Originally posted by Blooz
I guess there would be a difference between an RV8 and a fully loaded P47.
Just because you can take off without flaps doesn't mean it's right.
I'm just trying to help the new guys get off the ground and telling them not to use their flaps is just wrong.
All of the runways in AH were extended at some point. There is enough runway to get any aircraft up without flaps. If departing mid field you may need to do a short field take off which would involve flaps. Without a flight manual to give you recommended flap settings for the aircraft, it appears any fighter Aircraft in AH that the first notch of flaps provides the most benefit of adding lift without adding a great deal of drag, (that appears to be a sore spot with the aircraft data models).
As for flaps for landing. Most of the arenas with no-wind, full flaps would be the best approach, however, If you are two miles from the end of the run way and low and slow, putting in two more notches of flaps should be the last thing you are thinking about.
The sole purpose of flaps on an aircraft that is landing is to allow the pilot to increase the angel of decent, without increasing his airspeed. One more time. The sole purpose of flaps on an aircraft that is landing is to allow the pilot to increase the angel of decent, without increasing his airspeed.
In other words, push the stick forward to decend without speeding up. How many notices of flaps that requires to maintain the desired approach speed is dependent on the altitude that needs to be reduced and the distance remaining between the aircraft approaching and the touch down point on the runway and the speed of the wind over the runway.
The Flight manual for the P38J recommends that for Takeoff from a flat dry hard surface of 2500 feet or greater with zero wind across the runway. That 0% of flaps be used. this allows for better engine cooling. Also another part of the aircraft model that is poor in AH.