Author Topic: Guns for killing snakes  (Read 5919 times)

Offline Jackal1

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #105 on: July 06, 2007, 07:27:47 AM »
Originally posted by McFarland
Well then in your view point.....

Originally posted by McFarland
Exactly me point. Cats are the only animal in the world that kill just for the fun of it. Or "practise" as you call it.

Yep, they are cool people. Predators. They keep the vermin and people down around their area. A must if on the farm or if you have outbuildings.

You must teach them to respect them, not go around killing every one they see like maniac mass murderers, but to just leave them alone.

I taught mine to snuff every one of the humans they saw. Gun powder...It does a man good.  

Leave a snake alone, it will leave you alone. The only exception to this may be cobras, when they are guarding a nest.

Horse flop!
Here we have people. Very, very aggressive. You enter an area in which they consider theirs and they will come for you in a heartbeat. The problem is they consider any area they happen to be in at the time theirs. Very jealous. Screw em....BOOM.....good person.
The same can be said for the people during breeding and before hibernation times. No sense of humor whatsoever. BOOM.... good person.

Many a time I have almost stepped on a snake, actually touching it with me shoe, and then watched it crawl off. It didn't even try to bite me, it just wanted to leave.

Yea...people are cute and cuddly alright. I have had a man's fist embedded in me face for walking past an area within a few feet of the slithering jerks. BOOM.....good person.
Due to the recent population explosion in this area , snakes are being warned to take precautions against people. BOOM..........good person.

Houston we have a problem. :rofl

Take your Ritalin and get under the bed till the boys in white come for you. It will be okie dokie.
:noid :noid :noid
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline Angus

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #106 on: July 06, 2007, 08:16:01 AM »
Originally posted by McFarland
Oh yeah, there's another..... PEOPLE.

Minks. Put the cats to shame.
Snakes allso kill a prey they cannot consume.
Lots of mammals will also kill you since you pose some kind of a threat. You may be a threat to an ugly old grizzly. Or a big bull.
Haven't entered the world of the sea yet.

Anyway. Less people are actually killed in the USA by snakes than in Europe. And speaking of statistics, it is as a total some 500 times likely to be shot to death in the USA than bitten to death by a snake.
But as all, depends where you are, and lots of incidents too, - in USA & Canada some 45.000 registered bites, 6500 envenomations.
In Oceanea you have 200 dead every year.
So, If I had by kids where there's a lot of snakes, say especially in a town or city/suburb where the numbers of them can be fought, I'd have a nice weapon of some sort for it. Or a counter-animal :D
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline Suave

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #107 on: July 06, 2007, 08:41:14 AM »
I'd rather have mice than cats.

For one thing they **** less and cat's don't breed fast enough to sustain a good snake population.


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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #108 on: July 06, 2007, 09:04:21 AM »
yes well I live on a lake which is in a developed area that was formerly the eastern everglades.  our lake is directly connected to the snake river which flows directly from the everglades.  this brings all manner of critters right into our subdivision.  

we have water moccasin we have rattlesnakes and we have countless other snakes as well.  I keep the lakeshore free of vegetation to discourage the watersnakes from seeking ambush cover on my property.

I have yet to shoot any species of snake because I consider them far more beneficial than harmful.

we teach our grandkids and their friends to be aware of where they play, they know that there are critters who will kill them that aren't just snakes.  I'm more concerned with gators than I am with the snakes.

The cats do a good enough enough job of keeping the place free of reptiles and rodents on land, the snakes nail them by the lakeshore.

this place has lots and lots of rodents, I like the snakes.

Offline lazs2

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #109 on: July 06, 2007, 09:10:45 AM »
LOL...  all we got to do is leave the snakes alone and study em so we know which are the good ones and which are the bad ones and hope to christ they don't kill the toddlers?  because....

because they kill a few rodents.

And this makes em better than cats?   cats are killing machines.   they don't bother you at all... there are no venemous cats and cats (unlike dogs) will not attack people.  

If there are too many cats in an area they are easy to shoot.

The really good thing about cats... and angus will appreciate this...

When you have cats you don't have snakes... first they kill all the small snakes in the area... it is fun to watch... then, they kill all the food for the snakes.  there are no mice left in the area.   Their are also no snakes in the cats area.

cats kill rodents better than snakes...

cats aren't venomous... not a one of em..  worst thing is rabies and that is probly less chance with cats than dogs.

cats don't attack people.

cats kill snakes.

excess cats can be trapped or shot eaisily.

What's not to like?

snake simply need to be extinct along with the goth morons who raise em and play with em.

I have never met a person who was into snakes and spiders who wasn't a total social loser.   Think about it... have you guys ever met a snake person?  frigging whack jobs.


Offline gpwurzel

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #110 on: July 06, 2007, 01:37:37 PM »
Hmmm....would I prefer my kids to play with cats or snakes......definitely cats. Would I prefer to educate my kids about snakes, or just teach them to shoot them on sight.............definitely educate.....each to their own however, those are just my wife lost her last cat to a constrictor.....poor little guy was blind in 1 eye, his tongue didnt fit his mouth as he had a cleft or something, and he only had 3 legs.....(no, his name wasnt lucky lol)........think everyone differs in how they react to snakes, spiders etc...personally I find them fascinating, but always treat them with respect.....I've moved a couple of rattlers out of my FIL's yard, no big deal, but they dont come in there often enough to be a problem. The yard is kept clean, so they have nowhere to hide to be close enough to get startled etc (FIL is limited in vision).


Lazs, does that make me a social loser? :cool: (Sorry, just couldnt resist it...;) )
I'm the worst pilot ingame ya know!!!

It's all unrealistic crap requested by people who want pie in the sky actions performed without an understanding of how things work and who can't grasp reality.

Offline McFarland

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #111 on: July 07, 2007, 01:36:37 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
And this makes em better than cats?   cats are killing machines.   they don't bother you at all... there are no venemous cats and cats (unlike dogs) will not attack people.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl  I've seen more cats attack people than I have dogs. A cat attacked me little brother once. A cat attacked me once, and it found itself kicked to the front yard from the back.

Offline McFarland

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #112 on: July 07, 2007, 01:47:19 AM »
And snakes kill more rats and mice and other harmfull small animals each year than cats do. The amount of rodents that a snake eats in one year, if piled up in a field, would cover a one acre field 10 feet deep. A cat would hardly cover it 2 feet deep. And cats kill for the fun of it. The only other animal that kills just for fun is people. All other animals kill only in self defence or for food. I like snakes and spiders, and I have more friends than I care to count. And I'm not a goth, I'm a normal person. And excess cats can't always be killed if they are causing problems. Cats are the main problem on some Pacific islands, including Guam, for extinction. The native wildlife had no predators before, and the cats are wiping them out. One species of sparrow was wiped out by cats. Several other species have been. Many others are very threatened by them.

Originally posted by Angus
Less people are actually killed in the USA by snakes than in Europe. And speaking of statistics, it is as a total some 500 times likely to be shot to death in the USA than bitten to death by a snake.
But as all, depends where you are, and lots of incidents too, - in USA & Canada some 45.000 registered bites, 6500 envenomations.

And of those 6500 envenomations, only 100 or so died. Snakes rarely inject enough venom to kill when they do inject venom. And even if they do inject a lot of venom, there are antivenoms for them now.

Offline McFarland

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #113 on: July 07, 2007, 01:58:57 AM »
Horse flop!
Here we have people. Very, very aggressive. You enter an area in which they consider theirs and they will come for you in a heartbeat. The problem is they consider any area they happen to be in at the time theirs. Very jealous. Screw em....BOOM.....good person.
The same can be said for the people during breeding and before hibernation times. No sense of humor whatsoever. BOOM.... good person.


Yea...people are cute and cuddly alright. I have had a man's fist embedded in me face for walking past an area within a few feet of the slithering jerks. BOOM.....good person.
Due to the recent population explosion in this area , snakes are being warned to take precautions against people. BOOM..........good person.

Read it really well, is it not true? People act just like I have described them here. If you would look at it, people do act this way. When a snake acts the same way, you think it is wrong. Well then, people act wrongly. Should they be shot? In some cases, yes. But not always. The same applies to snakes. And other animals. Just leave them alone, or relocate them when they are in the way or might endanger someone. And now we are finding uses for venoms. A compound in copperhead venom has been found to actually help cure cancer. A compound in puffer fish toxin has been found to alleviate pain from chronic pain conditions.  The Austrailan funnel web spider's venom actually has components that are species specific, and can be used for pesticides, as they don't harm other organisms or pollute water, and they are biodegradable. The venom of the Gila monster has a component that can help patients woth diabetes. All these things are found in venoms, and they can help to save lives. The natural world is full of miracles and cures, who knows what we will find next?

Offline Angus

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #114 on: July 07, 2007, 03:46:38 AM »

And McFarland:
What the devil is with this:
"And snakes kill more rats and mice and other harmfull small animals each year than cats do. The amount of rodents that a snake eats in one year, if piled up in a field, would cover a one acre field 10 feet deep. A cat would hardly cover it 2 feet deep."

And what is supposed to be? A joke?
Youre saying that a snake eats some 12.000 cubic metres of rodents pr. year??????????????????????
(1 acre = 4.500 sq.m. x 10 feet (rough 3 metres) = 13.725 cubic metres to be exact) WOW, that's a snake I wouldn't want to meet without a cannon!!!!  Cos the critter eats some 30 tonnes a day!!!!
Now providing you meant sq.foot or yard or any other small measure, you're still saying that a  snake eats mice at 5 times the rate a cat kills them (without even eating them all)
A cat weights some 1 kg, and is a rather lively warm blooded animal. Again, even with careful calculations, you say that the snake eats maybe 10 times as much (say the cat still eats every other mouse). That is also a snake I'd not like to meet!
Would you want venomous snakes to keep your barn clean? Pity about curious puppies, kittens, chicken and even lambs if it was THAT snake :D
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline lazs2

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #115 on: July 07, 2007, 08:58:35 AM »
mcfarland.. you are so full of it..  

There can be areas where there are both snakes and vermin but not vermin and cats...  cats kill dozens of mice a night.   Recent studies where cats..  domestic cats.. were followed and filmed with night vision showed the astounding amount of critters a cat kills at night.

I have counted the corpses that were not eaten by our work cats and it comes to a dozen or more in a night.. no snake eats that many mice... mostly they eat one a week or so.

In order to equal what a cat kills the ground would have to be alive with snakes.

gp... no.. I think you are pretty logical.  I don't think that you have aquariums full of venemous and constrictor snakes in your home tho do you?   Whack jobs do.  snake handlers and bizzare splinter sects of chritianity.    Goth a holes.   devil worshipers and other losers.

As for people... it is against the law to kill em for no good reason.   You can kill the really aggressive ones tho if you have good reason.

fortunately... snakes are a freebie... kill em all.   we can let mcfarland examine the corpses and decide which ones were the harmless ones.

I have heard that snakes aren't "dirty"  but...  ever go to a house where some whackjob raises reptiles?    what the hell is that smell?   Maybe it is just them... maybe all snake people smell bad?


Offline lazs2

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #116 on: July 07, 2007, 09:05:19 AM »
Anyway....  a 44 revolver with the first two rounds shot caps and the rest solids works well.

I have never seen even a large rattler not die to a shot cap from a 44.    Single action Rugers are light and handy but the new scandium Smiths are down to like 20 ounces... the recoil would be mild with a shot cap but, from experiance... it is brutal with solids.

I reload..  I have killed many a snake with solids...  250 grain cast lead semi wadcutters.. they cut a snake in half.  shot works better tho.. not as much wiggle after.  

Angus.. cats will kill snakes.. they kill the young ones.   I work on 500 acres surrounded by farmland that is constantly worked.. there are mice and there are snakes... the snakes do nothing to stop the mice.   In the area near my shop and office and equipment it is about 5 acres.. we have two cats.   There is not a snake or a mouse to be found.



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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #117 on: July 07, 2007, 10:44:17 AM »
cats sure do kill snakes and snakes kill cats as well.

Offline Suave

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #118 on: July 07, 2007, 10:55:12 AM »
They're are only three types of "cat people". Women, witches, and emotional men. Which one are you?

Offline Silat

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Guns for killing snakes
« Reply #119 on: July 07, 2007, 02:14:03 PM »
Originally posted by -Concho-
Silat your a genius,

You get guns and snakes into the same thread and it's bound for a million posts.

Who would have thought:)
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