You're kidding me, right Ded?
Check my scores in the AvA. Ok, I know you're not going to do that so I'll save you the trouble and make my point. My K/D in AvA is about 0.3. Heck maybe less. Part of that is because most of the folks in the AvA are better than me. Most of that is that I will engage in any fight in there regardless of advantage or disadvantage.
As many times as you and I have fought against each other, and together, in the AvA, I'm surprised you would say something like that. How many times have I fought you in there, in any plane, without regard to advantage?
Anyway, that's besides the point.
MY point is this: if I want to fight one v one, it's not that hard to do. When there were 5 guys on (the 'old' days) it was very easy to find a 1v1 or 2v2 and to stay out of another guy's good fight.
With 40 guys on, it's much harder to wander into the horde and figure out who's having a 'good fight' or furballing or whether that 109 I just merged with was my first merge or second merge, or whether that shot against the maneuvering con is a HO or a front quarter shot while I'm avoiding the two guys on my 6.
I logged on, saw where the 'war' was going on, and lifted at the bottom of the map where nobody was. Tooled over to an enemy base and hung out at 9k figuring sooner or later someone would come over to fight.
Last night I flew an F4U over to where a few dots were and had a good fight with Storch. It wasn't that hard to do. Heck he even told me what color plane he had so I could find him in the mix.
If you want the 'old' AvA then having gentlemen's fights is fine. If you're going to have a 'war' AvA then I say to hell with the rules and bring it on.
I don't think a gentlemen's rule set and the 'war' setup are compatible with each other.