You can always tell the guys who spend time in the DA and/or TA. Even with every advantage on them they somehow find a way to get on your 6. Thats what "learning to dogfight" does for you.
Stephen you think we spend all that money for our jet fighter pilots to Top Gun, and other advanced training, in order to learn how to dogfight, for nothing?
I had my arse handed to me tonight by a guy in a 15 eny Hellcat, I was in a 5 eny LA-7, because he knew how to dogfight better then me. He used the strengths of his aircraft better then I did mine. Even tho I had alt and speed on him he still used his E better then I.
Your new to this game right? Then dont fool yourself. The most dangerous guys in this game are the great dog-fighters. Ive seen em wiggle around with 1/2 dozen cons slicing on them in something ridiculous like an early zero or an FM2. Its like trying to catch a oiled pig.
One reason my scores always suck is I tangle with them no matter what. You aint going to learn nothing by HO'ing once, in your 400 mph LA, and then running.