Interesting discussion.
I have taken the opinion that any con coming at me is gonna shoot in the MA. I agree that 95% of the time it happens. I don't really blame folks. After all, the name of the game is to shoot down the bad guy, and if you're in his gunsight why not shoot?
But, there's a segment, at least it sure sounds like there's a segment on the boards here, that want to fight more than rack up kills. What I'm trying to do is advertise to that guy that, 'Hey, I'm not gonna HO you, look, I'm giving a few degrees offset so you can see I'm not gonna do it.' If you've seen someone nose on, and then maneuver intentionally to avoid a collision/HO, then you know the move I'm talking about.
What I can't decide is:
a. The opponent recognizes what I'm doing- our planes are pretty small 1.0k out.
b. The opponent cares what I'm doing- by maneuvering off-nose, I've given what could be stretched to a 'front-quarter shot'. I put this in quotes because this is a very, very front quarter shot. By definition, though, if I take my nose off of you we are not head on. The difference is truly trivial though because the opponent should understand that I'm not going HO intentionally, right?
I don't HO for the most part for two reasons- because most of the time I enjoy dogfighting and I really, really suck at HO shots. I lose them all the time.
Some players I really like told me straight up they'll shoot anyone in their gunsight HO or not. So, I'm not going to try to judge the ethics of the shot.
WRT the AvA last night, I got HO'd by a sampler platter of everything, including F4F's and SBDs, in fact, on one flight I merged with an F4f who HO'd me, I kept going straight and an SBD HO'd me before I'd even turned. I understand what you mean about the .303's though. That would make sense because it really was excessive last night IMO.
This whole offset on the merge move is risky. I had a Hurri 2c take my wing off at 400 yards in mid-war the other night. We had both offset and then it seemed like he kicked the rudder just as we passed and hit my wing. I never had a chance. It does give the opponent an advantage.
I don't really understand how someone HO'ing you necessarily puts them in a bad position. I can't picture a scenario where, if his nose is on you but yours isn't on him, you can have angles on him. I'm not the best dogfighter here, but it seems like anything other than a whisker's width merge gives angles to someone.
I'll take you up on the offer Dedalos, maybe you can explain it to me.