Author Topic: "Gaming" the Game?  (Read 2852 times)

Offline rodak

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"Gaming" the Game?
« Reply #60 on: January 26, 2008, 11:23:34 AM »
this first paragraph also described dive bombing with a b-24.... who knew huh?

Offline WWhiskey

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"Gaming" the Game?
« Reply #61 on: January 27, 2008, 10:22:09 AM »
my spot worked again last night, right up till i was the last one on base and had to go defend the maproom from about 10 goons, thing is i know i was seen by most of the enemy cons and was shot up pretty badly but survived until i moved, then widewing got me for the second time last night!
Flying since tour 71.

Offline RTSigma

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"Gaming" the Game?
« Reply #62 on: January 28, 2008, 08:33:43 AM »
Problem with "gaming the game" is that it is just that, a game. The dweebery that goes on, most of it can be avoided by your own actions, such as the HO or the dive-bombing LANCs. A dive-bombing LANC is going in there knowing, expecting that they will be killed and if not, they'll bail. The first problem was letting the LANC get to the base in the first place. How to stop it? Maybe more detailed radar, such as when an aircraft is picked up, its altitude is listed. I'm sure a lot have been let down seeing a dot on the radar and head to it, only to notice its still 10k above you.  But I digress from the argument of the LANC, the bail, the loss of the aircraft is represented on their account. That is their shame.

The detail sliders. This is primarily a coding issue, but generally some pilots do have PC's that need those details lowered. They could argue that those who spend the money for a hot-rod PC can fly in perfect frame rates with high detail and see everything perfectly while they're struggling at low detail and getting choppiness. The other issues are I'm sure noticed and being taken care of, but who knows what changes will cause.

Dweebery exists in ALL games, from Operation Flashpoint to Call of Duty 4 to Company of Heroes to even Forza Motorsport. The best that can be done is to ADAPT. It stinks, I know, to ditch the immersion or the experience to take down a dweeber, but if you can't beat them, then they'll beat you.

In short, do what is necessary and possible to take them down, there are ways to stop them while they're dweebing it up.