Author Topic: Check out the debris from this HO shot  (Read 2376 times)

Offline P47Gra

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2007, 03:58:33 PM »
Originally posted by truck5co
You dont wanna get ho'd, dont come at me head on, simple as that.


Offline P47Gra

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #46 on: July 10, 2007, 04:01:10 PM »
Originally posted by truck5co
The same guys who whine about ho'ing are the probably the same guys who run home to land their 4 kills just when the goon is gonna drop troops only to let the goon and its troops get killed. Cant have it both ways. Personally I dont believe in Marquis of Queensbury (?) rules in a gunfight, whether its planes, 9mm's at 10 ft, real life or a game. The planes , weapons and ords for the most part are modelled realistically in order to make the game like real life, so why cant we use a real life tactics? Major Dick Bong speciallized in the HO with his 38, just dont see why it cant be used here. I once had a rook cry his eyes out when I ho'd him. I was upping out of a hangar at a base about to be overrun and he's lining up for an easy vulch, I managed to get just enough nose up atitude to put a burst in him b4 he fired. He lit 200 up with sobs. Vulch OK but not a HO? IMHO its all fair in love and war.
                                          ESU   all


Offline Engine

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #47 on: July 10, 2007, 06:33:34 PM »
HOs are 90 times out of 100 the mark of an incompetent flyer who is terrified of learning to fight. But, if you geniuses defending HOs enjoy wasting 10 minutes flying to a fight just to throw your time away... go for it. You'll always just be an easy kill for the guy one step past HOing.

Offline truck5co

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #48 on: July 10, 2007, 07:00:59 PM »
Originally posted by Engine
HOs are 90 times out of 100 the mark of an incompetent flyer who is terrified of learning to fight. But, if you geniuses defending HOs enjoy wasting 10 minutes flying to a fight just to throw your time away... go for it. You'll always just be an easy kill for the guy one step past HOing.

As opposed to defending ACM?? DOing stunts and manuevers that cant be replicated in real life? Digital planes that turn and stop on a dime? Why , because ACM is honorable??? WHen was the last time any of you augered to get a goon??? In AW guys did it all the time. Here its supposedly honorable people doing the honorable thing, FOR THEMSELVES! I suggested some guys auger to get goons and I was ridiculed all over the place. Why would we do that was the reply??? I think a lot of you guys need to get a life and stop whining. Why dont we just eliminate HO'ing, vulches, cherry picks, interfering in someone elses dog fight, porking strats, raiding HQ , 262's, 163's, all the other uber planes and just about anything someone has complained about. We'll all fly zekes, the only tank will be T34s, no tigers, no M4s. I also firmly believe a HO is a shot you're presented with. If you dont want me to HO you, turn and give me a six shot, I'm happy either way. If not we'll dance and if I get killed so be it, if you do thats even better.
That being said there are some team players here, guys who will do the teamster thing and lug supplies to bases etc. Because this is a team sport not an individual one. I been ho'd, vulched, picked more times than I care to remember and no one can ever say they heard me whine.
      to all, even the non-ho'ers,,,,,,    ESU

Offline Engine

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #49 on: July 10, 2007, 07:15:36 PM »
I didn't comment on any of that. All I'm saying is 9 times out of 10, if I see you go for the HO, I know you're an incompetent pilot. So go ahead and try it. I'll evade 9 out of 10 times, and kill you.

Do with that what you like.

Offline battel gnome94

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #50 on: July 10, 2007, 07:36:51 PM »
what i say is do what you have to because relly if you dont kill him on the first pass when he has better turning ark then you well your dead so relly kill him once you get the chance and relly its kill or be killed but dont say this games i real life because its not its far from that and you all should know that

Offline Engine

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #51 on: July 10, 2007, 07:40:29 PM »
That was beautiful. I'm going to tattoo it on my back so when I go to the beach all the pretty girls will weep at the beauty of it.

Offline BaldEagl

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #52 on: July 10, 2007, 08:38:20 PM »
OK, I never meant this to be an argument for or against HOing, I just thought the film was cool but now that it's become one I'll chime in.

The question of honor relative to the HO most often centers around the initial merge in a one-on-one.  One the fight is on most won't argue with it, although a few still will.  Likewise in a furball or a one-on-many most would agree anything goes.

I don't consider myself skill-less and I see the HO as simply another tool in my bag.  In many situations it makes very good sense while in others it should be avoided at almost all costs.  An example would be if I were flying a 190A8 and met a Spit I'd probably take that HO every time.   Why?  I have a huge guns advantage, I won't be able to turn with him and I won't be able to climb with him.  I may be able to run from him but not if he has an alt advantage.  Oh sure, I could scissor or use a rolling scissor or something to try to force an overshoot but that won't work against a good pilot and at that point I'm already in trouble so the HO allows me to dispatch the threat quickly and move on.

On the other hand, If I'm in a P-51B or an FM2 I'll avoid every HO.  The 4 .50's on those particular planes, while accurate and deadly, aren't adequate for the risk involved in a HO IMHO.  No matter what I'm in I'd never go head on with a BF110-G2 or an IL-2 or another huge cannoned bird.

Likewise energy states make a difference.  I'd be more likely to try a HO coming down than going up.

There are many other situations where I think the HO makes sense and many others where I think it's foolhardy.  Like I said above, it's another tool in the bag and it's use, like all ACM is highly situational.

My personal success rate HOing is high, probably in the 80-85% range although I only use it once in every 2-3 hours or so of flight-time and only in what I view to be the right situations.

That said I do agree that the guy who merges HO with guns spraying from 1.5K out is a skill-less dweeb.
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Offline truck5co

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #53 on: July 10, 2007, 08:52:31 PM »
I dont get it, you dont consider yourself a skill less dweeb, you will HO, yet in your last sentence you agree that anyone who HOs is a skill less dweeb?? Is it the 1.5K that makes it skill less? I dont consider myself skill less either and I win more HO's then I lose and I was in 100% agreement with just about everything you said till that last statement. Especially the parts about flying specific planes and in specific situations and against a superior plane yada yada. Just threw me with the last part. AGain, what about vulches and picks etc, some sneaky stuff OK, some not, doesnt make any sense to me. How many times have we heard people on 200 complain about a LALA or 51 thats runnin? Dam thats what those planes do , they're fast! Why shouldnt they extend and use their strong points to their advantage. They should turn and fight against a superior turn fiter when they are low and slow just to make the other guy happy? Like I said, too much whining going on, its a game, relax and play and lets all have fun.

Offline BaldEagl

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #54 on: July 10, 2007, 11:56:12 PM »
Yep, it's the 1.5K  You know then from a mile away (well, actually 1.5K ;) )
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Offline WaRLoCkL

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #55 on: July 11, 2007, 06:54:04 AM »
How does a post about a awsome real life event of a very brave ww2 fighter pilot, get turned into some pointless HO banter???.

U guys need to get OVER the HEAD ON thing, truth is anyone can avoid a HO, and anyone can HO. How about actually keeping this post to what it was ment for.

I dont see anyone here who wrote the RULES OF AIRIAL COMBAT so knowone should be dictating how air combat should be flown.

I die in HO's every day, I scratch it up as my fault for not getting out of the way. Personally i think a aircraft should be flown to its maximum ablilty, and if your packing 4 20 mills, then its a effective tactic to ho.

Im willing to bet u that most people to complain about dying in a HO never turned away and tried to land a few rounds thereself.

Maybe the next reply on here with actually be about something worth reading, like other ww2 engagments.

Offline Gianlupo

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #56 on: July 11, 2007, 11:45:43 AM »
Originally posted by BaldEagl
Puhleese!  Get serious.  No offense but do you actually believe this?


Yeah, I believe what I tried to explain in the post just above yours. Clearly, my knowledge of the English language is too limited to thoroughly express my thought. And I have no much time to spend  on this board. So, never mind, I'll keep my believing, you'll keep yours and we'll be both happy. ;)
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Offline BaldEagl

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #57 on: July 11, 2007, 01:05:21 PM »
Originally posted by Gianlupo
Yeah, I believe what I tried to explain in the post just above yours. Clearly, my knowledge of the English language is too limited to thoroughly express my thought. And I have no much time to spend  on this board. So, never mind, I'll keep my believing, you'll keep yours and we'll be both happy. ;)

Oops, didn't see that post where you explained further.  I must have been typing mine while you were posting yours and never looked back to see your second post.

Yes, I'd probably have to agree with your more detailed explanation where you limit the definition of experience to learned instictual behavior.
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Offline Gianlupo

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #58 on: July 11, 2007, 01:57:00 PM »
Originally posted by BaldEagl
Oops, didn't see that post where you explained further.  I must have been typing mine while you were posting yours and never looked back to see your second post.

Timing is everything! :lol

Glad to see that we solved this little argument without the usual struggle typical of this BBS. ;)
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Offline PanzerIV

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Check out the debris from this HO shot
« Reply #59 on: July 11, 2007, 03:39:44 PM »
usually when i H-O someone im in a YaK 9U and they are in some plane with 4 20mm, i usually come out victorious, i fire a few rounds then pull up and turn onto their 6 and finish them off.