9001
how many different ethnic and religious groups live in the USA?
if they can live together in the USA, they can live together in Iraq, or africa or bosina or wherever.
i don't buy this "i have to kill my neighbor because he is different".
You cant compare the different ethnical + religious groups of the USA with those of Iraq.
1. Since the creation of Iraq one group supressed the others. The sunnites -> the shi ites and the kurds.
That didnt happened in the USA.
2. There was NEVER during the short history of Iraq peace and cooperation between these groups.
Just a more and more perfect supressing regime, which could have continued for decades if the US-regime of Bush has not eliminated Saddam and his regime and loyal suppressing forces like the secret police groups and the republican guards.
That also never happened in the USA.
In the USA the different ethnical and religious groups came to this country to build a new future. So they were entering a new country or born into a country with a future and often they also mixed their race and culture.
In Iraq 3 ethnical and racial different groups werde forced to live together in a new country called iraq and nearly after a century they still have isolated themself in their 3 different groups.
So I dont think that you can compare Iraq with the USA or any other traditional multi-ethnical-country.
The best example are the election votes.
There were pure sunnite, pure shi ite, pure kurd parties and also political parties which wanted to build a bridge between the different groups.
Just check how much votes went to the first groups and what remained for the "unification" groups.
The shi ites vote like their mullahs order them in the friday prayer.
The sunnites also - they follow the order of their clan-chiefs and sunnite religious rulers.
And the kurds vote for kurdish parties.
There is no iraqi people. And so the fightings will go on, because the groups are supported by other nations who have their own political interest in the region.