Author Topic: Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber  (Read 7427 times)

Offline DanielMcIntyre

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2001, 09:29:00 AM »
Today I was ashamed of rookies, 20 rooks, 32 bish, 12 knits, both bish n rooks were hitting knits, for knits thats like 5 to 1 odds.  I logged, don't want to be associated with slaughter like that.  Sure I could've stayed and vulched but theres no skill in that is there

Chow  :confused:

Offline DanielMcIntyre

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #31 on: June 20, 2001, 09:31:00 AM »
Junior Member!!!! when do I become normal member? I"m 72 dammit!!!!

Offline SOB

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #32 on: June 20, 2001, 09:36:00 AM »
30 posts gets you the coveted "member" status, junior.  And if you didn't want to vulch the Knits, why didn't you just start attacking Bishop fields?
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Offline sling322

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #33 on: June 20, 2001, 09:48:00 AM »
Because its much easier to post a whine about it SOB....geez, you been playing here for how long?!?

Offline DanielMcIntyre

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #34 on: June 20, 2001, 10:03:00 AM »
Doh!   :eek:

I was, kinda pointless by myself though

Offline BigGun

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #35 on: June 20, 2001, 10:35:00 AM »
Originally posted by Hangtime:

BigGun; I don't whine when it's our turn in the bucket.. never have.

Is that inferring that I do whine? I don't recall having ever whined yet about the numbers. Being outnumbered provides plenty of opportunities!!!


Offline DmdNexus

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #36 on: June 20, 2001, 02:00:00 PM »
Milinko's origina post is right on the money... it's not the numbers it's the team work - the knitwits just don't have their act together right now.

In any PvP game there will be times when the
sides are not balanced.

The statements that Bish has had 3 times the numbers for 3 months is an exageration - it varies from week to week.

Yes, for the past 2 to 3 weeks Bish have had an large number online at certain times, especially on Sundays - that's when several squads have their squad nights - and they are usually fighting on two fronts.

Prior to this, the Rooks were kicking butt and resetting the Bishes.

A lot of the fast base captures are being done by squads that are executing well co-ordinated missions.

A few pilots with a better plan and better team work can easily thrawt the plans of many.

The butt kicking goes around.


[ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: DmdNexus ]

Offline wolf37

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #37 on: June 20, 2001, 02:19:00 PM »
hiya all:

Ok, the Assassins are going back to Rookland.
they can now spend months telling us all how great they are do to the fact they came to help the poor Knights.

Now once they are back in Rookland, who will they attack. the Knights with limited numbers and a very easy kill, or the Bishop with the high numbers and a tough appoinet. well time will tell.

Hangtime, no, I have never seen you whine about numbers. But at the same time, I do not beleive Biguns thread was a whine either.
But it sure seems like the Rooks and the Bishops sure like to attack anybody who flies for the Knights no matter what they say, good or bad.

Well the respect I have for some of the Rook pilots and some of the Bish pilots is slowly going away as I read everyday the post they place. nothing but attacks on the people that fly for the Knights. and the attacks are not even close to been funny or placed as a joke.

Well I hope to be back in the MA within the next month, ( hope been the key word there) and when I do return, I will be flying as a Knight, as I do know what loyalty is. and I won't give a rats bellybutton what the numbers are.

and Milnko, after you whined and cried about the Knights having no organization, and how you are now taking your ball, I mean your squad and going home, I mean back to the Rooks, do us poor pathetic Knights a favour,

 don't let the door hit you in the bellybutton when you leave.


Offline AKSWulfe

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #38 on: June 20, 2001, 02:24:00 PM »
Sounds to me like Wolf needs a tall glass of SHUT THE HELL UP!!  

Offline Wlfgng

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #39 on: June 20, 2001, 04:17:00 PM »
Maybe Mil only wants to whip up on the poor old nits that won't work as a team and then whine because we might be leaving them...

Not ALL nits mind you.. just the majority.  There are definately some exceptions.

Offline Hangtime

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2001, 04:30:00 PM »
Must have been a very tough battle considering you only had almost 3 times the numbers as the knights. A big <S> to ya for such a hard faught valient effort. You guys are good.  

Oh. Sorry there BgMAW, I musta flunked my interpetive BBS course... I mistook the above as a whine about numbers. Oh well, my mistake.. sorry.

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Offline SOB

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2001, 06:10:00 PM »
Originally posted by wolf37:
Well I hope to be back in the MA within the next month, ( hope been the key word there) and when I do return, I will be flying as a Knight, as I do know what loyalty is. and I won't give a rats bellybutton what the numbers are.

Knits are just a bunch of sheep shagging rutabagas!  I can see how you'd like to stick with 'em, ya fairy!


Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline milnko

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #42 on: June 20, 2001, 10:32:00 PM »
Originally, THE ASSASSINS started out as Bishops in Beta, from there we went Knit to find a fight 'cuz Bishes had the numbers, after a bit the Knits had the numbers so we went Rook, and now that the Knits are in the numbers hole again the squad voted to go Knit in an attempt to balance numbers, as you can see this is nothing new for the squad.

Now as much as I'd like to take sole credit for returning to Rooks at the end of this tour, the fact is the whole squad voted to, as they have seen similar behavior as what I am complaining about. (i.e. lack of 6 calls, lack of cooperation, mindless furballing, etc.) so don't lay that "I'm taking my toys and going home"crap on my doorstep.

On a personal note, I don't usually complain about the is what it is, and I live with that.

And I'm not the type to jump on the country or general channel or even this forum to whine about the numbers, or the warps, or the CHOG, or the NIKI, or the maps, as I realize that they just are what they are and I live with it, that is my normal rule.

Those that know me have seen how I act online trying to obey that rule, I honest try to throw a Salute after every encounter, whether I win or lose, and I also attempt to send back a greeting every time I get one, or see one in the buffer to everyone, in other words I try to be a contributing memeber of the community.

But for some reason that other night struck me as so insanely asinine that the MAJORITY of Knits wanted to furball over a field in the middle of enemy territory, surrounded by cons, while the Bishes struck from the south and captured 4 bases in about 1/2 an hour that I guess I just kinda lost it...and for that I apologize to the community, I've never acted that way before, and will attempt never to again.

I also think that in part my statements and frustration occurred after being repeatedly fragged while trying to defend those bases.

It was about then that I reached the conclusion that I just didn't want to part of the Knit crew, as this behavior appears to be the norm, not the exception.

Let me be explict, I spend 30 hard earned dollars a month to have fun in this game, and if I want to switch to Rooks because it's there that I was having fun, then who the hell is anyone to say I'm disloyal, or a traitor, or an opportunist? I'm the only one paying my bill.

Mayhap my original post was outta line, again I apologize. Please note also that I refrained from responding to any personal attacks made in this thread, as this ain't important enough to me to git into a pissing contest over, it is a game to that I fully agree, and the object is to enjoy it, which I also fully intend to do.


Offline moose

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #43 on: June 20, 2001, 10:58:00 PM »
Originally posted by wolf37:

 don't let the door hit you in the bellybutton when you leave.


You need to check your temper. We came over to the knits for the simple reason that it seemed like you were always in the bucket. The rooks and bishes would fight over the tatters of what little knit bases were left and it wasn't fun even for us to vulch. All of the Assassins enjoy even fights, and it was getting to be the same old stuff every night in the main.

So we packed up our bags and came to the underdog to try and help things out. Personally, I didn't want to leave. I've been a rook since the beginning of my AH playing time and I felt a sense of camraderie with my fellow countrymen. But hell, why not see if the same applies for the knits, right?

The few times I've had the luxury of getting online and flying (and when I do, it's usually in the off hours when the squad is not around) I've noticed fewer 6 calls, more squabbling, and more resentment on the knit side. I dont squeak about it, I just ignore it and fly by my lonesome and die a lot. But it's not fun being a knit - maybe it's the constant raping you guys receive, or the multitude of generals trying to lead even fewer privates. Either way, we're not crazy for not wanting to stay. We tried to help out, it didn't work, so we're going back to where we enjoy playing the game.


Offline wolf37

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #44 on: June 21, 2001, 02:25:00 AM »

I read milnkos post three or four times, I read the hole thread three or four times.
I do not feel I reponded wrong. the Knights did not fly the way Milnko wanted them to so he wants his squad to leave. he wrote it and posted it, I responded to his post.

and yes Milnko, I know I have never read a post by you proir to this one that would be considered an attack on anybody. but you did write this one witch is an attack on every pilot that flies for the Knights. so yeah, I reponded to your post.
