Author Topic: New toys!!! But......  (Read 9715 times)

Offline hitech

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« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2008, 09:39:59 AM »
I think it is time to make football fields bigger longer and wider, also I think all football fields should be at 12,000 feet, this would add a lot more training strategy to the old stale game. The rules of football have become very stale.


Offline FrodeMk3

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« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2008, 09:44:49 AM »
Originally posted by Shuffler
Game play is great.. nothing stale about it. Great furballs most any night can be found. For those that like to drop a quarter in a game for instant gratification it may not suffice or for those that want to captain a ship or drive a gv. But this is Aces High...... and the planes are great.

I was about to say, "To each his own", because that is what this post, and the one below,

Ridley does bring up a valid point. The game play is stale. Really stale. Aces High has been reduced to quake with wings. You don't even have to know how to take off and land anymore. You log in, look for the group of green squares tangling with the red squares, spawn at the nearest field, auto take off, auto climb and your off.

Then you spend the next few minutes in the middle of furball latched on to the tail of an La-7 that is already being chased by 12 other players, in hopes of scoring that lucky shot and getting the credit for the kill..more times than not you end up with a assist. You head back to base, crash land, spawn again and repeat.

The game play is stale. The higher fuel burn started this trend. Followed by the ability to pork a bases fuel down to 25% being changed to only being able to take a base down to 75%. Finally there was the change that you could switch sides instantly now, rather than staying loyal to one country.

Strat targets are pointless to hit now, as they have very little effect on a countries fuel, ammo and town supply. HQ raids are few and far between because before when you could take off in a fuel heavy B-17 and fly two hours across the map to hit a target, it is nothing more than a nice wish now. So bombers are mid alt flak wagons or they are used to dive/carpet bomb GVs back to the stone age.

Aces high can add all the eye candy in the world. It might boost subscriber numbers for a month or two, but at the end of the day the game play is still the same as it has been. The old Aces High had something for everyone, the new Aces High is more like an FPS, hence the influx of kiddies lately.

Aces High has not been like it was in a long time. How often do you log in and see 600-700 people logged in? Now you have two MA servers with maybe 200 in each. That is a long shot from what it use to be with one big server. I have some theories as to why we have multiple smaller servers instead of one big server, however to express those theories would be silly, since it would draw out the fanboys who think that Hitech Creations could never do them wrong.

Ridley1, you pay your 15 bucks a month, if you feel like venting or expressing your displeasure with how this game is being currently manages, I feel it is your right to do so. There are many like you, who agree fully with what you have said.

Illustrate. Some people don't give a Rat's bellybutton if fields' are captured, the war is one, or not. They just wanna sling tracers, to best someone else's skill with their own.

However, a lot of people look at the strat game as a test of their intelect. Taking key fields' in the same way that chessplayers' use pawns' and other peices to put the opposing king in checkmate.

Now, with this said, what comes' next may be a suprise for some of you.

There is nothing that HTC can do to fix the gameplay.

Because he can't recode the player base's mentality.

We are the one's who ruin gameplay. We are the source of the problem.

This thread illustrates the growing fracture in the community. It's only getting worse.

Maybe HTC can come up with a completely different Strat/war system. Although I feel that even if he does, The player base will shortly find a way to exploit or work-around it. They seem to have a knack for it.

It would be better, though, if the player base were to try to work together.

But when that happens, I'm sure we'll see flying sheep.

Offline Hap

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« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2008, 10:09:27 AM »
Originally posted by BBBB
Ridley does bring up a valid point. The game play is stale. Really stale. Aces High has been reduced to quake with wings. You don't even have to know how to take off and land anymore. You log in, look for the group of green squares tangling with the red squares, spawn at the nearest field, auto take off, auto climb and your off.

 Then you spend the next few minutes in the middle of furball latched on to the tail of an La-7 that is already being chased by 12 other players, in hopes of scoring that lucky shot and getting the credit for the kill..more times than not you end up with a assist. You head back to base, crash land, spawn again and repeat.

 The game play is stale. The higher fuel burn started this trend. Followed by the ability to pork a bases fuel down to 25% being changed to only being able to take a base down to 75%. Finally there was the change that you could switch sides instantly now, rather than staying loyal to one country.

 Strat targets are pointless to hit now, as they have very little effect on a countries fuel, ammo and town supply. HQ raids are few and far between because before when you could take off in a fuel heavy B-17 and fly two hours across the map to hit a target, it is nothing more than a nice wish now. So bombers are mid alt flak wagons or they are used to dive/carpet bomb GVs back to the stone age.

 Aces high can add all the eye candy in the world. It might boost subscriber numbers for a month or two, but at the end of the day the game play is still the same as it has been. The old Aces High had something for everyone, the new Aces High is more like an FPS, hence the influx of kiddies lately.

There's so much with which I agree here.  I spoke to Skuzzy on the phone a month or two ago.  I asked him if porking a country's strat infrastructure produces a proportional result at the base level.  He said it does.  I don't see it.  Does anyone see the affects at the base level?

But in all fairness, despite Allied bombing, Germany produced still more war machines at the end of the at then they did at the beginning.

HTC changing the field fuel porking maximum to 75% allows the fur to fly constantly at the front line.  If someone wants that for their $15, I'm not against it.  The ability to change countries (every hour is it?) without a 24 limit, produces something.  I don't know what to call it.  It's tough to measure the results.  At least it is for me.  To say, this causes that to happen.  Maybe it's because my favorite part of the game has been minimized by increasing airfield barracks, no fuel porking (an N model jug can fly how long on 75% gas?), and increasing the number of Vhangars to 3 from 1 on Vbases.

I've flow much less over the past several years.  

I do miss the old game.  The one to which our currently Help Files refer as "Playing the Game."  Up front an center the 1st sentence reads Capturing territory through the use of air, land and sea power is the objective in Aces High II.[/b].  How I wish it were!

Those of us who have been here to see things evolve over years (before Trinity, Pizza Big Isles), followed by the next set of maps by Fester that favored a different sort of gameplay, through the change in base strat (fuel and barracks), and Vbase changes I don't think form a consensus of opinion.  Some dig it.  Some do not.  Given the little expense AH requires, and the ease of getting started, Quake with Wings[/b] does not hit too wide of the mark comparing the state of affairs today with lets say Pizza.

If internals of the game presets things towards fur, then the map, strat, buffs, vbases, any and all of that simply do not matter.  Eye candy.  Nice to look at.  Bang bang, We're dead or not and taking off or landing/rearming again.  Were HTC to revise the "Playing the Game" portion of AH's Help File, and were they to write Shooting down enemy planes is the objective in Aces High II.[/b] I would say that statement describes the game I played yesterday.

In all fairness, I think what we have today makes more money for HTC than what we had formerly.  Mom and Dad will part with $15 for Junior to occupy himself for hours.  Babysitter in a box.  The under 35 or 40 year old crowd dig it enough too.  Especially those in their 20's to mid-30's who get a thrill out of not only besting another guy in a plane but besting him verbally on 200 or on the BBS.  

AH is the #1 online WW2 flight simulator, is it not?  AH as it stands today bested the competition.  One could say It's what people want[/i].  

Is it the best it could be?  Depends on what constitute best.  Most money for HTC?  Most fun for a 15 year old?  Most fun for guys who want to become a very good online fighter pilot?  I'd say, it's just about as good as it can be in answer to those 3 questions.

The part missing existed somewhat in AH's older setup.  A game tilted towards group versus individual achievements that is still reflected in the 1st sentence of "Playing the Game."

What strikes me as very odd is the presence of the vaunted Horde[/b].  I'm referring to whatever it was that constituted "unhealthy gameplay" which drove the need for the changes in the first place.  Over the past week, I flew in a few missions where a base or two was taken by overwhelming force.  Was boring as watching paint dry.  I thought the changes made that sort of thing more difficult to achieve.  Break up big squads, add ack, and protect a base's fuel.  

The capture aspect of the game is ill.  Frankly, if captures were turned off, what would change?

Point and Shoot[/b] laughs at geography.  It's there.  It's pretty.  So what?  I played many hours yesterday.  Was no big deal.  Best part were the people I fly with.  Had a band practice to attend from 6 to 7PM Mountain Time.  Came back.  I had expected to play for a few hours.  Logged off in less then an hour.  Watched a video.  Read a book.  There was nothing going on in the game that needed doing.  Nothing that piqued my imagination and got my mind working along the lines of Now how can we achieve goal XY or Z?.

For virtual pilots to defend something, like a base, it has to be made worth their while.  All the stuff that motivates one in real life doesn't exist in our game.  It's mocked by many on the BBS.  Rightfully so.  Maybe Combat Tour will provide some players like myself with what they find lacking AH as it stands today.  I hope so.  

There's only a few left on the BBS that made up the vocal majority of BBS posters -- unmannerly amplitude won that day -- who lobbied for the changes that we've come to see.  To our joy or dissatisfaction.  

My 1 cent:

Change the "Playing the Game" Help File.  Or, change the game to reflect what it says.  

Create Manufacturing Plants that churn out planes that account for the top few tier # of kills each tour.  

Ditch ENY.  Lose it completely.  The Manufacturing Centers, their protection and lure of gains by destroying them would match WW2 goals and objectives and would allow for the same results as our handicapping system of ENY.  

Reinstall 1 country change every 24 hours.

Offline ridley1

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« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2008, 10:43:17 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
I think it is time to make football fields bigger longer and wider, also I think all football fields should be at 12,000 feet, this would add a lot more training strategy to the old stale game. The rules of football have become very stale.


Don't you see? Part of what makes this game great is the interaction that exists between the consumer and supplier. Would Bill Gates answer into this discussion? Hell no...or we wouldn't have Vista. There is a community here that wants this game to stay strong but also grow and improve.

Mr. Hitech, by the tone of your reply, it appears that I may have offended you. If I have I offer my deepest apologies. But at the same time, I'm not suggesting that the basis of the game be changed, but I am attempting to elicit ideas from this community as to where the game can go.  As I said before, the introduction of large amounts of field ack and town ack significantly changed how the game was played. The football field was the same size. Just bigger linebackers. Then we all adjusted.

What's the next little tweak that can be put in to make us all have to adjust?

Offline Flayed1

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« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2008, 10:49:31 AM »
Game play is stale but even so I still paied up for another year because I still love the game...  BUT

   The strat is messed up.  Ok let me see...  On the fuel porking issue what I feel happened was HTC went from one extream to the other.. First the fuel would get porked so bad that many would whine about it and now it doesn't matter if you pork it or not because only drop tankes are disabled..   Seems like it should have been set to a middle ground of 50% so we would have half a tank, still enough to defend bases and on many rides enough to get to an NME front line base for a quick fight or pork run as long as ya watch your fuel a bit more closely.

  HQ, same issue.   Used to have multipul levels of porking but unless it was killed all the way it could not be fixed and you get whines and I can understand this.. No country should have their dar porked for half or sometimes all day.  

  Again though HTC went to the other extream.. Now you can't even hurt HQ unless you bring enough to take it all the way down. This makes it hard to even get enough guys in a mission to fly that far for the chance to pork it.  On top of that if you manage to get the dar down then the NME country just drops a few goon loads of sups on it and has dar back up befor the bombers even get out of NME territory. Is that even worth the flight?  No lasting reward in that what so ever...

 This problem also applies to strat factories and cities. I got a friend to go with me on a 20K run in some KI-67's to kill a city and after a couple flights we had it down to 40% I think, and befor we could even land it was back to 100%    On another ocation Thndregg and I made a 25K B-17 run from the west side of baltic map to the east to pork the city and troop factory, we hit them and made a good dent, got chased by a couple guys but befor we were half way back all the damage we had done and that took so long to do was back to 100%...

  Other wise I think how strat factories and cities work is ok, just no reason to hit em if the damage you took so long to deal is not lasting damage...  

  PROBLEM: Strat factories, Cities and HQ are not important to many because they have so little affect especially when they can be resuped in so short a time unless the NME has a field next door to the factory, city or HQ to keep it porked.

 SOLUTION: Stat objects need to be made more meaningfull to the country they belong to. Make them matter enough that there is actually some fear if they get bombed, just as there is some fear when people see several flights of bombers going over a base and knowing that your FH's and VH are going to die and make it that much harder to defend your base. Of course this might be more of an Aww crap type feeling than actuall fear but you get the idea :)

   One way I see to acomplish this is Factories and HQ need to be non resupliable by players. If your country doesn't defend them you lose them for the set time that the game will take to fix the damage. Just like hangers..
  Same with HQ, bring back the multipul levels of dar damage and make the damage last how ever long the trains take to fix the damage.  

  Bases should remain as they are other than if it were me fuel should be porkable to 50% to make the fuel factory actually have some type of effect, as it stands now that particular factory is nothing more than a place for people to work on score...

 Only other issue is porking fields... To make the factory damage mean someting the fields must be porked but this is a player side issue and nothing that HTC should really have to worry about other than making sure that the strat rules are up to date and available to players so they know what to hit to accomplish what ever the goal may be.
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Offline Hap

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« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2008, 10:55:48 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
I think it is time to make football fields bigger longer and wider, also I think all football fields should be at 12,000 feet, this would add a lot more training strategy to the old stale game. The rules of football have become very stale.


Baseball would be a better analogy.  Juiced ball and lower pitcher's mound.  

Football though may not be quite wide of the mark come to think about it.  What constitutes a penalty has changed over my lifetime.

Offline Flayed1

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« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2008, 11:08:27 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
I think it is time to make football fields bigger longer and wider, also I think all football fields should be at 12,000 feet, this would add a lot more training strategy to the old stale game. The rules of football have become very stale.


  HiTech I usually don't have any problems with posts you make but I do find this one a bit disturbing and a bit abrasive to someone that I really believe has a good point and was trying to make a constructive thread..

   There really are a few strat problems that need some attention and have needed it for a while and from what your post seems to imply is that you took the origianal post as an attack on you or this game that many of us love.. When in reality we are just trying to discuss ideas that we hope would help improve some aspects of game play. weather or not these ideas can be used or implemented is totally up to you and your crew but please you don't need to come off so sarcastic.  I'm sorry to say that it was a bit sad to see that post. :(
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Offline BlauK

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« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2008, 11:12:22 AM »
Sarcasm is overrated.

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline ridley1

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« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2008, 11:16:32 AM »
and doesn't come through well in text messaging....

I appreciate your comments Flayed.  I do want this to be constructive.

Offline SunKing

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« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2008, 11:42:39 AM »
Originally posted by Flayed1
HiTech I usually don't have any problems with posts you make but I do find this one a bit disturbing and a bit abrasive to someone that I really believe has a good point and was trying to make a constructive thread..


Gotta agree. I felt 4B's had some valid points. Constructive criticism is good thing at this stage.

Offline hitech

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« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2008, 12:18:37 PM »
The point of my post was about some one trying to state the game play has become stale because they have played it so long.  And they believe that by changing the strategic system of game play, they will once again have fun.

This is a false assumption. And has nothing to do with suggestions on how to improve things.

ridley1: I saw nothing bad in your post at all.


Offline FrodeMk3

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« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2008, 12:21:53 PM »
You know, one thing that might be relevant here...And might open quite a few old wounds, I know...

There was once a time I enjoyed the strat part of the game, because it made all kinds' of different fights' possible. However...Not anymore.

Now it only seems' like you have fewer, more limited choices. I do enjoy the fact that we are getting new stuff, however...Fighting for an objective, an achievement, was much better than just looking for a furball. Hell, some of the best fights are 1vs. 1.

Offline ridley1

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« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2008, 01:01:10 PM »
The arena split (I beleive) was a technical issue and I don't think part of the discussion I wanted to bring up.

Hitech, I'm glad that there was nothing wrong with my post. No offence intended, none taken.

Old subscribers have, and new subscribers bring in their style of game play and there's no way that one can tell them how to spend their $15. We're gonna have HO's and Hoards...that's really not going to change. It's useless to beat the dead horse of how johnny should fly his LaLa. (apologies to La fans)

I'm not sure if we're talking about changing the overall strategic system of the game play, but I believe that we are looking at altering variables within the present system.
Several posts in this thread have addressed the effect (or lack of ) strat targets in the game. Maybe that could be looked at. Maybe not today, or in the next two weeks (there's that term), but 6 mth down the road.

But one hope I have is that someone out there pops up with a "simple" idea that stirs things up, adds a new dimension,produces a new challange, within the present system..As I said earlier, the huge increase in ack at fields and towns changed the game; didn't change the system, but changed the methods we had to use. It was refreshing.

At least we know you're reading.  Maybe we can come up with something.

Offline Clifra Jones

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« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2008, 01:36:22 PM »
My opinion is not so much change the strat system but maybe the maps built around it.

Small maps all have one zone per side. you can pork the strat but you can't pork all fields and really make this effecting.

Large maps may have more than one zone but really don't have that many. 2-3,3-4, I'm not sure.

Why not have more zones. Each zone supplies say 9-12 bases. If you have a small map with 128 bases a side that woulld be around 10 zones. Each zone has a city and each supporting factory.

IMO and it's just MO this would allow players to focus on a particular area of the map. Drop the strat and then focus on the bases.

From a defensive standpoint if you see the other side focusing on a particular zone you know the bases they are trying to capture. It gives you patrol area to better defend.

I tnink (again just MO) that this would focus combat in a smaller area. It could be done without any recoading of the game or arena settings it would just mean resetting up some of the maps by adding in more cities and factories and re-zoning bases.

Lastly, the reason folks don't attack strat is there is no "instant gratification" like there is droping VHs and FHs. Plus I agree that there is a general lack of understanding on how the system works.

Offline zoozoo

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« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2008, 02:00:47 PM »
We need Croduhs map in MA.

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