Author Topic: Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber  (Read 7496 times)

Offline AKDejaVu

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2001, 02:28:00 AM »

There doesn't seem to be any issue of "flying the way he wants"...

The issue really seems to be that most of the knits don't really give a rats bellybutton about what you see here on the board.  They don't care that they are getting pounded.

That's got to be frustrating to a squad that responded to cries for help only to find everyone a little too busy to give them a hand.


Offline StSanta

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2001, 02:48:00 AM »
Ah yes, my traitorous little Assassins.

Never trust a traitor. if he's beatryed his own country, chances are very good he'll betray you when he's trying to "help out".

Take SOB's award. Cover yer rear when yer runnin' away, coz methinks it's time for some good ol' fashioned whoopin.

Or something else, probably related to vaseline and sitting on my lap.

Hey if yer gonna be my enemy, I'm allowed to trash talk you  :D

Offline milnko

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #47 on: June 21, 2001, 07:40:00 AM »
Baron StSanta Von GrossenArsch[/i]...Isn't that Deutche for BigAss?  :eek:

 Not only is it descriptive, but it's also where I plan to shoot ya   :D

OH MY!  :eek:

Offline lazs1

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #48 on: June 21, 2001, 09:57:00 AM »
well.... I (and the BK's) go to whatever field is closest to a red field and has some activity that looks about even.   If we are desperate we will fly long distance (most of the fields) to a field that has some activity but log early if that is the only option.   I don't care and don't usually notice if the reds are those guys with the dildo icon or the horsey one.  

I care if we have no radar but I wait a bit and if it doesn't come back up I log.  

I wouldn't be a horsey guy because they are so outnumbered and being a martyr is not my style.   I wouldn't be one of the dildo guys because fighting for scraps is boring.

Offline BigGun

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #49 on: June 21, 2001, 11:06:00 AM »
Originally posted by Hangtime:

Oh. Sorry there BgMAW, I musta flunked my interpetive BBS course... I mistook the above as a whine about numbers. Oh well, my mistake.. sorry.


No problem, definately not a whine. Sarcasam, yes! I have flown knights from when i started AH and will probably continue to do so. With numbers, without numbers, doesn't really matter.

Offline Ripsnort

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #50 on: June 21, 2001, 11:27:00 AM »
Ironically, Moose, when JG2 went to rooks, the same thing you posted was said about the rooks, I guess its all ones own perception...

Personally, I have not been playing AH due to the imbalance, I know alot that are doing the same...I'm only logging in on squad night and Snap Shots until they fix the problem. Most have experienced being in the bucket for anywhere from a couple of days to a month, most accept it, alot like it (My K/D ratio is best when in the bucket!) however, no ones experienced it for 7, going on 8 weeks, as the Knits have. If they don't fix the problem, we'll see, there are other options out there besides AH.

[ 06-21-2001: Message edited by: Ripsnort ]

Offline Professor Fate

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #51 on: June 21, 2001, 02:56:00 PM »
Knights I don't know about you but I'm having a blast!  Can you imagine what 3/4 of the bishrooks must be doing when they log on?  They prolly hop in their favorite ride and just fly around aimlessly looking for a fight while the "good sticks" take advantage of the numbers getting in the kills.  Since the low numbers we may have not been grabbing alot of land but I for one have been racking up some good kills.  Heck sometimes it seems all you have to do is pull the trigger and you're gonna hit a bishrook because the arena is thick with'em.

Bring it on you silly bishrooks every one of you turds are natural born losers, lower than whale crap, dunnage, slag, you are all uglier than a bowl of a**holes and dumb'r than a bag of hammers!

"I was too weak to defend, so I attacked."

"We cannot afford to be idle, though weaker than our opponents in men and equipment, we must endeavor to harass if we cannot destroy them."

Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)


[ 06-21-2001: Message edited by: Professor Fate ]

Offline Nifty

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #52 on: June 21, 2001, 03:35:00 PM »
awww, I was having fun flying with the ASSASSINS.  It was good to fly with these guys instead of flying against.  Personally, I wish that all squads rotated (including my own) because I'd like to fly with these people that shoot me down every once in awhile, and get shot down by the people that I fly with sometimes.  I guess I get that in the special events, but not all of you fly in those!   :)  This past weekend was a good example.  I got to fly with Toad and Creamo, and I got shot down by Ripsnort.  In the Torpedo 8, I got to fly on AKHog's wing, and the previous day I had Citabria flying escort over us.  <S!> all of you, whether I'm flying with you or against you!

On the other theme of this thread.  The game costs $30/month to play.  Don't begrudge anyone on how they want to play the game.  They want to furball and die every 5 minutes, that's their choice.  Don't berate over the country channel.  I have nothing against people asking for help in defense or attack missions.  I do have a problem with someone yelling at me (or someone else) because I'd rather do something else in the game on that day than participate in the strat portion of the game.  It definitely won't make me come help them right then, and more than likely I won't help them the next time they ask if I remember they yelled at me some other time.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline wolf37

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #53 on: June 21, 2001, 04:00:00 PM »

I think most Knights do care when they are getting pounded. But as everybody knows, some pilots like to furball. and when you only have 30 or so pilots on line, you may get a lot that want to furball. but if you read Milnkos post, he stats that the Knights would not listen to him about the fields in the southWest corner and that the Bishops where going for the reset. Well maybe the Knights are just a little tried of the ongoing slaughter and really dont care any more. But the Assassins stated they where coming over to fly with the Knights for the tour, and Milnko says in his post that he is going to talk to the squad about moving back to the Rooks now.

Now this post was started on the 18th of the month, so after two and a half weeks, Milnko has decided his squad should go back to the Rooks. Why, is it because his squad can't help the Knights win the battles so better to leave then keep getting slaughtered. kinda hurts the old ego a bit when you are on the side that keeps loosing the wars.

Well AKDejaVu, Milnko should have just talk to his squad and then moved back to the Rooks, But he had to place his post blaming the Knights for the fact that the Assassins could not help a team with such small numbers. That the Knights just want to get pounded on and not put up any kind of a fight. just want to keep loosing and letting a team with three times the numbers to keep getting the resets. well its easy to put up a good fight and even take the fight to the other team when you have the pilots to do it, but not when you are so badly out numbered.

AKDevaVu, I am not looking to get into a scrap with you on this post, you and I find enough reasons to scrap on other topics or posts. Milnko placed this post and I responded to it. Milnko is whinning because he is not whinning any battles do to the numbers. and he wants to lay the blame all on the Knights, and as a Knight, I will say something about it.

Milnko, if you want to go back to the Rooks, go. But don't blame the Knights because it did not work out the way you and the rest of the Assassins thought it might. The Rooks have been in the bucket often enough to know that with out numbers, you are going to get slaughtered. and you wont find it easy to organize the few pilots that are on line.

Now as for SWulfe and SOB, you two can contuine to bum **** each other, at least that way the small children will be safe from a couple of child molesting perverts like you two.


Offline AKSWulfe

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #54 on: June 21, 2001, 04:32:00 PM »
Hey SOB! Sounds like Wolf is jealous!

Okay, I'll make a deal with you Wolf. The day you come back to AH, I'll not only care about your opinion but I'll hold you down while SOB slips you a banana up the poo chute.

You know the very odd thing? 2 months ago when I was Knight, I was going through the exact same f'in thing as Milenko and was just as irritated... And the Bish didn't outnumber them at the time either. I think it's just natural for the losers to go to the knights.   :D
  :)   :)   :)

Offline AKDejaVu

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #55 on: June 21, 2001, 04:49:00 PM »
Hmmm.. don't recall this being a "start of the tour" thing.  You may be confusing that with all the "rotating squads suck" threads that are going around. I do believe the Assassins responded to several calls for help in regards to the numbers situation and the resulting pounding that was occuring.

Aprox. a week after coming over, they find themselves being the only one even attempting to prevent the bish from taking the main island while 30 PILOT FLY FROM ONE BASE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.  Can't really say how I'd respond to that because I wasn't in Milnko's shoes.  I do know that I was on at the time and was pretty damn amazed that the knits were willing to give up so much with so little of a fight.  I couldn't help but think, at the time, that the knits were doing nothing to help themselves out of the hole... and it may just be a device of their own creation.  "We're just going to get beat anyways.. so why bother."

Milnko's post definately seemed to be based on frustration from that night.  But, from what I saw, it was right on the money.  Its difficult to help those that are so unwilling to help themselves.


Offline Creamo

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #56 on: June 21, 2001, 04:54:00 PM »
Wolf37, you sound like a little squeak. Much like a typical Knit.

There, I solved the numbers mystery.

Offline minus

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #57 on: June 21, 2001, 05:12:00 PM »
when the bicuits maried with stones ?

must mised that   :p

Offline Staga

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #58 on: June 21, 2001, 05:36:00 PM »
I logged in for a min to check what AH looks these days. When I watched roster I saw maybe 10 familiar names out of 30.

If playing isn't fun there's no reason to continue it anymore. Better option is find other game and check if it can fill your needs.
Some of Knights have quit already and some are thinking about it. You can joke about it but fact is HTC is only which suffers by losing customers and their dollars.

Offline Hamish

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Hey Knits, it ain't cuz of being outnumber
« Reply #59 on: June 21, 2001, 06:29:00 PM »
Originally posted by wolf37:
Milnko is whinning because he is not whinning any battles do to the numbers. and he wants to lay the blame all on the Knights, and as a Knight, I will say something about it.
1. You are showing your ignorance here. please stop talking about something you weren't and aren't going to be anytime soon, a witness to.

2. You aren't a Knight. You aren't a Paying customer. Don't act like one. "game-country-pride" is great, but you don't rate it. COme back to AH, then talk to me about how we are "abusing" your country mates.

3. My apologies to the community in advance for the blistering response i am about to receive  :D

