Author Topic: US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships  (Read 5137 times)

Offline Yeager

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #75 on: January 09, 2008, 04:00:29 PM »
Well Aegis system already proved its potential when they shot down that Iranian passenger plane and killed all the passengers and the crew.
That didnt even qualify as a test run in my book.  The ageis system is still waiting for its moment to shine.  Perhaps the monkey man from Iran has something cooking for the great satan :O

Maybe brownshirt got something up his sleeve :lol

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Offline Dowding

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #76 on: January 09, 2008, 04:04:24 PM »
The US Navy played this one out superbly. The Iranian leadership ended up looking rather silly.
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Offline babek-

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #77 on: January 12, 2008, 04:05:33 AM »
According to a german report from yesterday the US-Navy has declared that the video-version of the US-government, showing iranian speedboats threatening US ships with "You will explode" and so on was not what happened some days ago.

The voice was later added in the video.

An analyse of the voice brought meanwhile the result that the sentence with "You will explode soon" which was done in english with heavy accent was not spoken by an iranian but obviously by someone whose mother-language is English. At least they could have used an exile iranian when they add such funny nonsense in their propaganda-clips...

Iran meanwhile also showed a video about the incident, where the iranian soldier first asked in english the US ship´s name and gets the answer that the ship is in international waters and dont has to answer such questions. Then the iranian soldier informed his superiors in Farsi about this and the iranian ships are heading for other ships.

Its interesting that after the CIA report, where the US secret service openly disagreed with Bush´s theory that Iran has a military nuclear program now the US Navy is doing the same and told that the video showing iranian boats threatening via radio calls US ships is wrong.

It seems that more and more officials dont want to play the MDW-propaganda-game Bush once used as an excuse for his attack on Iraq.

Offline Ack-Ack

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #78 on: January 12, 2008, 04:54:05 AM »
Originally posted by babek-
According to a german report from yesterday the US-Navy has declared that the video-version of the US-government, showing iranian speedboats threatening US ships with "You will explode" and so on was not what happened some days ago.

The voice was later added in the video.

An analyse of the voice brought meanwhile the result that the sentence with "You will explode soon" which was done in english with heavy accent was not spoken by an iranian but obviously by someone whose mother-language is English. At least they could have used an exile iranian when they add such funny nonsense in their propaganda-clips...

Iran meanwhile also showed a video about the incident, where the iranian soldier first asked in english the US ship´s name and gets the answer that the ship is in international waters and dont has to answer such questions. Then the iranian soldier informed his superiors in Farsi about this and the iranian ships are heading for other ships.

Its interesting that after the CIA report, where the US secret service openly disagreed with Bush´s theory that Iran has a military nuclear program now the US Navy is doing the same and told that the video showing iranian boats threatening via radio calls US ships is wrong.

It seems that more and more officials dont want to play the MDW-propaganda-game Bush once used as an excuse for his attack on Iraq.

And I'm sure the Iranian news agency and the state-run English-language channel Press TV are models for journalist integrity and wouldn't post any government fed propoganda, especially in a totalitarian theocracy that has 100% control over the media.

The US Navy has never stated that video was of a different incident or that it never happened.  The US Navy has maintained it's a video of the incident that lasted 20 minutes.

From the AP News

In the four-minute, 20-second video released Tuesday, the Iranian boats appeared to ignore repeated warnings from the U.S. ships, including horn blasts and radio transmissions. The video was shot from the bridge of the destroyer USS Hopper.

After spotting the approaching Iranian boats, a Navy crew member on the Hopper says over the radio: "This is coalition warship. I am engaged in transit passage in accordance with international law. Intend no harm."

The audio and video recordings were made separately but were pulled together by the Navy. Often uneven and shaky, the video condenses what Navy officials have said was a confrontation of about 20 minutes.

I think you're mistaking the State Department's statement that they aren't going to file an official complaint as they consider this to be a non-issue.

Yes, a report by the CIA did say that the Iranians had stopped trying to further develop plans to make a nuclear weapon due to the difficulty they were having in procurring nuclear material for the weapons.  

That is one of the reported reasons why they have been trying to build a nuclear power plant that would give them weapons grade plutonium.  There is no refutting that the Bushehr facility will produce weapons grade plutonium, which would then allow the Iranian government to restart their nuclear weapons program once again.

I'm sure you were referring to the CIA as the secret service (i.e. an intelligence service) and not trying to say the US Secret Service disagreed with Bush.  Though, the Secret Service doesn't like the fact that a large amount of counterfit US large bills comes from Iran.  One of the reasons for the major changes to the appearance of US bills is due to countries like Iran and North Korea counterfitting operations.

Maybe it's time we start blowing up those Iranian oil rigs again and sink some of the Iranian naval ships to remind them who's King.

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Offline babek-

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #79 on: January 12, 2008, 05:16:22 AM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
And I'm sure the Iranian news agency and the state-run English-language channel Press TV are models for journalist integrity and wouldn't post any government fed propoganda, especially in a totalitarian theocracy that has 100% control over the media.

The US Navy has never stated that video was of a different incident or that it never happened.  The US Navy has maintained it's a video of the incident that lasted 20 minutes.

From the AP News

I think you're mistaking the State Department's statement that they aren't going to file an official complaint as they consider this to be a non-issue.

Yes, a report by the CIA did say that the Iranians had stopped trying to further develop plans to make a nuclear weapon due to the difficulty they were having in procurring nuclear material for the weapons.  

That is one of the reported reasons why they have been trying to build a nuclear power plant that would give them weapons grade plutonium.  There is no refutting that the Bushehr facility will produce weapons grade plutonium, which would then allow the Iranian government to restart their nuclear weapons program once again.

I'm sure you were referring to the CIA as the secret service (i.e. an intelligence service) and not trying to say the US Secret Service disagreed with Bush.  Though, the Secret Service doesn't like the fact that a large amount of counterfit US large bills comes from Iran.  One of the reasons for the major changes to the appearance of US bills is due to countries like Iran and North Korea counterfitting operations.

Maybe it's time we start blowing up those Iranian oil rigs again and sink some of the Iranian naval ships to remind them who's King.


Meanwhile even the conservative german Focus reports in this (german) article that the radio-threatening shown in the first US video was not from the iranian boats. So Mr. Geoff Morell from the Pentagon.
Also the article mentions another US-official, Mr. Frank Thorp - a spokesman of the US Navy, who said that this was not the radio traffic between the iranian and the US ships but another one recorded between people of any possible nations.

But in the video teh Bush-government showed you saw 5 iranian speedboats, 3 US ships and the radio call of an iranian who threatens the US by his english sentence "You will explode soon...".

Now thats, what I call a manipuilation and propaganda to bring people to a mad point where they whish that a war starts.
Or - like you have mentioned - to attack installations and ships in order to show who is the king in teh region. Maybe that works in some ghettos where the strongest gang leader is the King of the region but at least I would not call this a civilized behavior - especially when innocent people have to die for such demonstrations.

Interesting also the CIA report: It said that Iran has stopped in 2003 its military nuclear program. Thats long before Mr. Ahmadinedjad - a much more radical leader than Mr. Chatami - became president of Iran.

I assume that the CIA send its reports also to the president of the USA.

Nevertheless, Mr. Bush continued to tell the people in many speaches after the date of the CIA report that Iran still has a military nucvlear program and is only few months away from producing nuclear weapons - threatening the whole world, so a Maginot-Line-defense-system has to be built in Poland and so on.

But this is normal for propaganda actions. Bush knows that Iran has no military nuclear program, but he tells his people that Iran is producing nuclear weapons. That causes fear and so it is accepted when Bush starts a new war to show who is the king in region (using your words). The CIA report has maybe stopped this development.

So next was the boat-incident.

This propaganda tricks have been used by every nation throughout history in order to cause fear and then start a war.

Even Hitler started the 2nd World War by "proving" that polnish soldiers have attacked the german news sender in Gleiwitz and used this as an excuse ofr his attack against Poland. Later it was revealed that KZ-prisoners were put into polnish uniforms and then killed and placed in Gleiwitz to "proof" the attack on Germany.

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #80 on: January 12, 2008, 06:42:04 AM »
OK, so here's the status of the story now:

- there was no imminent threat
- no boat "made a run at a US ship" as reported by CBS
- the US crews were not fearful of the boats
- no captain was on the verge of firing at anything
- the radio voice was not Iranian
- earlier Pentagon and news reports seriously distorted what happened

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Offline ASTAC

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #81 on: January 12, 2008, 07:19:13 AM »
Originally posted by Brownshirt
Well Aegis system already proved its potential when they shot down that Iranian passenger plane and killed all the passengers and the crew.

AEGIS worked as designed for this and in fact had the system been in full auto, it would not have taken the shot. It was mistakes of an extemely overzealous gloryhound Captain and a poorly trained CIC team that got the ID's screwed up and caused that disaster.
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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #82 on: January 12, 2008, 07:19:23 AM »
o chit!!!!!!!!! Dont tell them that was me squeakin ur gonna blow up in a minute!!!!!!:O :O :O :O :confused: :confused: :confused:
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Offline AKIron

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #83 on: January 12, 2008, 07:49:58 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding
The US Navy played this one out superbly. The Iranian leadership ended up looking rather silly.

Silly perhaps but if you consider that their foolishness may yet provoke a war, which Amadmanjihad seems to want, stupid may be a better word.
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Offline SaburoS

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #84 on: January 12, 2008, 09:13:02 PM »
Originally posted by babek-
According to a german report from yesterday the US-Navy has declared that the video-version of the US-government, showing iranian speedboats threatening US ships with "You will explode" and so on was not what happened some days ago.

The voice was later added in the video.

An analyse of the voice brought meanwhile the result that the sentence with "You will explode soon" which was done in english with heavy accent was not spoken by an iranian but obviously by someone whose mother-language is English. At least they could have used an exile iranian when they add such funny nonsense in their propaganda-clips...

Iran meanwhile also showed a video about the incident, where the iranian soldier first asked in english the US ship´s name and gets the answer that the ship is in international waters and dont has to answer such questions. Then the iranian soldier informed his superiors in Farsi about this and the iranian ships are heading for other ships.

Its interesting that after the CIA report, where the US secret service openly disagreed with Bush´s theory that Iran has a military nuclear program now the US Navy is doing the same and told that the video showing iranian boats threatening via radio calls US ships is wrong.

It seems that more and more officials dont want to play the MDW-propaganda-game Bush once used as an excuse for his attack on Iraq.

This does seem to be a propaganda piece.
I agree that the voice on the tape does not have a Farci accent. No wind noise either from their end. Remember that the small boats are going full speed and there is no cabin for the crew to be able to talk or hear clearly. Notice the voice is not yelling. After he says "I am coming for you."(seemingly calmly BTW) Why is our operator still requesting for them to establish communications?

We've made our intentions known and all we need is an excuse for escalation. Doesn't make sense for them to act and make threats against a superior and aggressive force.

They know our history. We don't need a reason, but a will to attack. We're chomping at the bit.
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Offline LePaul

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #85 on: January 12, 2008, 10:18:30 PM »
Originally posted by SaburoS
This does seem to be a propaganda piece.


They know our history. We don't need a reason, but a will to attack. We're chomping at the bit.

I think your tinfoil hat is on a wee tight.

Offline Rolex

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #86 on: January 12, 2008, 10:29:01 PM »
The US sunk Iranian vessels in the 80s without any provocation. It was just to support Hussein and Iraq. They lured them into international waters then sunk several ships & boats in one day. Do you remember that?

Offline SaburoS

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #87 on: January 13, 2008, 12:21:47 AM »
Originally posted by LePaul
I think your tinfoil hat is on a wee tight.

Typical 'response' coming from the likes of you. Why am I not surprised?
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline LePaul

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #88 on: January 13, 2008, 12:26:09 AM »
Originally posted by SaburoS
Typical 'response' coming from the likes of you. Why am I not surprised?

Oh, so now we generalize!  So what are my "likes" ?  While you leap off the edge to find fault with the Navy, I've just been following the news stories like most people.  

You strike me as one who loves a conspiracy theory.  But, I could be wrong.

Offline Slash27

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US Navy nearly fires on Iranian Ships
« Reply #89 on: January 13, 2008, 12:49:59 AM »
Originally posted by babek-
An analyse of the voice brought meanwhile the result that the sentence with "You will explode soon" which was done in english with heavy accent was not spoken by an iranian but obviously by someone whose mother-language is English.  

The latest GLG-20 voice modulator analysis has determined that the voice on the tape is this man from Florida.