Originally posted by Trell
isn't this the same way Mitt Romney wants to pay for health care?, or is his way a little more pro business? He just want to start out by fining people that dont have it..
Democrats take the money for services
Republicans force people to pay big businesses for those services...
Difference, The big businesses get rich.
Itgs a little deeper then that difference.
Lets look at Hillarys plan for example.
Now lets call it what it really is.
Its another form of social security tax.
really I shouldnt even need to say anymore then that.
Would have worked great if both parties left it alone to do and be there for what it was intended for.
Problem is. they dont.
What happened with social security? Soon as it showed a surplus. the government started borrowing from it.
Problem is. They never bother to pay it bac.
End result, a Social security shortfall. Now there isnt enough money in it to provide for those that put it there.
True Big businesses get rich. thats what businesses large or small are in business for.
Im not in business to loose money or break even.
equally true is with most government social programs. the money gets mismanaged.
And instead of big business getting rich. Its the local polititions and their cronies who get rich instead.
Just look at the New Orleans levi situation.
Millions put in to fix the levis. Most of it went not to fix the levies but into the local polititions pockets.
Either way. we loose