Author Topic: Score & Rank: Completely useless info  (Read 6398 times)

Offline 999000

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« Reply #180 on: June 27, 2007, 09:53:43 PM »
I have great respect for Falconwing and the BOP's......Sorry Falconwing I'm still trying to rehab Skyrocks image........I'll keep working on it Sir

PM to Skyrock....did I tell you coul put up any post on the boards yet!???

Offline killnu

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« Reply #181 on: June 27, 2007, 10:16:35 PM »
so are you trying to say you cant furball in a K4?  because thats what i just got from your last post...if so, you are sadly mistaken.  It is quite fun to do.  One reason I fly K4/G14 so much is, people underestimate what i can do slow...with flaps out...and with that 30mm, one shot all you need.

Because of the scores you see, you made an assumption on how we was wrong...that is what i took "offense" to, if you want to call it that.  considering I have had one of the top two spots quite a bit...yes, Id say you was trying to tell me how I fly based on the numbers you see.  You should look back a about 10 tours or so and see when I flew a 38G majority of the time...kind of blows your theory out of water, dont it?

As far as the time I am on...not that I need to explain...but, since I am in the Navy and was on shore duty, I spent lot of time with family, and when I could, I played this game.  I had lots of time on shore duty, it kicked arse.  I knew I was going back to a boat, so took advantage of the time I had, with family first...and enjoyed this game as well.  I will be gone for 6 months soon, so no family or game for that time.  Hope that helps fill in some information of why my time may be were it was...not to score high...that is just rediculous.
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« Reply #182 on: June 27, 2007, 10:48:21 PM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
..splain to me please sir why you great fiter furballing types need to fly fast perk planes that cant furball for 1/4 of your kills???  

3.   Now if your general purpose for trying to call me out is because you sense i dont think much of you and your squad..then you are correct about that...

Let me start by saying you haven't a clue.  

Now, tell me, what perk ride are you implying can't furball?  

Clue......just so you'll at least have one.........., the 109K-4 is an incredible furballer!  It has all the basic essentials for furballing, plus some.  

Clue......maybe now you can have two of them........,  we like to fight, we are good enough to perk jet points in an hour or two, and we use said perks to totally own folks not much unlike you and your entire squad  and or any and all wings of said squad!

Hint......if you know how to take one..........., get off the Muppet's ankles!



Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"


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« Reply #183 on: June 27, 2007, 11:03:43 PM »
Originally posted by killnu
so are you trying to say you cant furball in a K4?  because thats what i just got from your last post...if so, you are sadly mistaken.  It is quite fun to do.  One reason I fly K4/G14 so much is, people underestimate what i can do slow...with flaps out...and with that 30mm, one shot all you need.

Because of the scores you see, you made an assumption on how we was wrong...that is what i took "offense" to, if you want to call it that.  considering I have had one of the top two spots quite a bit...yes, Id say you was trying to tell me how I fly based on the numbers you see.  You should look back a about 10 tours or so and see when I flew a 38G majority of the time...kind of blows your theory out of water, dont it?

As far as the time I am on...not that I need to explain...but, since I am in the Navy and was on shore duty, I spent lot of time with family, and when I could, I played this game.  I had lots of time on shore duty, it kicked arse.  I knew I was going back to a boat, so took advantage of the time I had, with family first...and enjoyed this game as well.  I will be gone for 6 months soon, so no family or game for that time.  Hope that helps fill in some information of why my time may be were it was...not to score high...that is just rediculous.

hmm..maybe you are not reading my posts slowly enough...i have just spent half my posts saying that the K4 is uber and easy to get kills in...and yes ill stand by my second point which is that tempests and 262s are not flown to furball, but to boom and zoom and stay alive in....see the K4 is NOT perked so when i say "dont furball in perk rides" i am not referring to it...

and yes i guess i didnt look back 10 tours to do my analysis LMAO...but again i wasnt trying to single you out but instead to add to a thread that was about what caused guys to get top 10 ranks....

as for skyrock, i haven't addressed anything to you and you have continued to berate you seem a little tipsy when you say I am on YOUR ankle...ok i take it back..i did make fun of your "indian" saying....but that was after many many posts of yours...

the only guy not in your squad taking your side is Storch...that might make you pause to reflect before you post again:D

Oh and to my friend always sir you remind me of what appropriate conduct should be :aok
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 11:05:45 PM by FALCONWING »

Offline wetrat

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« Reply #184 on: June 27, 2007, 11:13:08 PM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
im not as clever as you with the paste and cuts..but...

1.  Your squad (platano, skyrock, wetrat) have all called me names, so dont cut a section of my sentence out and pretend i was accusing you of name calling when i was calling out the squad...

2.   it just happens that under this current topic (scores not mattering anymore), 2 of your squaddies happen to be number one and two im sorry they fly the k4 exclusively when they are not in perk rides..but that IS the case...and if wetrat is NOT trying to fly for score..splain to me please sir why you great fiter furballing types need to fly fast perk planes that cant furball for 1/4 of your kills???  You Dost Protest Too Much :D (it IS okay to say "i fly for score"...its NOT a bad thing)


1. I call everyone names. I insult Muppets with much more vigor than turds such as yourself.

2. Are you kidding? K4 can't furball? And, more to the point, I don't? I've got several hundred hours of film that would disagree. I think the fact that I get shot down around 60% of my sorties is a fair indication of that as well. One more thing... if you take out all my jet sorties, I'd still have pretty much the same K/D, and my K/T would be higher. Oh well. Don't know why I've bothered countering your inane points, you're clearly a tard. (that's where I got your new nickname, falcntard.. get it?) I suppose I should only fly the planes I enjoy during tours where I don't feel like making a half-hearted attempt at #1 in fighters (...that's every tour but this one, for those of you keeping track at home).
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Offline killnu

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« Reply #185 on: June 27, 2007, 11:15:39 PM »
the only guy not in your squad taking your side is Storch

really?  the cut and paste I did was not by him.  Maybe you should do more in depth analysis before making anymore wrong assumptions that you try to pass off as fact.
you look at a single spread sheet of a top ranked guy and start passing off assumptions as fact.  why not do a more in depth search and see if those assumptions hold true? before you pass them off as fact.  That is like me looking at your squads and saying everyone of you all fly in a horde...when they may not be the case...but the numbers are there to support my conclusion.
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Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #186 on: June 27, 2007, 11:23:14 PM »
This is just absolutely enthralling, rivetting drama.
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Offline Xargos

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« Reply #187 on: June 27, 2007, 11:30:22 PM »
Jeffery R."Xargos" Ward

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Offline killnu

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« Reply #188 on: June 27, 2007, 11:40:10 PM »
its not a drama...its a comedy. :aok
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Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #189 on: June 28, 2007, 01:52:12 AM »
Originally posted by bj229r
Well when I'm toodling about, and I see a '109' thingie above me, I worry until I can see if it's a K4 or not--the others I can do SOMEthin with. If I look up and see 3-5 109's, I know it's the #$#% Muppets and they are going to execute me with said K4's:cry

LOL I just wait for em to come down so we can play whether I die or not.

Quit sucking up to em.  They'll start believing their own press clippings and they'll be impossible to live with :)

Having flown with most of em, they're dweebs just like the rest of us:aok
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #190 on: June 28, 2007, 01:57:43 AM »
Originally posted by FX1
I do disagree.. Score can be a quick reference for people to see if that person is a aggressive our passive pilot. It can also be a quick reference for in flight check to see if the person you have just shot down has any idea what they are doing. take for instance my score. I dont have a high KD in fighter but what i do have is a high KT time. This shows me that i have been doing base protection and not that many landings in fighter.

If you have under a 2 KD in my book shows me that your air combat skills need to be better.

Tour 89 Fighter Scores for FX1
                                  Score   Rank  
Kills per Death + 1        6.54 59
Kills per Sortie              3.86 15
Kills per Hour of Flight 21.20 5
Kills Hit Percentage     16.31 25
Kill Points              22475.34 330

What happens if your MO is to fly low in a 38G and head into the crowd regardless of the outcome? :)

Granted I suck at this game, but I can still give most of em a good fight in that big target of mine, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna fly timid or always need the advantage.  Since i don't really die and get a new plane every time, all i want to do is fight.

Had an absolute beauty of a fight going with Engine in his Ki-84 tonite.  We were going round and round in a furball with all kinds of birds going by.  He got picked.    Had that fight played out, it's 50/50 he'd have had me.  How does his or my K/D reflect that fight?

Stats are useless in the end, but I guess some folks need measuring sticks beyond how much fun they're having.  I don't :)
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Souless

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« Reply #191 on: June 28, 2007, 02:50:27 AM »
Originally posted by FALCONWING
im not as clever as you with the paste and cuts..but...

1.  Your squad (platano, skyrock, wetrat) have all called me names, so dont cut a section of my sentence out and pretend i was accusing you of name calling when i was calling out the squad...

2.   it just happens that under this current topic (scores not mattering anymore), 2 of your squaddies happen to be number one and two im sorry they fly the k4 exclusively when they are not in perk rides..but that IS the case...and if wetrat is NOT trying to fly for score..splain to me please sir why you great fiter furballing types need to fly fast perk planes that cant furball for 1/4 of your kills???  You Dost Protest Too Much :D (it IS okay to say "i fly for score"...its NOT a bad thing)

3.   Now if your general purpose for trying to call me out is because you sense i dont think much of you and your squad..then you are correct about that...but acting like this on the bbs really doesnt help that cause much either...

You should try reading my original post for what it was...a logical factual analysis of what style of flying/fighting takes top score your squad deciding it was some sort of personal attack is kind of funny and makes one really wonder what insecurities lie behind your squaddies motives for flying and playing this game...

oh..and stay away from the brown tipped banana:D

lmao 113 kills in a la7 and 116 kills in a spit 16 how long have u been here falc?
try and move on to something else you might improve:aok
try the mosie:aok
and secondly your sad diatribe on 200 calling skyrock a drunk just shows how immature and pathetic you are so please, dont say anyone is calling you names if the shoe fits....
sod off you banana :D
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 02:55:29 AM by Souless »


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« Reply #192 on: June 28, 2007, 03:41:35 AM »
Originally posted by wetrat
1. I call everyone names. I insult Muppets with much more vigor than turds such as yourself.

2. Are you kidding? K4 can't furball? And, more to the point, I don't? I've got several hundred hours of film that would disagree. I think the fact that I get shot down around 60% of my sorties is a fair indication of that as well. One more thing... if you take out all my jet sorties, I'd still have pretty much the same K/D, and my K/T would be higher. Oh well. Don't know why I've bothered countering your inane points, you're clearly a tard. (that's where I got your new nickname, falcntard.. get it?) I suppose I should only fly the planes I enjoy during tours where I don't feel like making a half-hearted attempt at #1 in fighters (...that's every tour but this one, for those of you keeping track at home).

once again ill continue to be the bigger man and not make clever 3rd grade insults by adding "tard" to peoples glad you consider yourself a professional insulter...

and once again ill restate the point i have stated over and over again which is that the K4 is a good furballer and a score/perk farmer...i wish i knew how to chnage color of text so you guys wont keep missing the same point repeatedly....

once again...the direction of this thread was why score was useless and why truly good pilots dont rank observations are rock solid about what mix of planes are currently used to achieve top scores....

as for what i fly...well obviously i dont fly perk or score farmers and that is because anyone who has flown with or around me finds me defending fields or countering numbers and i choose the best rides available...thats why ill never be a top 20 fiter score guy...i also see this as a cartoon airplane game and ill remain forever unclear why people feel some planes are beneath their abilities...i will alawys pick the best plane for the fight im entering into...somehow that seems smart to me...

as for skyrock/mark, he is well aware of how i feel about his tactics of trying to insult/bully guys out of certain planes by insulting them on ch 200...sometimes it gets to me (i belive he was insulting either the DFA or the Unforgiven) and i give it back to him with comments that i know will upset him...he and i know each other well enough that i dont think he needs you to hold his hand  Strich9..i believe we ended that night on a positive note and i apologized to him for "crossing the line".  that is more then any of you professional insulters have ever done...from your 200 text i assume your goal is to upset people as much as possible and i find that offensive...

Offline killnu

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« Reply #193 on: June 28, 2007, 03:44:58 AM »
you dont fly a "score farmer"?  :huh   So I wont be a scorepotato, as you put it, if I fly a La7?  This is a joke, right?

truly good pilots dont rank high?  wasnt Fester and Wetrat at the top there?  They are not truly good?  Once again, a joke, right?
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« Reply #194 on: June 28, 2007, 03:56:13 AM »
Originally posted by killnu
you dont fly a "score farmer"?  :huh   So I wont be a scorepotato, as you put it, if I fly a La7?  This is a joke, right?

truly good pilots dont rank high?  wasnt Fester and Wetrat at the top there?  They are not truly good?  Once again, a joke, right?

dude sorry you feel your a scorepotato and have to defend it..lets ask this a different have been number one fiter for many you think you are the best fiter?  if not then you have to be honest with yourself and admit you game the game....once again chill...everybody does to some extent, even me (rockets into town etc)

as for fester and wetrat, i have no idea..i HAVE dueled wetrat in DA once before and IF i remember right he insisted we only fly 109s and i beat him every time...that was back when creton and i used to DA a lot...if i am wrong then apologies but i can check my films..i remember the name because someone had said he was a great 109 pilot and i thought i would see how good...what i think made him stand out was the fact he wouldnt duel spit5s which is sort of a staple in da...if that was him then i would not say he is top 10 unless you consider me uber:D if it wasnt him, the it was someone grumpy with a similar name...

the only 3 people who have ever "owned" me in the da were skyrock, elevenk and biggles....and i have da'd a lot of people...if any of you want join that list feel free but i am not flying only your rides in there...we can the MA the only guys who really worry me are blukitty and lazer..they are outstanding low...

look i have played versions of this game fom awc to this for 13 years now..your personalities have always existed and then one day realized that being "a top fiter" means nothing...hey maybe you can answer one queston for me...why all the name changes??? killnu/dolfo souless/strich9  hoarach/fringe  skyrock/many different shades  ???  that is a theme i always noted with these squads..always reincarnating as different names?
what gives?

and yes...if you can get number one fiter score in a la7...ill buy you lunch:aok
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 04:02:58 AM by FALCONWING »