Author Topic: Why we need a black president  (Read 4539 times)

Offline Murdr

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Why we need a black president
« Reply #225 on: September 24, 2007, 05:38:45 AM »
Originally posted by Curval
Cherry picking the bible for anti-gay rhetoric is akin to zealous musilms cherry picking the Koran for passages that justify strapping on bombs and killing non believers.
Didn't read all nine pages, but that's got to be about the stupidest statement in the thread.

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« Reply #226 on: September 24, 2007, 06:25:40 AM »
Originally posted by Murdr
Didn't read all nine pages, but that's got to be about the stupidest statement in the thread.

Really?  That is saying something, because there is alot of stupid stuff here.

Care to elaborate or are you just doing a fly-by comment?

I think it is stupid to take a few passages written by men and call it the word of God and then use it to justify discrimmintaing against a whole group of people.

Don't like my anology...pick another.
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Offline moot

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« Reply #227 on: September 24, 2007, 06:30:56 AM »
IMO (I grew up with muslims) it's not the Koran on its own, it's the culture. I think neither of them play a minor part, but culture and traditions are more to blame than their bible.
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Offline john9001

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« Reply #228 on: September 24, 2007, 07:23:50 AM »
Originally posted by LEADPIG
4- Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users and HTC. Flaming or abusing users is not tolerated.

no, really, i don't see any personal attack here, do you? :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2007, 09:05:35 AM by MP3 »

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #229 on: September 24, 2007, 08:12:38 AM »
LOL.. ledpig.. do you even know what a generalization is?   If I say that "in general, blacks commit 7 times the crime of whites and commit more than half of all homicides."   And you say... " I am black and I am not a criminal and I have not committed any homicides."

That does no make the facts of the generalization wrong... only that you don't fit the generalization.   The generalization is still valid.

So far as understanding goes....

You probly need to understand light and the mechanics of the thing to invent light... you don't need to understand the why to turn on a light switch... if you try to understand why a light works by how you "feel" about it... then you are wasting time.  I don't think "understanding" means what you think it does.

You seem to do a lot of mental masturbation...  that is fine.. you are a student.. you are naive too it seems but...  excessive masturbation of any kind is not good for you.   Sometimes you just have to accept that something is as it seems.   That simple feelings are not a path to understanding... just mental masturbation.  

In my opinion... all this victimhood crap is causing the problem and that is about all the deeper I want to get into it so far as my "feelings"  I do believe that my "feelings" are more logical than yours and that the more you treat people like victims the more excuse they have to not get anywhere.

I can't help but wonder if you have ever even had an original thought.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #230 on: September 24, 2007, 08:19:02 AM »
Oh... and to burst another of your pet liberal ideals...  gays have exactly the same rights in marriage as does anyone else.

Marriage is the union of two people of the opposite sex who are not immediate family.    Gays have every right to participate in that way.

You want to define marriage as sex.   Two people having sex and wanting to be married... a single man raising his daughter loves that daughter and is having a hard time with the bills and what not.. (been there)... why shouldn't he be allowed to marry his daughter and get all the benifiets?   What about pedophiles?  shouldn't they not be discriminated against?

Or... do you accept some rules?  some restrictions?   Perhaps you want a new definition of marriage and what it should be?   There is nothing stopping gays from entering a financial agreement with each other or a contract... they just can't call it a marriage because it doesn't fit into the current guidelines.


Offline Murdr

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« Reply #231 on: September 24, 2007, 08:22:47 AM »
Originally posted by Curval
I think it is stupid to take a few passages written by men and call it the word of God and then use it to justify discrimmintaing against a whole group of people.
Ok, let's go with that then.  For the sake of discussion, lets just say the bible is a collection of alagories to discourage behavior that is counter-productive to a community/society, and promote behavior that is good for society (morality).
Is it cherry picking to cite passages about adultery?
How about greed?
How about sloth?

Oh brought up discrimination in this quote....Back to morality for a second.  Goverment legislates morality...seriously, think about it.  Not only do they make laws against what is wrong, but they also give insentives for good behaviour in some instances.  Take marriage for instance.  Thousands of years ago people figured out that a child with both parents there to support them had a better chance for survival, and as civilation developed, a better chance of becomming a contributing member.  Obviously the acients were on to something since the tradition has taken hold in almost all societies world wide throughout history.

So the 190something legal perks granted by the US government, are incentives to carry on the tradition.  Yes, some are pratical protections for property and transfering services, but many are perks for doing what the government sees as keeping society going for generations to come.

So exactly were does the concept of "same sex marriage" benifit society with the production of future generations to carry on society?  Admittedly, there are ways for that, but let's continue to be pratical.  So with premiss for the concept being absent, how is it discrimination to withhold those perks?

I don't think it is.  Everyone has the choice to "marry" as it has been defined throughout history, hence no discrimination.  People who don't like that option may not think it's fair, but that does not make them entitled to a redefinition of marriage.

I do in pricipal support some legal protections to be extended to same sex couples.  It is obviously not cool for a "partner" to be denied some sort of "next of kin" status in many instances.  I'll buy that lack of those protections in many states lead to descrimination.  That does not mean that they are entitled to all the perks the government has seen fit to grant to people who are actually married as has been defined throughout history.

Back to your quote.  I take exception to you comparing a simple statement of personal belief, with going out and murdering people.  I take exception to the premiss that an opposition to same sex marriage is automatically anti-gay/pro-descrimination.  Just because someone draws the line short of same sex marriage based on thier beliefs, does not automatically make them a bigot/zealot.

Offline Curval

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« Reply #232 on: September 24, 2007, 08:37:28 AM »
Good for managed to put all that down in a post without using the term "fugepackers" "queers" or "studmuffinots".  This implies a level of discussion without emotion.  The same cannot be said for others. this:

"Back to your quote. I take exception to you comparing a simple statement of personal belief, with going out and murdering people. I take exception to the premiss that an opposition to same sex marriage is automatically anti-gay/pro-descrimination. Just because someone draws the line short of same sex marriage based on thier beliefs, does not automatically make them a bigot/zealot."

I was not reacting to a simple statement of personal belief...I was reacting to the name calling and then backtracking and using a bible reference to justify the hatred that is evident.  Take exception all you like to that...I take exception to the posts I reacted to.

You claim that a line has been drawn "short of same sex marriage based on their beliefs"...but have you read the posts I am referring to?  Have you?  The venom coming out of those posts CLEARLY relates to something deeper than same sex marriages.
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Offline VonMessa

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« Reply #233 on: September 24, 2007, 08:52:39 AM »
Hi Texas Mom,

     No disrespect intended, but what exactly are these "rights" that a married man and woman have?  I've been trying to figure that out since well before this thread.  Is it just the insurance?  With most of the rights of Americans in general being surreptitiously spirited away by the government, I'm fuzzy on which ones are actually left, let alone afforded exclusively to a "married man and woman".

     I was curious to know, because the whole turn on this discussion has brought you out of silence to a roaring stance on opinion.  It is obviously something that you have a strong opinion about.  Does it hit close to home?  Wondering what made you go from zero to holy ****, something has her bent,  in 2 posts or less.
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« Reply #234 on: September 24, 2007, 09:11:34 AM »
I'm against gay marriage.

They have every other right imaginable as a normal couple, except for marriage.
Yes i say normal, because nearly every creature on this planet has a male and female.  Males fertilize the eggs of the female and the species continues.  

The line DOES have to be drawn somewhere.

If we don't set a standard then the gates are opened for alot worse than a man/man, or woman/woman marriage.   What happens when some nutbag says he wants to marry his pet turtle.   You can laugh, but you allow one set of abnormal behavior, and the nut with the turtle will cry discrimination,  and it WILL be just a matter of time before some banana lawyers get behind the case/cause.
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