Author Topic: Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?  (Read 5141 times)

Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #60 on: December 14, 2007, 01:12:25 PM »
Originally posted by Hornet33
My take on women in combat and this is my opinion as a combat vet (Desert Storm) is this. Women flying fighters, helo's, or operating in a technical environment like Patriot Missle Battery controlers and such is fine. A mans ability in those arenas is no better than a womans when you need quick reflexes and an agile mind looking at the big picture.

Certain combat arms however I'm not so sure about. I was in Field Artillery. It's hard enough serving a howtizer with a bunch of guys that are able to hump rounds for hours on end. When a TOT fire mission comes in and you have to rapid fire a dozen rounds just as fast as you can and then pack everything up and move out just as fast as you can, I don't know of too many women that can sustain that degree of physical endurance to get it done in time.

I'm NOT saying there aren't women that can do it, but for most women in general they can't.

What disturbs me is when they have two seperate sets of physical requirements between men and women for the same job. If I have a job in the military that requires me to perform at a certain physical level to accomplish my mission then that standard should be the SAME for anyone else wanting to do that job. Gender should not be a consideration to physical standards that are required to complete a given mission. Sadly that is not the case many times.

Personally I don't think a woman belongs in the infantry, armor, or artillery unless they are part of the command staff. I've yet to see any woman that can pack a 150lb rucksack all day long and keep up with the men.

That's my take on things.

I agree, Hornet. Just as it is true that most men can not qualify for the Navy Seals.

The job and the individual should realistically fit each other.

With that said, even a child can accurately aim and fire an RPG and expertly dodge incoming fire; just ask the Taliban or Iraqi Insurgents.

Women can and do share the danger and pull their weight in the roles assigned, alongside their male peers.


Female amputees make clear that all troops are on front lines
By Dave Moniz, USA TODAY

Although women are eligible to fill most jobs in the military, they are barred from some of the most hazardous positions, including infantry troops, special operations commandos, tank crews and others that would place them in front-line ground combat.

But they can fly most aircraft, including fighter jets, and serve as MPs and in other jobs that put them in harm's way.

Guerrilla wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — where front-line and rear-echelon troops often share the same dangers — have rendered the military's efforts to regulate risk difficult if not impossible.

"Everyone pretty much acknowledges there are no rear battle areas, no forward line of troops," Halfaker says.

Lt. Dawn Halfaker lost her right arm to a rocket propelled-grenade attack in Iraq, 'Women in combat is not really an issue,' she says. 'It is happening.'

Hornet, the fact that women are in Iraq and Afganistan doing their assigned duties and going in harm's way as we, the posters to this thread, discuss whether they "should be allowed" seems quite ironic and bitter sweet to me.

I, for one, am eternally grateful and deeply respectful and humbled by their ongoing service to this country, day in and day out, and I feel the same way with regards to our men who are there with them.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 02:07:18 PM by Tigeress »

Offline Nilsen

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #61 on: December 14, 2007, 01:54:37 PM »
If wimmin wanna go fight and are aware of all the things that can happen then let em. Its a job that you are payed to do and when you sign the contract to go you are also (or should be) aware of the consequences.

Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #62 on: December 14, 2007, 02:45:10 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Has it degraded our fighting abilities at all having women serve in combat?  We have women doing foot patrols in Iraq, coming home wounded and sadly in body bags.  

Honestly, debating whether or not they are qualified kind of is a slap in the face to the women that are fighting and dying on the front lines along with the men.


Amen to that Ack-Ack.


Offline cav58d

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #63 on: December 14, 2007, 03:20:12 PM »
This is quite possibly one of the dumbest threads i've ever read on this BBS...Particulary coming from people who had the option and ability to serve, yet didn't, however they think they have the right to tell someone who does want to serve, that they cant.

I don't care what anatomy a person has, if he or she is willing and becomes proficient and qualified, then thats great.  They know the risks...Let them do what they do...

Are we really willing sacrifice qualified women, for less qualified men, just because they have a hanging sex organ?

Someone also said something about "what if they get raped when they are captured"....

What if a male is captured and is raped or sodomized?  Is that action anybit less, than when done to a female?  What if the mans head is cut off?  Males and Females both potentially face some god awful treatment, but I don't see how you distinguish that one is more acceptable.

I would love to watch some of the girls that I know come and kick the ever living crap out of someone making this statement to their face.

So once again...For those who had the chance to serve but didn't, who the f*ck are you to tell someone that is willing, that she cant.
<S> Lyme

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Offline KgB

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #64 on: December 14, 2007, 11:25:12 PM »
Originally posted by cav58d
This is quite possibly one of the dumbest threads i've ever read on this BBS...Particulary coming from people who had the option and ability to serve, yet didn't, however they think they have the right to tell someone who does want to serve, that they cant.

I don't care what anatomy a person has, if he or she is willing and becomes proficient and qualified, then thats great.  They know the risks...Let them do what they do...

Are we really willing sacrifice qualified women, for less qualified men, just because they have a hanging sex organ?

Someone also said something about "what if they get raped when they are captured"....

What if a male is captured and is raped or sodomized?  Is that action anybit less, than when done to a female?  What if the mans head is cut off?  Males and Females both potentially face some god awful treatment, but I don't see how you distinguish that one is more acceptable.

I would love to watch some of the girls that I know come and kick the ever living crap out of someone making this statement to their face.

So once again...For those who had the chance to serve but didn't, who the f*ck are you to tell someone that is willing, that she cant.

Come back when you sober
"It is the greatest inequality to try to make unequal things equal."-Aristotle

Offline SaburoS

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #65 on: December 14, 2007, 11:53:23 PM »
If a woman were capable, she should be allowed to serve.
Brutality happens to combatants and POW's regardless of sex.

Although in times of peace, men would pay more attn to women and vice versa, when the bullets fly, the training takes over.
Close bonds happen, just ask some vets that have lost their best friends in combat. The scars run deep. Wouldn't be any deeper if it were a woman.

It does require extra logistics to equip a combat military that allows women but that is a small price to pay if they're good at what they do.
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline Thruster

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #66 on: December 15, 2007, 05:34:03 AM »
There's a thread currently running regarding the question of reading posts prior to replying to them. Maybe thats what I'm seeing or just the natural drift that occurs when different people weigh in on a subject.

I believe the original question was, to paraphrase, "Is it wise to deploy females in combat zones?"

We have the camp that feels that it's an equal rights issue. It's not. Most civil liberties fly out the door when you enlist. In armed conflict it's about getting a job done. Obviously the collateral objective is to limit the risk to friendly combatants.  This isn't about one's ambitions. It's about lives and the consequences of not putting the most appropriate resources into the engagement. To those that suggest that there's some really tough gals out there and that's sufficient reason to approve of the practice, I suggest you spend some time at the gym. Fact is, we reduce physical requirements to accommodate female personnel. Equalizing them for potential female deployment in combat roles is a simplistic solution, but equitable. Just not realistic.

Then there's the camp that feels that since they want to serve and often do with great personal sacrifice then it follows that they should, irrespective of whether it was a wise idea to begin with. I refer to the comment that since we have women on the ground, getting hurt, manning patrols etc. then we should open all the doors to anyone with the proper ambition. Because it's done does not mean it's wise. Nor does it pertain to the issue at hand.

Of course there's also those, of which I am one, who feel that as much as it pains some, it's not noble or smart to place women not only in harm's way but put them in a position to have to compete while at a substantial disadvantage. It's unfair to their fellow combatants who deserve the best we can provide. It seems that those who have weighed in who posses some real life experience with these issues tend to agree. As I understood before posting to this thread and have read here, those who have served in combat roles value physical resilience first and foremost. They've been there, their answer makes sense to me empirically, therefore I concur.

But I also feel it's not just a pragmatic issue. Its a moral one. In case it's not apparent, I'm not of the mind that gender roles we have developed over the centuries are all of a sudden obsolete or irrelevant. I think we are beginning to see that. Time will tell if we are able to regroup socially and not implode due to our collective desire to do what's "fair" as opposed to whats right.

As I said before, I don't think Moms should be soldiers. And I think most Moms would agree.  If that doesn't make sense then methinks your a#% belongs in Israel.

Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #67 on: December 15, 2007, 07:23:04 AM »
Originally posted by Thruster

Of course there's also those, of which I am one, who feel that as much as it pains some, it's not noble or smart to place women not only in harm's way but put them in a position to have to compete while at a substantial disadvantage. It's unfair to their fellow combatants who deserve the best we can provide. It seems that those who have weighed in who posses some real life experience with these issues tend to agree. As I understood before posting to this thread and have read here, those who have served in combat roles value physical resilience first and foremost. They've been there, their answer makes sense to me empirically, therefore I concur.

But I also feel it's not just a pragmatic issue. Its a moral one. In case it's not apparent, I'm not of the mind that gender roles we have developed over the centuries are all of a sudden obsolete or irrelevant. I think we are beginning to see that. Time will tell if we are able to regroup socially and not implode due to our collective desire to do what's "fair" as opposed to whats right.


I think this isolated pair of paragraphs gets to the heart of your stance regarding men and women.

I view your stance as exceedingly patriarchal, patronizing, condescending, and dismissive, and typical of assumptions about men and women that dismiss women as male property or children or lower life forms relative to men.

Fortunately whether women are present in combat zones is not up to you and men and women of your ilk, dear.

It's up to the Joint Chiefs, and the US Congress which is populated overwhelmingly by men elected by We the People to represent us all.

Women serve the USA in combat zones because We the People choose for it to be that way if these women so choose; not if you so choose.

The Armed Forces of the United States employs people, not children.

Presently, one in six people in the armed services is female.

With that said, you have a right to your opinions and I applaud your candor about them, as misguided and assumptive as I view them to be.

I have reviewed the posts to this thread and find that the core of your dismissive attitude is in a minority.

Even I agree that from a physical standpoint, the job and the individual must realistically match. Also that 95% of the jobs in the military can be done by human beings of either gender thus are being done by human beings of either gender.

Whether or not a female has children and is present in a combat zone is her decision and the decision of Congress and the Joint Chiefs.

A woman and her reproductive organs is not property of the State nor is she the property of her husband or her Father or anyone else, including you and people of your ilk, Thruster.

The days of male ownership of females of like race and males and females of differing races are over in this country.

Got it??

Otherwise, I recommend you consider becoming a Muslim and prehaps relocating to Iran.

No offense intended nor implied, if you or any other man or woman who does not agree with or like the fact that women serve in combat zones then I say to you "write your congressional representatives or get over it.

Additionally, you are free to resign from the military or stay out of the military; we don't need your personal services to get the job done because people of both genders are in the military and combat zones to stay."

How about showing some respect for the dedication, work, and sacrifices (which includes loss of life and limb) of EVERYONE in the all volunteer Armed Forces of the United States?

« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 09:22:27 AM by Tigeress »

Offline Thruster

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #68 on: December 15, 2007, 08:24:25 AM »

Despite your claim to not be primarily motivated by some dogmatic agenda, I fear in fact, you are.

No matter as since you seem unable to grasp some fundamental concepts instead endeavoring to divine some "unenlightened" or malevolent bent to what was written.

Typical of dogmatists, you don't really address the point of what is written. By attempting to make this discourse a man v. women debate, you completely evade the issue.
Using irrelevant references and catchphrases indicates a reluctance or inability to  truly grasp the dialog. By invoking the status quo as justification indicates a degree of intellectual hypocrisy. Attempting to characterize my views about those around me is presumptive and arrogant. And being in the minority never bothered me, I personally view being a member of a herd quite distasteful.

As far as your attempt to impugn my regard for those that serve be mindful that in my file cabinet I still have my selective service card, DD-214, and DD-256.

I don't need to prove anything to the likes of you Dear.

Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #69 on: December 15, 2007, 09:29:07 AM »
Originally posted by Thruster

Despite your claim to not be primarily motivated by some dogmatic agenda, I fear in fact, you are.

No matter as since you seem unable to grasp some fundamental concepts instead endeavoring to divine some "unenlightened" or malevolent bent to what was written.

Typical of dogmatists, you don't really address the point of what is written. By attempting to make this discourse a man v. women debate, you completely evade the issue.
Using irrelevant references and catchphrases indicates a reluctance or inability to  truly grasp the dialog. By invoking the status quo as justification indicates a degree of intellectual hypocrisy. Attempting to characterize my views about those around me is presumptive and arrogant. And being in the minority never bothered me, I personally view being a member of a herd quite distasteful.

As far as your attempt to impugn my regard for those that serve be mindful that in my file cabinet I still have my selective service card, DD-214, and DD-256.

I don't need to prove anything to the likes of you Dear.

Say whatever you wish, dear.

You've revealed yourself already.

What you have written is now a matter of record here and speaks for itself.

I don't need to translate it for anyone.

Mind you, this isn't at all personal. :)

I am sure we can find things with which we are in agreement in the future.

I will also say that you have no way of knowing whether I have had a military career or not; that is my private business one way or the other.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 09:31:28 AM by Tigeress »

Offline lazs2

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #70 on: December 15, 2007, 09:39:53 AM »
Ya know.. maybe you guys are right and we are all the same.

We should all just wear government issue coveralls over our boxers and be called "terry1" through 390 million... maybe a bar code on our shaved heads so we knew who was who.


Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #71 on: December 15, 2007, 09:42:30 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
Ya know.. maybe you guys are right and we are all the same.

We should all just wear government issue coveralls over our boxers and be called "terry1" through 390 million... maybe a bar code on our shaved heads so we knew who was who.


hahahaha :rofl

Hiya Terry1 !!! :)

Nah... Men and women are not the same. Thank God!!!! ;)

Woooo HOOOO!!!! :D


PS: there are plenty of totally submissive women and women with low self-esteem as well in the world to appease a male who is compelled to dominate her in every aspect of her life. Go thee and avail thyself there of.

Want a lifemate and partner who is self-confident and sees the world as an adventure to explore and enjoy and doesn't need sheparding?

We are also here or on deployment in a war zone and the overwhelming majority of us love males and are submissive in bed because we like it like that.

Edit: Sorry Lazs, I added the PS after your post below so your post is a little out of context as to this now completed post.

Sorry, dear...
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 09:55:05 AM by Tigeress »

Offline lazs2

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #72 on: December 15, 2007, 09:50:52 AM »
No?  so they are feminine when they want to be but they should be men too when they want to be?   They are the same but.. different?    they are the same as men but men are not the same as women?

they can wear mens clothes when they want and womens when they want but men need to wear mens clothes?  They can do mens jobs just as well and are equal but we shouldn't hit em and we should open the door for em and there are things we can't say around em and they are just like us but have a different idea of what sex and emotion are but they are exactly the same except they are really just like us and just like them too.. they are like super beings who can shift back and forth between being a man and being a woman.. men just need to figure out if the woman is a man/woman  today or a woman/man or just a woman or just a man that day or hour right?

It all is so confusing...


Offline Tigeress

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #73 on: December 15, 2007, 10:06:41 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
No?  so they are feminine when they want to be but they should be men too when they want to be?   They are the same but.. different?    they are the same as men but men are not the same as women?

they can wear mens clothes when they want and womens when they want but men need to wear mens clothes?  They can do mens jobs just as well and are equal but we shouldn't hit em and we should open the door for em and there are things we can't say around em and they are just like us but have a different idea of what sex and emotion are but they are exactly the same except they are really just like us and just like them too.. they are like super beings who can shift back and forth between being a man and being a woman.. men just need to figure out if the woman is a man/woman  today or a woman/man or just a woman or just a man that day or hour right?

It all is so confusing...


Says Lazs: It all is so confusing...

Perhaps even more so... I don't wear slacks or pants to work.

I embrace my own gender and don't need men to define it for me.
What the hell do they know about being a woman?

Lazs, I think part of the problem is that many men try to lump us all into one single stereotype model.

We are individual human beings; same for men.

Trying to lump us all into the same pidgon hole will always fail.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 10:12:30 AM by Tigeress »

Offline Irwink!

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Females in combat zones/jobs. Good Idea? Bad idea?
« Reply #74 on: December 15, 2007, 10:07:15 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
No?  so they are feminine when they want to be but they should be men too when they want to be?   They are the same but.. different?    they are the same as men but men are not the same as women?

they can wear mens clothes when they want and womens when they want but men need to wear mens clothes?  They can do mens jobs just as well and are equal but we shouldn't hit em and we should open the door for em and there are things we can't say around em and they are just like us but have a different idea of what sex and emotion are but they are exactly the same except they are really just like us and just like them too.. they are like super beings who can shift back and forth between being a man and being a woman.. men just need to figure out if the woman is a man/woman  today or a woman/man or just a woman or just a man that day or hour right?

It all is so confusing...


Well said - coming from a person that often times disagrees with the content of your posts. I get a little tired of all the "super-being" role changing b.s.