Author Topic: birds eye view of a field  (Read 2438 times)

Offline chrish483

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Re: birds eye view of a field
« Reply #60 on: March 07, 2008, 11:44:19 PM »
thank you to all that made a positive comment. and to smokey :aok
the bad comments dont bother me as i expect a few to show up in any post but i would not have guessed any would show up on this.   If i had thought that this tip had any real tactful advantage over other players i probly would have kept it to myself.    as of lately ive heard more people call out on the radio from the tower asking what was going on on the field and this is a fast way to make an assesment of whats going on and thats the main thing i use it for. 

just because you do this and see a tank shooting at a hanger so you jump into a tank and head out to find the  hanger blazing and then next to find yourself in the tower thinking   WOW that was a real good avantage there,  he moved or waited for me to show up.  you might get the advantage but its a 50/50 deal and you get 50 kills a night byt hopping around finding a tank hiding in the bush,  find a few one night and then none the next or a few nights,  all last week i might have gotten 5 kills by spotting a eny tank or what ever first.

i had to bump this post up and speak out as i didnt know there was so many bad comments i assume as there not there anymore.

anyway my name nickname is chris_h,    i had never thought my nick would be pronounced as it is when i first signed up,  tho i never thought id be a long time paying member either after the free 2 weeks, thought about changing my name but its kinda stuck to some so maby ill keep it as is.
