Author Topic: vanscrews real fighting style  (Read 3160 times)

Offline Hoagi

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #75 on: March 17, 2008, 08:45:49 AM »
I feel so honored to be mentioned in your post BIPOLAR.  It so mature to post a movie of you chasing someone then complaining about it.  We all play the game as we see fit, too bad it doesnt sometimes fit in your little 'bubble' of how it should be played.  I find it quite amusing when some one PM's me and lets me know he is chasing me (like I cant tell)

All through the course of air combat, pilots who do not have the obvious advantage, out of ammo, or god forbid, low on fuel,  they tend to turn tail and run then come back and fight another day. 

I for one, could turn and fight, and probably get shot down, who cares.  I have never said nor boasted that I am the greatest AH2 gamer. Point being, I am not going to give you blow hard, run away at the mouths, complaing cry babies (you too Elfie), an easy kill.  I'd rather see you chase me through ack and die (Elfie again).  Which brings another point.  Why didnt you follow me in the ack Bipolar?

In conclusion, I will continue to play as I wish, run when I wish, pick you tards when I can, and still laugh at you guys running away at your mouths.  Its all part of the fun.  Remember Pal-?  Freaking classic times.

Thanks again for the honor.


Offline DrDea

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #76 on: March 17, 2008, 08:53:31 AM »
Let it be known that I picked my screen name because "boom and zoom" was a phrase that kept coming up when I was reading about the exploits of American fighter pilots, back in the days before we Walter Mitty types had online flight sims to feed our fantasies.

Until I had played AH awhile, I thought BnZ meant "using an airspeed advantage and vertical maneuvering to fight against better turning planes".

Apparently to some, both those who boom and zoom and those who complain about boom and zoom,  the phrase means "make one pass at 500mph and then dissapear, never, ever to be seen again."

 I honestly like 190s, since before I played flight sims. For someone of my raising,the FW190 is the ultimate "sinister" tool if you wish to play at being the villian, if Snidely Whiplash's mustache were an airplane, it would be a black Dora :-). (I also like Jugs, but since 3/4s of the airplanes you meet will be Allied, flying
 Luftwaffe is more historically satisfying during a Walter Mitty moment. Shooting a Spit with a 190 just feels better than shooting it with a Thunderbolt. I squint my eyes and pretend the niks are spits...)

 Also, I honestly like flying to kill AND survive. To me, going into a chaotic furball and inevitably dying is pointless, even if you get several kills in the process. Take away a real pilots desire to live another day, and it is just plane Quake. (Why NOT ho if you don't care about living?) People speak of "score whoring", but score is not calculated by kill/loss ratio alone. Mathematically and practically, it actually improves your overall score to get up, get to the nearest fight as quickly as possible, kill some as quickly as you can (which usually means a good turning cannon bird), and if you get killed, then that just saves you time spent in RTB. Do this often enough to have kill numbers in the mid-three digits and you're golden.

Call me perverse, but believe it or not, I'd rather get one single, solitary, lonesome kill, get clean away with the dirty deed and land, than get shot down with ANY number of kills. Blame it on reading Kylander's book or something, I dunno.

Some act like that flying a fast plane and using tactics suited to such planes is an act of malice or cowardice. I think it is a reasonable response to the actual conditions in the MA.

Got some good sticks in my squad. Lambo, 2cmex, Creton. Have gone round and round with them in the DA, it is fun, have gotten pretty decent at it. Also found that what you learn there, you rarely get to apply in the MA

Some representative sorties:

Up a Spit. Find a furball, red and green fill the sky. See another spit heading towards me. Unload and dive under him, listen to the crack of guns during the merge. Pull my Immelman and get on his six easily he flat turns, cut my throttle and "saddle". Oh crap, there is another spit diving on me. Turn into him, get on him, oh crap, first spit or maybe another spit, I don't know, is coming. Start barrel rolling for my life, even get he flaps down, oh good, I've pushed him out in front. Oh crap!, there is a CHog on my six, and my E is low low. He is not BnZing (I wish!), he is slow and has flaps out, commited to killing me (Even though the sky is filled with green as well as red.) I die as he belch dozens of 20mms at me. CHog pilot almost certainly gets shot down pretty soon himself...he is too low and slow and there are just too many green planes. Pointless crap.

Lesson: Spits are wonderful in every way except for low top speed. Which in the MA is the same as having a sign around your neck saying "Gang me." That is why, unlike others, I don't consider the Spits/Niks/Hurris/Zekes planes of the dweebish or lame, I consider them the planes of the masochistic.

Another. Up D9, went to 15K. Met another D9 at that alt in transit to the main fight. We have the sky to ourselves, we commit to a turn fight. It is tense for awhile, maybe five minutes. He tries a front quarter snap shot (not a HO) that takes off a flap. But he sacrificed angles to do it and now it is only a matter of tightening the noose. We are turning as tight as possible, I'm creeping closer to a shot. Then BOOM, a P51 appears out of the sky and saws his tail off. Result: I've wasted time, fuel, energy and mental concentration for zip, he has down the same for the reward of being shot down. Pointless crap.

Lesson: Not only is it dangerous to commit to a 1v1 when there is more than 1 red guy around, it can be incredibly frustrating to commit to a fight when there are too many green guys around. You've got assume you will be fighting a red horde for survival 90% of the time, and that often enough, you will be fighting a green horde for kills. In either case, the old "Speed is life" saw turns out to be correct.

I've had hundreds of experiences similar to this in the time I've spent playing AH. Now tell me again why it is wrong to favor fast planes and BNZ tactics...

 Good post.Very nice :aok
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

FSO 334 Flying Eagles. Fencers Heros.

Offline Elfie

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #77 on: March 17, 2008, 09:01:46 AM »
I feel so honored to be mentioned in your post BIPOLAR.  It so mature to post a movie of you chasing someone then complaining about it.  We all play the game as we see fit, too bad it doesnt sometimes fit in your little 'bubble' of how it should be played.  I find it quite amusing when some one PM's me and lets me know he is chasing me (like I cant tell)

All through the course of air combat, pilots who do not have the obvious advantage, out of ammo, or god forbid, low on fuel,  they tend to turn tail and run then come back and fight another day. 

I for one, could turn and fight, and probably get shot down, who cares.  I have never said nor boasted that I am the greatest AH2 gamer. Point being, I am not going to give you blow hard, run away at the mouths, complaing cry babies (you too Elfie), an easy kill.  I'd rather see you chase me through ack and die (Elfie again).  Which brings another point.  Why didnt you follow me in the ack Bipolar?

In conclusion, I will continue to play as I wish, run when I wish, pick you tards when I can, and still laugh at you guys running away at your mouths.  Its all part of the fun.  Remember Pal-?  Freaking classic times.

Thanks again for the honor.


I laugh at your retarded flying in Aces High Hoagi, I laughed at it in AirWarrior too. You've never learned how to fight all these years. The only hard part about killing you is catching you away from the crowd before you make it to acks. See Hoagi, I'm not complaining when you see me on 200.....I'm laughing AT you, I'm pointing out the sillyness in how you fly. You won't even fight one on one unless you have every advantage, and even then you aren't that good at it. Blow your advantage and you run like a scared 8 year old girl.

I was never your friend in AirWarrior and I'm certainly not your friend here in Aces High either. You post crap like this and make snide remarks in game and expect me to be your friend?  :rofl  And you wonder why I don't respond to you in game. Get a clue man.  :rofl
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline DrDea

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #78 on: March 17, 2008, 09:02:08 AM »
Then when he didn't fly the way you told him to you could delete his account.  :devil

  Actually hes right and its his 15 simolians a month. Unfortunatly the MA has turned into more of a "Look at my score" thing more and more over the years. I think BnZ said it best.1 on 1's are rare and some of the best fun this game has to offer to the more "purists" in the game. Even in AvA last night you could barely find a fight.It was land grab.
 I think when they finish up the new Ver,2 weeks from now,your going to see a bunch of the vets flying less in the MA and more in the organized section of the game.
 We shall see......Many more films at 11.
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

FSO 334 Flying Eagles. Fencers Heros.

Offline Hoagi

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #79 on: March 17, 2008, 09:04:36 AM »
Dont care Elfie

Offline Elfie

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #80 on: March 17, 2008, 09:18:36 AM »
Dont care Elfie

Obviously you do, or you wouldn't have bothered to post and mention me twice.  :lol
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Elfie

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #81 on: March 17, 2008, 09:21:36 AM »
  Actually hes right and its his 15 simolians a month. Unfortunatly the MA has turned into more of a "Look at my score" thing more and more over the years. I think BnZ said it best.1 on 1's are rare and some of the best fun this game has to offer to the more "purists" in the game. Even in AvA last night you could barely find a fight.It was land grab.
 I think when they finish up the new Ver,2 weeks from now,your going to see a bunch of the vets flying less in the MA and more in the organized section of the game.
 We shall see......Many more films at 11.

What you quoted was just a joke. I'm surprised that no one *got it*. :D
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Hoagi

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #82 on: March 17, 2008, 09:37:01 AM »
I promise I will try to play 'better' so you will like me.  Hope I can sleep tonight.

Offline Brocster

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #83 on: March 17, 2008, 09:52:40 AM »
No one can dictate how anyone else plays.   It is about fun and how people do that is in the end up to them

Part of the game is perception too.  And much of that stems from how people wish to be viewed by their peers.  Some believe that high rank will earn them that respect, and maybe it does in some folks eyes.  Others will try and get it with their 15 kill 'attaboys'. Some will only fly the best birds and only put themselve in situations that favor them. To many that's a sign of a 'good' pilot.

There are also those, and I suppose we all pass through this in one way shape or form, who believe that their squad  is the best ever and that because of their rank or whatever, that it warrants instant 'respect' from the community.

And there are those who reach the point where they understand in the end it's all about having fun and testing themselves against other cartoon pilots and that since no one dies and planes are free, they might as well wade into the fight.

None is right or wrong.  No one group is going to convince another that their way is best.  And in the end threads like this will continue to show up forever.

I know how I like to play, and I do my best to accept that many play it differently.  I know which guys I believe warrant 'respect' for their 'flying' ability in this game.  I know which guys I believe 'get it' in my eyes. 

That doesn't mean I'm right :)

I just returned to the game after three years away.  I remember being a bit "bemused" at some things when I left....this thread explains it all.  I was figuring out a way to respond nicely and intelligently, then saw this post.

Well said! 

Of course, since you're from Minnesota, it only makes sense (Twin City area here, btw...)   :aok
Dodging the wife ack on my 6 at all times

 - - When my two year old pulls the joystick cable out, can I get my own proxie kill?  - -

Flying as CrzeMonk in the MA

Offline JagdTankker

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #84 on: March 17, 2008, 10:19:11 AM »
   well you go head and fly the way you want, like you said its your $15 dollars, just know vans, i am a red guy to you, even if im green. 


 :rofl :lol :rofl :lol :rofl

<<---chasing the flock of Seagulls-aka JG/11

Offline KooLBreeZ

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #85 on: March 17, 2008, 01:03:09 PM »
 :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry For the love of God the things people whine about!

Offline Lazerr

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #86 on: March 17, 2008, 01:47:14 PM »


Offline Hoagi

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #87 on: March 17, 2008, 01:58:59 PM »

You are so wrong, I am the best.....RUNNER.  Just ask those who take the time to film it.


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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #88 on: March 17, 2008, 05:19:42 PM »
Funny how some in this post talk about people running, I have seen most everyone one of them run before...LOL
I could care less if they run, they probably had a reason, (i.e. fuel, damage, phone call, what ever.)
We all have run before for what ever reason. Who gives a crap, oops some apperantly do...LOL
I am sure many run all the time, but the point is, when you see a guy run you can't say with 100% assurance that you know why he did.
Can't tell ya how many fights I have been in and get a phone call and either have to try and fight 1 handed or just depart the area.
Amazing why so many feel the need to come to the BBS and complain about a guys flying in the game.
To me these post fall under Rule 4, 5, and 9 (think thats the correct #s) and don't understand why HT doesn't enforce the rules evenly.

This thread and several others just like it should have been locked long ago.
These type of threads to me are more about one person not liking another and they want to convince others that they should not like that person either.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 05:25:58 PM by SFCHONDO »
  Retired from AH

Offline Wraith

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Re: vanscrews real fighting style
« Reply #89 on: March 17, 2008, 05:40:41 PM »
Funny how some in this post talk about people running, I have seen most everyone one of them run before...LOL
I could care less if they run, they probably had a reason, (i.e. fuel, damage, phone call, what ever.)
We all have run before for what ever reason. Who gives a crap, oops some apperantly do...LOL
I am sure many run all the time, but the point is, when you see a guy run you can't say with 100% assurance that you know why he did.
Can't tell ya how many fights I have been in and get a phone call and either have to try and fight 1 handed or just depart the area.
Amazing why so many feel the need to come to the BBS and complain about a guys flying in the game.
To me these post fall under Rule 4, 5, and 9 (think thats the correct #s) and don't understand why HT doesn't enforce the rules evenly.

This thread and several others just like it should have been locked long ago.
These type of threads to me are more about one person not liking another and they want to convince others that they should not like that person either.

I <3 Your Avatar.

Btw, on this whole Vanscrew thing, I have one thing to say:

Live and Let Live.

If you think somebody is a ramming dweeb, let them be a ramming dweeb, because there's NOTHING you can do about it.  Not pointing any fingers at anybody,  but just leave each other alone if all you can do is bicker like 7 year olds.

A very annoyed....

"The only two things that fall from the sky is manna from heaven, and your plane."