that might help show what I cant seem to find the right description for...
I flew a few hops today (still "stuck" on the A-20:)) and rolled the camera.
Went thru and pulled these TC said in the other thread E fighting an be viewed as a transition from "B&Z" to "angles" and back in a smooth and seemless manner. The varying plane match ups make melding relative strengths critical. One interesting thing about the A-20 is it doesnt have any strengths other then tremendous "zoom" combined with a hard hitting gun package and the ability to absorb an awful lot of lead and stay in the end to fly it at all well as a fighter you really become aware of relative E state and relative effect you need to outwork the other guy in some fashion to create a chance to win...or at least live.
you'll see alot of what you saw before in other clips but these are more 1 on 1 fights that show the combination of relative E state, out of plane manuevering etc as it applies to E fighting. Although I'm negative E in all of them I cant fly the A-20 as a pure angles plane since it simply runs out of E way to you see more of an "E defense" vs an angles attack...
clip 1 clip 2 clip 3