Just about every late war monster there was is already represented in some fashion.
Any plane added from this point forward will be a "hanger queen" vs. the better known P-51s, Spitfires, etc. This doesn't make any of the requested rides "less worthy" than what we already have IMO.
When you consider we have 94 total rides to choose from (excluding the chute

), and the fact the most used airplane (in May it was the Spixteen) has only 5.1% of "total use" (and how many complaints do you see that it is "overused"?), then I am curious what level of "use" would be worthy of inclusion in your opinion? In other words, if everyone says they want plane X, what level of use would plane X need to have for it to have been "worth it" and not a waste of time?
I do agree with your point that there are many planes in the existing set in need of update, but I disagree that updating the "eye candy" is more important than new airframes. But priorities are always matters of opinion, and obviously ours will continue to differ.
Regarding all the chute kills, it would be nice if the proxy kill you get after bailing was counted toward the plane you were just in rather than "chute", but one could just as easily assume they will be distributed roughly equal to overall "usage" and therefore the numbers wouldn't move.