Author Topic: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible  (Read 1698 times)

Offline SirLoin

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2008, 05:38:23 PM »
Adam - of the garden.  :D

Actually,if you want to know where your ancestors came from going all the way back,you can send $100(and a dna sample) to National Geographic.For this small fee,they will chart your DNA and tell you what region of Africa your ancestors migrated from.

You will also see how much your DNA has in common with other animals(and even plant life)

Further study will reveal that our species was down to only a few thousand(and could have joined the countless other species that became extinct) before the decision was made(because of arid climatic conditions) to move on.

The great news about this is it abolishes the concept of race(and racism) and being 1 race of people subdivided by different ethnic backgrounds(not by race).

A new definition of "Racist" now being:"Someone who believes the Homosapein species is subdivided by different races"

Even if you do believe we decended from Adam & Eve...that misconception too follows the "one race" of people,does it not?
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 05:42:08 PM by SirLoin »

Offline DieAz

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #46 on: March 22, 2008, 07:34:08 PM »
Do you mean the Norman Invasion?
mater toomater tomatoe tommietoe tomato
tater pootater potater potatoe pottietoe potato 
call it what you want.
a rose by any name is still a rose and poop still stinks.

 ;)   :P

Offline CptTrips

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2008, 09:25:10 PM »
Adam - of the garden.  :D

Interesting.  But what I really want to know is who is related to Cain's wife???? 


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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #48 on: March 22, 2008, 09:36:21 PM »
Interesting.  But what I really want to know is who is related to Cain's wife???? 


Actually I phrased that badly.  What I should have said is who was Cain's wife related to.  :huh

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Offline lasersailor184

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #49 on: March 22, 2008, 11:47:40 PM »
My mother's mother traced our roots back to the Magna Charta and some insignificant dukes and princes of Britain.  But they are worthless jerkoffs seeking validation, so it's probably all made up.
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Offline warhed

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #50 on: March 23, 2008, 03:25:32 AM »
ripsnort, i'd have to check, but if you're great great grandmother lived for 122 years, i believe that would qualify for at least a tie in the guiness world records.   if you had documentation, might be something to look into...
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Offline ink

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #51 on: March 26, 2008, 01:06:43 AM »
Actually I phrased that badly.  What I should have said is who was Cain's wife related to.  :huh


 cain went out and got a wife from the other races that where allready here,  adam and eve where the first made in GODS image.

  and yes GOD made those other races also, so we are all chrildren of GOD.
 but, seeings we live in the end of days,  most people do not believe in GOD  and think that science is the way.

Offline uptown

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #52 on: March 26, 2008, 07:21:37 AM »
My wife is kin to Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) on her mothers side. I think it's the coolest thing ever, but her family could care less  :lol go figure. My roots are in and around Yorktown Virginia, so I could only get info from after the Union army burnt Richmond to the ground. But my last name is Crockett, and I'll probably never know if I'm kin to Davy Crockett. :frown:
Lighten up Francis

Offline wooly15

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #53 on: March 26, 2008, 08:33:32 AM »
As far back as I can go is John Wooldridge a Scotsman who came over in the late 1600's as a blacksmith's apprentice and settled in Richmond, VA.  I also have had relatives in every American war since the revolution...I'm like Lt. Dan!

Offline Furball

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #54 on: March 26, 2008, 02:15:32 PM »
mater toomater tomatoe tommietoe tomato
tater pootater potater potatoe pottietoe potato 
call it what you want.
a rose by any name is still a rose and poop still stinks.

 ;)   :P

I was actually being serious and trying to be helpful for a change, thought that might have been why you couldnt find much info on it.  The Norman conquest of Britain was not an invasion of Normandy!
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.

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Offline DieAz

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #55 on: March 26, 2008, 04:14:30 PM »
are you even aware of who Rollo is?
1066 Battle of Hasting was with William the Conqueror.
that was when my ancestors Richard and John went to Britain, in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings.
Rollo's invasion and conquest of France, and giving the part that is now called Normandy (for holdinghisgroin) as a form of danegeld was quite a bit earlier.

on that note. that may be as far back as I can get as far as directly known ancestor.
farther back in time in the Old Norse Land, may have to just settle with knowing the Clan or area they are from. The names given to children during that time are usually to honor someone who recently died. The name may not even be from inside the clan or could be to honor the mother's great grand pappy from an entirely different clan.

the son or dottir was sometimes added to the first name of the father or mother and used for a last name. for example, John the son of Richard. giving the name of John Richardson. or Richard the son of John giving the name Richard Johnson. or in the case of a daughter, Susie the daughter of John giving the name Susie Johndottir. or could use the mother's name, Susan the daughter of Jan giving Susan Jandottir. meaning when speaking about Susan Jandottir, it is understood that to mean Jan's daughter Susan.

check out the Tree for William and Rollo.
be sure to read the part under the title Legacy.
and this might be Rollo's father, no guarantees though.

(ok spent enough time proof reading, fixing errors I've seen. if there are anymore errors of any kind,  I don't care. figure it out yourself.)

Offline Vulcan

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #56 on: March 26, 2008, 04:49:05 PM »
are you even aware of who Rollo is?
1066 Battle of Hasting was with William the Conqueror.
that was when my ancestors Richard and John went to Britain, in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings.
Rollo's invasion and conquest of France, and giving the part that is now called Normandy (for holdinghisgroin) as a form of danegeld was quite a bit earlier.

Cool I can go back a bit further now :)  (I'm a Stuart).

Offline alskahawk

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #57 on: March 26, 2008, 06:07:02 PM »
 I can track mine way back a few hundred years but I can't pronounce most of the names beyond my grandfather. We still have our original family home from 2 or 3 hundred years ago. 

My wife's family came from county Cork in Ireland. They came over in the 1840s. But with a name like Connell they just as well be Smiths.  :D

Offline CptTrips

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #58 on: March 26, 2008, 06:56:48 PM »
cain went out and got a wife from the other races that where allready here,  adam and eve where the first made in GODS image.

Can you quote me the chapter and verse that sepcifies these other races existed?  Another garden next door?
Thats seems like an important fact to leave out.

Or are you inferring?

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Re: A challenge,- track your ancestors as far as possible
« Reply #59 on: March 26, 2008, 06:57:27 PM »
Seems Im decended from one

Neander t.  hal

but that was a long time ago

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