Originally posted by Bronk
Just like we'd never see a 75mm cannoned B-25?
First, I don't ever remember making the claim that we would
not get a 75mm armed B-25. I half expected that since there have been many calls for tater gun armed birds for American, Russian, and German planes for a long time. What I
did often state was that many members over estimate the abilities of a 75mm tossing HE rounds with only with a historic rate of fire of 4 to 5 rounds per minute, a 21 round ammo rack, and from a fairly large plane doing, at most, 220 to 250mph on the deck.
Second, the little snipes and snide remarks from you and Rino are wasted on me. I grew up on unmoderated Usenet boards famous for flame wars, like "reeky.moto" (rec.motorcycles) and among the other members of the Dietizens of Doom, and from Compuserve and Prodigy boards before even that. You're posts are generally quaint and sophomoric, especially those when you accuse
others of childishness. They are also uninspired and rather dull, but at least they are always very short.
A quick search for your postings also shows me something else: you never (or at least nearly never) post anything qualitative, quantitative, or of any true substance in the forums. You simple vent your spleen and denigrate others when you see a chance. The only thing that can be considered a "positive" in any of your posts is the way you genuflect toward anything from HTC as if supplicating yourself to them will curry favor with the HTC Gawds. I've never really understood that attitude in a game forum.
If you feel you must continue on this course, feel free. Maybe anger management didn't take or the medicine cabinet is understocked. I don't know and frankly could care less. I generally don't reply to these kinds of remarks, since they just don't get past my own long ago developed personal filters from much more open venues than this one, but it's starting to border on an unhealthy obsessiveness. Someone should be worried about you..... just not me.