Author Topic: Michael Vick makes a plea deal  (Read 3048 times)

Offline JimmyZ

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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #120 on: August 16, 2007, 06:19:48 PM »
Originally posted by Scotlvr
When you people leave the coziness of your homes and leave the US and go see the REAL NASTY POOR world out there..not some plush resort in the bahammas or cancun, or a cruise ship ,but the REAL world where people live in tin freaking shacks with no electric or water,where people will dig through trash for evening dinner, and where if your C@#k or dog wins for the evening your family is good for a month..then we'll talk .......till then...

The distinction i think you two are failing to grasp in all of this is the fact that this didn't happen in some third world country. It doesn't matter if it is socially acceptable anywhere else. It is against the law here. Understand now?
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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #121 on: August 16, 2007, 06:57:10 PM »
Originally posted by Scotlvr
Amen storch! I too hunt fish and heck I even keep my trapping permit current.
 I wonder what these folks would like me to do with the coyotes that kill my families calves, and hogs? I guess I should let them off with a stern warning instead of a 30-06 round!
 I don't think they grasp is a persons choice how the "Train" their pet. They are your pet and you can do as you want with them. Its your choice! Just like a buy's up to you what happens next.

If you can't figure out the difference between hunting, fishing, and trapping and dog fighting, you don't have any business with a gun. The object of hunting, fishing, and trapping is a quick humane end. Show me ANYTHING quick and humane about forcing two dogs into a ring to rip each other to shreds. If you don't grasp the difference between shooting a coyote, and putting two dogs in a ring and watching them tear each other to pieces, odds are you will get the ends of the rifle mixed up and do the world a favor. By the way, the guys in the TWRA are some of the most avid hunters, fishermen, and trappers in the country. Not a damned one of them defends or advocates dog fighting, or chicken fighting. As a former employee of the TWRA, and a life long hunter and fisherman, neither do I. There's NO similarity between hunting and dog fighting, NONE.
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Offline Shuckins

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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #122 on: August 16, 2007, 07:23:51 PM »
Storch, the argument that you put forward that a man should be allowed to do what he wants with his own property is a very old one.  The right to own property is basic to the very nature of our republic, and was one of the foundations our early legal system.  Jefferson described it as one of the unalienable rights bestowed upon man by his Creator.  Such rights are, by that definition, sacrosanct.

As history has shown,  any such right or legal tenet can be abused by base and brutish men.  In the Dred Scott decision the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that slaves were property, and could not be freed without their master's consent.  A similar attitude exists in many of the poor Third World countries which you cite.  How they treat their animals is sympomatic of a greater sickness which exists there.  Some of those nations are simply rife with slave labor, child prostitution, and indifference to the sufferings of others.

That what troubles me most about this thread, the indifference exhibited by some of those posting here.

Yet, that isn't even the point, in my opinion.  Michael Vick isn't some poor slob from an undeveloped country.  He is a vicious, spoiled gang-banger who has millions of dollars worth of assets.  The dog-fights he sponsored weren't necessary to feed himself or a starving family,  

They were done for kicks...because his type of punk loves to thumb his nose at the law and at polite society.

Well, I am polite, but only to a point.  The bottom line is this;  American society has rendered it's judgement that such activities are illegal and unnecessarily brutal.  I agree completely with that assessment.  

If a neighbor of mine engages in such activities I WILL turn his bellybutton in.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 07:26:24 PM by Shuckins »


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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #123 on: August 16, 2007, 08:13:49 PM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2
No not participate, just dont care about it if its not your house and thorefore fine with it like you are with dog fighting.  You said it many times you don't care what goes on in your neighbors yard.   Well untill you said you did when it effects you.

There is an H word that applies to you.

And how can you not if you are not for the banning of animal fighting,  why is Puppbbq worse then dog fighting?

Besides what do you care, its just internet banter, you don't get upset by that right?
not at all upset least of all by anything you type.  at least the parts I can read anyway.

you are a funny person. but not in the comical sense you are laughable and dismissable.

now since I enjoy this banter (enjoy? no, I love this banter) I will again attempt the impossible namely to attempt to clarify to your heavily estrogen clouded mind the difference between the two scenarios and the implications.

is it legal for a person to own livestock? yes.  is it legal for my neighbor to keep livestock in his yard, yes.  however it is against the deed restrictions of this community for him to do so.  likewise there are zoning laws which are designed to curb land use in a developed area of any community.  I chose to purchase this home and therefore I chose to abide by the deed restrictions that are imposed on all residents equally.  

if a neighbor were running a drug ring the evidence would there for all to see due to the amount of traffic flow and the hours at which said flow occurs making it plain to the observant what is occurring.  given the violent nature of that trade it would be incumbent upon myself and any other law abiding citizen to take the appropriate and prudent action of reporting the suspicious activity to local law enforcement.

that behavior on the part of myself or any other responsible citizen is neither incorrect nor is it hypocritical, it is in fact an obligation.  apparently you have a blurred sense of values and commonly understood and accepted social behavior seems to escape you.

either that or you are attempting to annoy me, in which my dear you are powerless.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 08:16:38 PM by storch »

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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #124 on: August 16, 2007, 08:30:19 PM »
Scot...I was in Mumbai in December '05.  I saw all and more of what you are talking about.

Fortunately for me it was from a car that picked me up from the Grand Hyatt.

Also, I'm not American.  Just ask any of the US guys here I've "butted heads" with over political and social GTO, Eagler, Shuckins (to a degree), Sharon (to a degree) etc etc  Happily, but not surprisingly, I note that we agree on this particular issue wholeheartedly.

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Offline GtoRA2

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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #125 on: August 16, 2007, 08:58:17 PM »
Originally posted by storch
not at all upset least of all by anything you type.  at least the parts I can read anyway.

you are a funny person. but not in the comical sense you are laughable and dismissable.

now since I enjoy this banter (enjoy? no, I love this banter) I will again attempt the impossible namely to attempt to clarify to your heavily estrogen clouded mind the difference between the two scenarios and the implications.

is it legal for a person to own livestock? yes.  is it legal for my neighbor to keep livestock in his yard, yes.  however it is against the deed restrictions of this community for him to do so.  likewise there are zoning laws which are designed to curb land use in a developed area of any community.  I chose to purchase this home and therefore I chose to abide by the deed restrictions that are imposed on all residents equally.  

if a neighbor were running a drug ring the evidence would there for all to see due to the amount of traffic flow and the hours at which said flow occurs making it plain to the observant what is occurring.  given the violent nature of that trade it would be incumbent upon myself and any other law abiding citizen to take the appropriate and prudent action of reporting the suspicious activity to local law enforcement.

that behavior on the part of myself or any other responsible citizen is neither incorrect nor is it hypocritical, it is in fact an obligation.  apparently you have a blurred sense of values and commonly understood and accepted social behavior seems to escape you.

either that or you are attempting to annoy me, in which my dear you are powerless.

You missed your calling, you are such a self diluted sleaze you should have run for congress. As a democrat.

You finally came up with something better then calling me a women I see. Not much better, you not smart enough for that really. More reason why you would make a great politician.

Keep spinning away your like a top, spin spin spin, and all for what? Do you even have a point? We all know you are fine with people killing their possessions in any way they want, as cruel as they want, as long as you don't have to be bothered by, it its just their chattel to do with as they please.

Why do you keep making yourself look worse lol.

I mean you have some of the smartest people on the board pointing out how wrong you are but you keep spinning away, and when I say smartest people here I am not self deluded enough to think I am one of them.

You prolly think you are though.  It sad really. For someone who claims to like banter, you really are not very good at it.

Your latest attempt to be insulting isn't original or even very good. You should work on that.

Funny stuff chief


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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #126 on: August 16, 2007, 09:16:14 PM »
no one is attempting to insult you, unless of course you are offended by other's opinions.

Offline GtoRA2

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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #127 on: August 16, 2007, 09:20:17 PM »
Originally posted by storch
no one is attempting to insult you, unless of course you are offended by other's opinions.


Offline cav58d

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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #128 on: August 16, 2007, 10:53:26 PM »
Originally posted by Scotlvr
When you people leave the coziness of your homes and leave the US and go see the REAL NASTY POOR world out there..not some plush resort in the bahammas or cancun, or a cruise ship ,but the REAL world where people live in tin freaking shacks with no electric or water,where people will dig through trash for evening dinner, and where if your C@#k or dog wins for the evening your family is good for a month..then we'll talk .......till then...

I Spent two weeks in NO immediately following Katrina, and a month and a half in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, however, I don't see the relevency to your arguement.  Michael Vick wasn't in some third world country.  Michael Vick was in the United States of America, the place where its a Federal Crime to participate in the actions he was sponsoring.
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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #129 on: August 17, 2007, 07:51:08 AM »
well in any event I'm not offended by your opinion of me.

Offline BigGun

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Michael Vick makes a plea deal
« Reply #130 on: August 17, 2007, 10:34:13 AM »
Originally posted by storch
once again I have to explain that it's none of my business what anyone does with their personal property.

it's ok with me if he clubs them to death while watching oprah andf eating twinkies.  I don't care.

you shouldn't either, it's none of your business.

you guys seem to have a problem with freedom of choice.

I am glad this sort of thinking is rare. You seem to think it is ok to have total disregard for the law if one is on his own property. You talk about how you think society is getting soft & weak, but then you don't care what anyone does on their own property? The major problem is people that just sit back and don't care if something wrong is going on. Freedom of choice does not mean you can do whatever the hell you want to do.

How about the guy cookin meth on his property? That ok with you? Or the person that molest their "own" kid on their property? Probably none of your business or concern.

Bottom line, he knew what he was doing & it is against the law. If it means a year or two in prison, so be it. He will just be suffering the consequences of his own actions.