Originally posted by rpm
I'm sorry, could someone remind me how much money we had when Bush came into office and how much we have now? While you're at it please explain how it's the Democrats fault we're broke?
I have'nt read any good fiction in a while. This could be interesting.
No but I could remind you that we were already in a recession that started while the Democrats were still in office.
And that the surplus was only a projected surplus.
Im not broke. im not rolling in dough. but Im not broke either.
actually Im duing better now then I did during the Clinton reign.
But not nearly as well as I did during the Regan reign.
ahhh those were the days.
I was able to walk into almost any store. Point at an item and say "mine" and pay cash money for it.
I used to actually pay to have my laundry done. Im not talking having suits dry cleaned. I dont and wont wear a suit.
Im talking everyday jeans T-shirts and underware.
Used to get them washed and folded for $25 a week.
Yup was great while it lasted.
but then the thing happened to the economy that always happens reguardless of the political party in power after a great rise in the economy.
It deflated.
Late 80s Started a stint lasting 10 years in a "job" I loathed
Durng the runaway economy of the mid to late 90s I did ok
but nowhere near what it was for me in the 80's. But Managed to take advantage of the poor economy in the early 90s to buy our house
Late 90s went back into my own business
a good first 1/2 year in business
But things started to go downhill during Clintons last year and a half. and you could almost feel disaster was on the horizon even though the markets didnt show it yet.
Managed to stay afloat in it. and aside from a couple of rough winters during the 2000's I've done pretty good